English Collection


en suite

2022年04月12日 | 英単語
Kazuo Ishiguroの "Klara and the Sun" を読んでいます。
Often, despite of repeated efforts. Josie wouldn't rise until the very last moment, and would then start shouting from inside her en suite bathroom, 'Hurry up, Klara! We will be late!' even though I was already outside on the landing, waiting anxiously.
But as she was emerging from her en suite, we heard the Mother's car down on the loose stones below, and we hurried to the front window in time to see her car moving away towards the hill.

"en suite bathroom" の "en suite" を調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: (of a bathroom) immediately adjoining a bedroom and forming part of the same set of rooms.: ‘all rooms have en-suite facilities’

・Collins Dictionary: An en suite bathroom is next to a bedroom and can only be reached by a door in the bedroom. An en suite bedroom has an en suite bathroom.[British] The master bedroom has its own en suite bathroom.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: used to describe a bathroom that is directly connected to a bedroom, or a bedroom that is connected to a bathroom: All four bedrooms in their new house are en suite.


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