English Collection


pit against

2017年08月08日 | 英語の本を読む
人と社会、特に住んでいる地域社会との関わりは "telomere" の長さに影響を与える事が明らかになって来ました。
Exactly how does low social cohesion penetrate to your cells and telomeres? One answer has to do with vigilance, that sense of needing to be on the high alert to maintain your safty. A group of German scientists performed a fascinating study of vigilance that pitted country folks against city dwellers. People from both groups were invited to take one of those nerve-wracking math tests that are designed to elicit a stress response, the kind where volunteers perform complex mental math while researchers give instant feedback.
"pit against" は10/15/2011に取り上げています。
・The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms: Set in direct opposition or competition, as in The civil war pitted brother against brother. This idiom alludes to setting fighting cocks or dogs against one another in a pit.
なるほど、それで "pit" ですか。
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