English Collection



2021年01月23日 | 英単語
Yuval Noah Harariの "Homo Deus" を読んでいます。
Some believe that if we could only crack the generic code and map every neuron in the brain, we will know all of humanity's secrets. After all, if humans have no soul, and if thoughs, emotions and sensations are just biochemical algorithms, why can't biology account for all the vagaries of human societies? From this perspective, the crusades were territorial disputes shaped by evolutioary pressures, and English knights going to fight Saladin in the Holy Land were not that different from wolves trying to appropriate the territory of a neighbouring pack.

"vagaries" は見覚えがある単語ですが、意味が浮かんできません。辞書を引く前に記録を調べたら、3/3/20114/24/2012にこのブログで取り上げていました。
やはり "the vagaries of the weather" あるいは "the vagaries of the stock market" のフレーズでしっかりと覚えないと駄目ですね。

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