English Collection



2010年10月02日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 8月号のYiddish特集にあった出題単語は難しく覚える気がしないものばかりでしたが、問題ではなく、コラムで紹介していたYiddishの"megillah" を使った次ぎの表現は中々便利そうなので覚えたいと思います。
If someone tells you, "Don't give me the whole megillah," he means, "Cut a long story short." In Hebrew, "megillah" means "scroll" and often refers to the biblical Book of Esther - read aloud, in full, twice, during the festival of Purim.
RDのコラムの説明だけで "megillah" の意味も用例も良く分かりますが、覚えるために辞書で意味の確認と用例を探してみます。 
・Dictionary.com: a lengthy, detailed explanation or account: Just give me the facts, not a whole megillah.
・Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions: a long and complicated story. (From Hebrew megillah via Yiddish.) : Here you come in here with this megillah about a flat tire and how your brother-in-law stole your jack and how your arthritis is kicking up?what do you think I am, some sort of shoulder to cry on?
私も "megillah" は苦手なので "Don't give me the whole megillah." は覚えたい。
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