English Collection



2018年05月18日 | 英単語
The Answer by Allan & Barbara Peaseを読んでいます。
For every ten prospects I called, five would agree to an appointment and one didn't keep it, so I'd actually get to eyeball four prospects. I'd present to three and would sell to one, making $300 commission. This meant that every time I spoke to someone on the telephone I would earn $30, regardless of whether they agreed to see me, or kept the appointment, or voiced objections or bought from me or not.
"get to eyeball" は文脈からすると「(実際に)会える」と解釈して良さそうですが、辞書で "eyeball" にこの様な用例が出ているか見ます。
ちょっと例は同じではありませんが、 "eyeball" にはマーケティング用語として次の意味があるとの説明がありました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Marketing Used to refer to the number of people who visit a website, watch a television program or channel, read a publication, etc., especially when regarded as a potential source of revenue.: I think we got a few more eyeballs on the site.
・Collins Dictionary: marketing slang (plural) viewers of a television programme or website, esp seen as potential customers, advertisers, etc: The site's goal was to get more eyeballs for advertisers.
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