English Collection


repute and borer

2009年07月28日 | 英語学習
リーダーズダイジェスト5月号に "COMPANIONS HELP EACH OTHER GROW" と題した記事、"Gardeners have been using the principles of companion planting for decades to get the best results from their patch."、の中の "Garlic" についての文に知らない単語が二つもありました。
Garlic - is reputed to repel borers if planted around a tree as well as mites and other sap suckers.
"reputed" と "borers" が意味に自信を持てない単語です。"reputed" は "reputation" の動詞形のように見えますがどうでしょうか?
OneLook Quick Definitions: look on as or consider ("He is reputed to be intelligent")
Dictionary.com: to consider or believe (a person or thing) to be as specified; regard (usually used in the passive): He was reputed to be a millionaire.
やはり "reputation" の動詞形ですね。 こんな事も知らなかったなんてこれでは何時まで経っても英語の初心者ですね。 さて、めげないで "borers" も調べましょう。
"borers" は文脈からすると何かの害虫の一種のようですが虫としては私は全く知らない虫です。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: any of various insects or larvae or mollusks that bore into wood
・Dictionary.com: Zoology.
a. any of several insects that bore into trees, fruits, etc., esp. a beetle that bores into the woody part of plants.
b. any of various mollusks, worms, etc., that bore into wood, stone, coral, or shells.
なるほど、"bore" には穴/穴を開けるの意味があるのですね。 ところで "mollusk " は初めて見る単語ではないのですが忘れたので辞書を見ます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: invertebrate having a soft unsegmented body usually enclosed in a shell
・Evolution Glossary: An invertebrate that has a fleshy, muscular body. The phylum Mollusca includes snails, bivalves, squids, and octopuses.
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