English Collection



2022年12月14日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 9月号の単語クイズ 'WORD POWER' からの引用です。

質問の単語は "gerrymander" でこの単語は以前()取り上げていますが、解答の解説文 "finagle voting districts: The city council denies trying to gerrymander key downtown districts to sway the election results." の冒頭に出てきた "finagle" の意味を調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: to behave dishonestly or to obtain something dishonestly: He finagled some tickets for tonight's big game.
・Collins Dictionary: to get or achieve by trickery, craftiness, or persuasion; wangle: The agency finagled free media exposure from print media and broadcast networks including spots during prime time.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to use tricks and dishonest methods to get what you want: He somehow finagled his way into the army as a lieutenant.

日本で選挙票の格差が地区により数倍の差があるのも "gerrymander" の一種ではないかと思っています。
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