English Collection


mind the store

2022年01月19日 | 英単語
Robert B.Parkerの探偵小説 "High Profile" を読み始めました。これでParkerの探偵小説を読むのは4冊目です。
"Maybe more than one person involved," Perkins said.
Jesse nodded.
"ID?" Jesse said.
"None," Perkins said. "No wallet, nothing,"
Another Paradise police car pulled up with its blue light revolving, and Arther got out.
"Anyone minding the store?" Jesse said.
Angstrom was looking at the hanging corpse.
"Maguire," Angstrom said. "Suicide?"
"I wish," Jesse said.

"minding the store" の意味が分からないので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Have charge of something temporarily.: And who is minding the shop while all this is happening?

・Merriam-Webstery: to be in charge of a place when the person who is usually in charge is not there: Who's minding the store while the boss is away?

・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: To monitor a particular place or situation, usually while someone is away.: Will you mind the store while I'm in this meeting?

"mind the shop" とも言うようだ。Oxford English Dictionaryの例文は全てshopになっていました。

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