English Collection



2016年10月08日 | 英語の本を読む

Zoobiquityを読んでいます。下の引用箇所に出てきた "quarry" は 1/31/2014 に取り上げましたが、大学受験の頃に覚えた余り役に立たない意味の採石場が邪魔をしてなかなか記憶できなかったのですが、John Grishamの小説に度々出てきたのでやっと覚えられました。
Suddenly, with an expert forehand swing he'll swipe a wood-handled net through a stand of reeds or burlrushes. (The move, he explains, is similar to a lacrosse catch or a tennis stroke, which is why he likes to hire grad students who've played thest sports before.) Nipping the mesh shut with his free hand, he'll peek inside to see if he captured his quarry: Libellula pulchella, the twelve-spotted skimmer dragonfly.

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