English Collection



2018年01月11日 | 英語の本を読む

SFのThe Martian by Andy Weirを読んでいます。
But I didn't do anything to the soon-to-be-mutilated MAV today. Today was all about system checks. Now that I'm back in contact with NASA, I have to go back to being all "safety first." Strangely, NASA doesn't have total faith in my kludged-together rover or my method of piling everything into the trailer.
"kludge" の意味を調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Use ill-assorted parts to make (something):‘Hugh had to kludge something together’
・Collins Dictionary: an unsophisticated but fairly effective solution to a problem; esp a computing problem: People outside of AI sometimes detect a programming kludge.
Usage Note: Today, kluge and kludge are often used as alternative spellings of the same word, although a distinction in usage can perhaps be detected: in the UK, the connotation of kludge is almost wholly negative (as befits its alleged derivation), while US usage of kluge, following its alleged German derivation, admits some fondness or admiration for the cleverness or functionality underlying a working klu(d)ge.

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