English Collection



2018年04月18日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest三月号 'Dear Readers by Editor-in-chief' の記事からの引用です。
My hyper-ebullience continues over coffee. I've had type 1 diabetes for almost 40 years, and it has been largely humbling. But thanks to a new way of eating cribbed from our daughter, Rachel, I'm off grains and dairy. It's working so well for my blood sugar, I'm convinced I could live another 40 years.
ベビーベッドの意味での "crib" は何度か見たことがありますが、動詞として使われているのは覚えがありません。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Copy (another person's work) illicitly or without acknowledgment.: he often cribbed from other researchers

・Collins Dictionary: If you crib, you copy something that someone else has written and pretend that it is your own work.: He had been caught cribbing in an exam.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: to copy or take someone else's work: I sometimes wonder what TV show he cribbed that line from.
前者二つの辞書の定義では "a new way of eating cribbed from our daughter" の意味としてはちょっと大げさな言い方に思いましたが、最後に引用した辞書の "copy" ならおかしくはないと思いました。
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