English Collection


if you can stomach it

2020年01月19日 | 英語の原書を読む
"The House of Silk" からの引用です。
'They're in the drawing room and we'll see them shortly, although there's something I want to show you first, if you can stomach it.' I could hardly believe that the House of Silk could hold any futher secrets but we followed Lestrade back upstairs, he talking all the while.
動詞の "stomach" はどんな意味になるのでしょうか?
・Oxford English Dictionary: Endure or accept (an obnoxious thing or person): I can't stomach the self-righteous attitude of some managers.

・Collins Dictionary: If you cannot stomach something, you cannot accept it because you dislike it or disapprove of it.: I could never stomach the cruelty involved in the wounding of animals.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to be able to accept an unpleasant idea or watch something unpleasant: She found the violence in the film hard to stomach.
ところで、次の文の "he talking" は "was" が抜けているので私の写し間違いかと思って再度原文を見ましたが、原文もその様になっていました。
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