English Collection


came off

2020年02月20日 | 英語の原書を読む
Roald Dahlの短編小説 "Claud's Dog" からの引用です。
Personally, I had my own career as a filling-station owner to keep me busy, not to mention second-hand cars, but if Claud wanted to fool around with dogs that was all right with me, especially a thing like today -- if it came off. As a matter of fact, I don't mind admitting that every time I thought about the money we were putting on and the money we might win, my stomach gave a little lurch.
"came off" は基本動詞の "come" が使われていますが、私の知らない表現です。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (of an action) succeed; be accomplished.: this was a bold experiment which did not come off

・Collins Dictionary: If something comes off, it is successful or effective.: It was a good try but it didn't quite come off.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: to happen as planned, or to succeed: I tried telling a few jokes but they didn't come off.
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