English Collection


beat the odds

2012年03月30日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 2月号の記事The Marathon DiariesはReader's Digestにも記事を書いているフリーランスのライターの闘病日記です。次ぎの文はその記事からの抜粋です。
I admit I don't conduct much further research into multiple myeloma. I don't ask Dr. Tzachanis about my disease staging, or what my chances for survival might be. I know I am in bad shape, but I also know that somebody always beats the odds. Someone has to win: It might as well be me.
"odds" を含む慣用句は幾つもありますが、上の文に出てきた "beat the odds" は何でしょう?
・Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary: Despite/against the odds, she has survived breast cancer:.I tried to beat the odds. [=to succeed even though I was not likely to succeed]
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to succeed despite having a disadvantage: Many mergers fail to deliver value to shareholders, but the bank's new president thinks it will be able to beat the odds.
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