English Collection


plugged in

2016年06月03日 | 英語の本を読む

The reward money of $150,000 will be wired into the account as soon as it’s up and running, and from there I can do with it what I want. Because I will hit the ground with so much cash, the powers that be feel as though I don’t need much from them. I really can’t gripe about this. He says the IRS will grant me a waiver from any taxes on the money and provides the name of an accountant who knows both the IRS code and whatever code the marshals use. He hands me an envelope with $3,000 in cash and says this should be enough to get me plugged in. We talk about the ins and outs of leasing a car, as opposed to buying one, and he explains that a lease is easier and will help build a good credit rating.
"plug" も色々な意味で使われる単語で、これまでに "plug: to mention (something) favorably"(2/15/2010) 、"plug away: to work hard and in a determined way"(12/3/2012)を取り上げました。
上の引用文に出てきた "plugged in" の意味は何でしょうか?
・Oxford English Dictionary: Up to date; aware of the latest developments or trends.: I know not everyone is as plugged-in to current events as the blogging community, but I'd like to think my classmates can spot a ridiculous story when they see it.
・Dictionary.com: closely connected; in touch with what is going on; informed; involved: He's one of the more plugged-in advisers at State House.

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