English Collection



2018年04月20日 | 英単語
宮部みゆきのAll She Was Worth(火車)を読んでいます。
Honma smiled. "If that's the case, she's completely transformed. Or, rather, just gone back to her old self. Admittedly, men used to proposition her all the time. But, from talking to Jun and the people at Imai Office Machines, she comes across as smart but not flashy at all."
名詞の "proposition" は大体知っていますが、上の "proposition" は動詞です。提案するではおかしいですね。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Make a suggestion of sexual intercourse to (someone with whom one is not sexually involved), especially in an unsubtle or offensive way.: she had been propositioned at the party by an accountant
・Collins Dictionary: If someone who you do not know very well propositions you, they suggest that you have sex with them.: He had allegedly tried to proposition a colleague.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to ask someone who you are not in a relationship with if they would like to have sex with you: I was propositioned by a complete stranger.
そうゆう提案ですか。つい最近辞任した政府高官も、この "proposition" をしたのでしょうね、否定していますが。
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