English Collection


vestigial tail

2019年11月27日 | 英語の原書を読む
安部公房の小説 "The Face of Another" を読んでいます。
I was not the only one who had been shut in; considering the whole world a jail was quite in keeping with my feelings at the time. Even more, I imagined that everyone was frantically trying to escape from the world. The real face becoming useless, like a vestigial tail was an unexpected fetter, and apparently one from which not a single person and succeeded in escaping.
"vestigial tail" は2/7/2014に "coccyx" を取り上げた際の説明文中で使われていました。
Cambridge English Dictionaryは "vestigial" を次の様に説明しています。
used to describe something, especially a part of the body, that has not developed completely, or has stopped being used and has almost disappeared: a vestigial organ/limb/tail
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