English Collection



2013年10月17日 | 英語学習
RD9月号の記事、TAG, you're it!から一部抜粋します。
These guys aren't just a bunch of overgrown kids running around something. "Tag! You're It!" Tag is a children's game in which one player pursues the others until he or she is able to touch or "tag" one of them, who then in turn becomes the pursuer. OK, maybe they are bunch of overgrown kids running around shouting, "Tag! You're It!" But they're also successful professionals, businessmen and spiritural leaders who have taken this childhood game to a whole other level by combining a Peter Pan-ish I'll-never-grown-up mind set with the money and wherewithal to pull off the ridiculous.
ここに出てくる "Tag" も "It" も普通の意味とは違いますが、文中で子供の遊びとして説明があるので分かります。しかし最後の個所に出てきた "wherewithal" が分からないので辞書を見ます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: means, resources; specifically: money: didn't have the wherewithal for an expensive dinner
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the money necessary for a particular purpose: I'd like to buy a bigger house, but I don't have the wherewithal
. ・Oxford English Dictionary: [usually with infinitive] (the wherewithal): the money or other means needed for a particular purpose: they lacked the wherewithal to pay
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