English Collection



2018年07月11日 | 英単語
Miyuki MiyabeのShadow Familyを読んでいます。
"Well, it does sound like it's going to be rather fun," Tokunaga said, still chuckling, and then caught himself. "Sorry, that was inappropriate. I apologize."
Chikako gave him a smile. "By the way, what about the stake-out? Have you--"
Takegami quickly cut in. "We've contacted our man. He's all set."

"stake-out" が分からないので辞書を見ましたが、"stake-out" を見出しにしている辞書はなく、"stakeout" で次の説明がありました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A period of secret surveillance of a building or an area by police in order to observe someone's activities.: they were looking for a vantage point for a stakeout
・Collins Dictionary: If police officers are on a stakeout, they are secretly watching a building for evidence of criminal activity.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the continuous watching of a building or area, especially by the police
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