English Collection


rolling in dough

2020年06月18日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 4月号の記事 'Why Are Military Families on Food Stamps' からの引用です。
Her one solace: She's not alone. "I wouldn't say we're check-to-check, but pretty darn close," says Melissa Carlisle, whose husband, like Desiree's, serves in the Navy. "If a tire blows, that't it. We don't have much in the bank. People have this illusion that we [in the military] are rolling in dough, but we're not. We're just really good with the little bit of money that we get."
"dough" はお金の意味もあることは以前(9/30/2015)取り上げたので "rolling in dough" はお金がどんどん入るイメージです。 "roll/rolling in dough" で辞書に説明があるか見ます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: having a large amount of (something): "What did you mean when you said they are rolling in (the) dough?" "They're rich".
次の辞書は rolling in (something) の項で次の説明がありました。
・Wikctionary: Synonym of rolling in it (“rich”): I know you have a lot of big-shot friends rolling in dough.
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