English Collection



2021年01月19日 | 英単語
Yuval Noah Harariの "Homo Deus" を読んでいます。 "The Anthropocene" と題された章からの抜粋です。

Even if we leave aside these future prospects and only look back on the last 70,000 years, it is evident that the Anthropocene has altered the world in unprecedented ways.
Asteroids, plate tectonics and climate change may have impacted organism all over the globe, but their influence differed from one area to another.
In contrast, Sapience broke the barriers that had separated the globe into independant ecological zones.

"Anthropocene" の "Anthropo" は人を意味することは知っていますが、"Anthropocene" ではどんな意味になるのでしょうか?

・Dictionary.com: noting or pertaining to a proposed epoch of the Quarternary Period, occurring in the present time, since mid-20th century, when human activity began to effect significant environmental consequences, specifically on ecosystems and climate.: No discussion about the Anthropocene is complete without examining the role of fossil fuels in changes to our climate and ecosystems.

・Wiktionary: The proposed current geological epoch, in which human activities have a powerful effect on the global environment. The profound impact that the activities of human beings are having on the environment have led to the word Anthropocene being used to describe the current age.

・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: the period of time during which human activities have had an environmental impact on the Earth regarded as constituting a distinct geological age: Most scientists agree that humans have had a hand in warming Earth's climate since the industrial revolution—some even argue that we are living in a new geological epoch, dubbed the Anthropocene.


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