English Collection


full of oneself / whitewash / score

2022年01月28日 | 英単語
Robert B.Parkerの "High Profile" を読んでいます。
"Weeks was going to do a full-hour commentary on his TV show about police work, and wanted to research it. I said okay. By that time the lewd-behaviour charge had sort of gone away. So I talked with him. He rode around in the cruiser with me. I liked him. He was a pretty nice guy. You know? He was interested in everything. He wasn't full of himself. He seemed to get it. He never got in the way. And finally, when he did the commentary, I liked that, too. He was fair. He didn't whitewash cops. But he didn't blackball us, either. He knew the score."

Weeksは人名です(殺されたTV番組の司会者)。上記引用文の三か所の表現と単語の意味を調べます。最初に "full of himself" の意味は:
・Oxford English Dictionary: Very self-satisfied and with an exaggerated sense of self-worth.: We were strong, arrogant and so full of ourselves.’
・Collins Dictionary: full of pride or conceit; egoistic: Bearing this in mind keeps one from getting too full of oneself.
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: Having an inflated view of one's importance, to the annoyance of others.: Oh, he is so full of himself! Despite what he's told you, he is not the most valuable member of our team, believe me.

次に調べるのは "whitewash" です。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A deliberate concealment of someone's mistakes or faults in order to clear their name.: ‘the opposition called the report “a whitewash”’
・Collins Dictionary: If you say that people whitewash something, you are accusing them of hiding the unpleasant facts or truth about it in order to make it acceptable.: The administration is whitewashing the regime's actions.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: an attempt to stop people finding out the true facts about a situation: The official report on the killings has been denounced as a whitewash.
黒ではなく、白色で塗り潰すのですね。 塗り潰し自体もごまかす様で、黒で塗り潰すよりもっと悪質ですね。

最後は "score" の意味を調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: the score informal The state of affairs; the real facts about the present situation.: Hey, what's the score here, what's goin' on?
・Collins Dictionary: the actual situation; the true facts: to know the score
・Vocabulary.com: the facts about an actual situation: “he didn't know the score

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