"I suppose so. But I came upon an interesting piece of information." Mihara then told him about the magazine article by Ryoko Yasuda which the doctor had given him to read, and how it had mentioned Yasuda's interest in the railway timetable.
"That is interesting, to be sure." The chief folded his hands on the desk. "It could have some bearing on the four-minute train interval at Tokyo Station."
動詞の "bear" も色々な意味で使われるので名詞の "bearing" にも色々な意味があり、以前に方向の意味になる "bearing" を覚えましたが、上の引用文にある "bearing" (2009/8/8)はどんな意味でしょうか、辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Relation or relevance: the case has no direct bearing on the issues
・Collins Dictionary: foll by on or upon relevance (to) ⇒ it has no bearing on this problem
・Macmillan Dictionary: to be relevant/not relevant to something, or to have an influence/no influence on it: His private life has no bearing on his competence as a manager.
なるほど、"on" が後に続くのがこの意味の印になりますね。また賢くなった気がします。でもしばらくすると忘れるのですよ。
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