English Collection



2008年10月28日 | 英語学習
メルマガ "ArcaMax" でOctober 3, 2008に配信された単語 "officious" についてです。
officious uh-FISH-uhs (adjective) - Marked by excessive eagerness in offering services or advice where they are neither requested nor needed; meddlesome.
"Anotherofficious-looking woman, who looked remarkably like the firstofficious-looking woman, down to the little chain on her reading glasses, had him sit down across from her while she looked at Jody's papers and ignored him." -- Christopher Moore,'Bloodsucking Fiends'
Officious comes from Latin officiosus, obliging, dutiful, from officium, dutiful action, sense of duty, official employment, from opus, a work, labor + -ficere, combining form of facere, to do, to make. It is related to official, of or pertaining to an office or public trust.
officialと親戚であることは容易に想像がつきますので officilalに束縛されたり規制されたりする事は "officious" な事でもあると覚えておけば良いかな。
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