English Collection


Lucite box

2015年01月22日 | 英語の本を読む
Reader's Digest 11月号の記事(タイトルをメモするのを忘れた)からの引用です。 My aunt Edith, who's still alive at 107, always gave me a dime. That was her thing: "Here's your lucky dime." I actually found some not long ago, along with my high school graduation cuff links and other stuff - two dimes I'd put in a Lucite box.
"Lucite box" ですが、大文字で始まっているので商標からきた言葉でしょうか? ・Oxford English Dictionary: A solid transparent plastic made of polymethyl methacrylate (the same material as Perspex or Plexiglas): this replica, made of Lucite, is 7 inches tall: [as modifier] a clear Lucite base
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: a type of transparent plastic used to make paints and decorative objects such as picture frames
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