English Collection


the next shoe to drop

2022年12月09日 | 英単語

Ryo must have thought this was funny because he gave a rare belly laugh. 'There's nothig secure about these things at all. Those guys at the bank go on and on about how you have to keep your bank book safe and not share any personal information, but get one of these ATM cards and you might as well have the keys to the safe.'
'And the banks don't know about this?'
'Oh, I'm sure a few people know they've got a disaster on their hands. But it's too late to do anything about it now, so they're keeping it to themselves. They're just waiting for the next shoe to drop,' said Ryo. He laughed out loud again.

"waiting for the next shoe to drop" とはユニークな表現ですが、どんな意味なのでしょうか? 辞書に出ているか見ます。

・Wiktionary: To await a seemingly inevitable event, especially one that is not desirable.: After the tournament, Player admitted that all through the final round he had been nervously waiting for more trouble. "It was like waiting for the other shoe to drop."
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: to do the deed that completes something; to do the expected remaining part of something.: Mr. Franklin has left his wife. Soon he'll drop the other shoe and divorce her.
・Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary: If someone drops the other shoe, they complete a task by doing the second and final part of it.: Time Warner Inc. dropped the other shoe in its two-step $13.86 billion acquisition of Warner Communications Inc.

なるほど、何故この様な意味になるのか更に調べると、World Wide Wordsの 'Waiting for the other shoe to drop' に説明がありました。

Its source would seem to be the following story. A man comes in late at night to a lodging house, rather the worse for wear. He sits on his bed, drags one shoe off and drops it on the floor. Guiltily remembering everyone around him trying to sleep, he takes the other one off much more carefully and quietly puts in on the floor. He then finishes undressing and gets into bed. Just as he is drifting off to sleep, a shout comes from the man in the room below: “Well, drop the other one then! I can’t sleep, waiting for you to drop the other shoe!”.
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