English Collection



2024年04月06日 | 英単語
村田沙耶香の "Earthlings" を読んでいます。

I was extremely relieved about his insistence on absolutely no sexual contact. He was more neurotic about it than I was. The loungewear I'd previously worn at home exposed my calves, which revolted him, so I started wearing a tracksuit instead. We hadn't even so much as shaken hands. At most our fingertips had brushed handing over a parcel.

"loungewear" と "tracksuit" の衣服名が出てきました。"loungewear" は部屋着の様ですが "tracksuit" は何でしょう?

・American Heritage Dictionary: A usually zippered jacket and matching pants worn by athletes and exercisers usually before and after workouts.
・Collins Dictionary: A tracksuit is a loose, warm suit consisting of trousers and a top which people wear to relax and to do exercise.: [British] Going into the palace in a tracksuit and trainers worried me.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a loose top and trousers, worn either by people who are training for a sport or exercising, or as informal clothing: Children are great spenders when it comes to shoes, tracksuits, ties or any form of equipment.

日本語でトレーナーと言っている服のようですが、"trainer" を英英辞書で見ると:Oxford English Dictionary:(British English) a shoe that you wear for sports or as informal 米語では "sneaker, gym shoe" とありました。

"loungewear" はやはり室内着ですね。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (used especially in shops) informal, comfortable clothing that you wear when relaxing at home:Because loungewear – that's pyjamas – has been going up in the world.

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