English Collection



2024年05月08日 | 英単語
多和田葉子氏の小説 "Scattered All Over the World" を読んでいます。
Lots of customers who came to Samurai asked me about Buddhism. It seemed as if every Danish woman had a miniature Buddha somewhere at home or in her office, and when they came to the restaurant they'd bend their fingers into complicated shapes and ask me, "What does this mudra mean?" Since many of them practiced zazen, too, sometimes a woman would say, "I can't seem to get my legs into a full lotus position.

"mudra" は文脈からすると、お釈迦さまのポーズを示しているようですが、辞書を見ます。

・Merriam-Webster: one of the symbolic hand gestures used in religious ceremonies and dances of India and in yoga: Sit up straight and put your hands in front of you in a meditation mudra: palms up, left hand on the bottom, right hand on the top with the two thumbs touching.
・Wiktionary: Any of the formal body positions and postures used in yoga and meditation.: For the next few minutes, the audience had sat mesmerized as the sisters performed, fingertips joining and parting in mudras, eyebrows quivering.
・Collins Dictionary: a stylized, symbolic gesture used in dances, rituals, etc. of India; specif., an intricate movement or positioning of the hands or fingers

宗教だけではなくヨガとかインドの舞踊でのポーズについても "mudra" と言われるポーズがあるのですね。

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