English Collection


writ small

2018年03月25日 | 英単語
The God Delusion written by Richard Dawkins を読んでいます。
In India at the time of partition, more than a million people were massacred in religious riots between Hindus and Muslims (and fifteen million displaced from their homes).
So India's problem turns out to be the world's problem. What happened in India has happened in God's name. The problem's name is God. I do not deny that humanity's powerful tendencies towards in-group loyalties and out-group hostilities would exist even in the absence of religion. Fans of rival football teams are an example of the phenomenon writ small.
"writ large" はよく目にする表現で以前(10/18/2011)とりあげました。
"writ small" は "writ large" とは逆に小規模の場合を意味していると思いますが、OneLookの検索では "writ small" の項目で引っ掛かるのは次の辞書だけでした。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: on a smaller scale
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