English Collection


make the cut

2023年01月04日 | 英単語
Yuval Noah Harariの "21 Lessons for the 21st Century" を読んでいます。
Lesson 12 (Humility)から引用します。

Israelis often use the term 'the three great religions', thinking that these religions are Christianity (2.3 billion adherents), Islam (1.8 billion) and Jadaism (15 million). Hinduism, with its billon believers, and Buddhism, with its 500 million followers - not to mention the Shinto religion (50 million) and the Sikh religion (25 million) - don't make the cut. This warped concept of 'the three great religions' often implies in the minds of Israelis that all major religions and ethical traditions emerged out of the womb of Judaism, which was the first religion to preach universal ethical rules.

ユダヤ教の信者数はヒンズー教や仏教の信者数より遥に少ないにも関わらずイスラエル人はユダヤ教を三大宗教の一つと考えているのは "don't make the cut" と言っているようですが、この意味を調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: to reach or maintain the required standard: I had to explain to the applicants why they didn't make the cut.
・Collins Dictionary: to better or equal the required score after two rounds in a strokeplay tournament, thus avoiding elimination from the final two rounds: But his round of 65 still only just made the cut at two under par.
・Urban Dictionary: To meet or come up to a required standard (from golf where a player must do equal or better than a certain score to continue):(original meaning) The young player did not make the cut and was unable to join the team that year.

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