English Collection



2013年10月31日 | 英語学習
私はインターネットではaliasとして、子供の頃のあだ名のバネあるいはBaneを使う事があります。英語の "bane" だと発音はベインとなり、悪い意味を持っているのを知っていますが、実際の英文で "bane" が使われているのを見た事がありませんでした。 しかし、English Journal 10月号にYahooのCEO、Marissa Mayerとのインタビュー記事があり、その中に "bane" が出てきました。記事のほんの一部を抜粋します。
Marissa Mayer: ... The real question is making money from it. And I have a lot of confidence that whenever you see a consumer shift of this type, that there will be a very interesting value-added way to create a monetization around it. But--
Moderator: Where does that confidence come from?
Mayer: Well, it was sort of the, the bane of my existence from about 1999 to 2004. Um, it was that, that, at the time I was at Google, and, for about five years, every time I interacted with anyone externally, the one question they would ask me is, "You know, Search is wonderful. It's so great to be able to find everything that we can find. It's just wonderfully academic. How is anyone ever gonna make any money from it?"
この "bane" の意味を辞書で確認します。
 ・Macmillan Dictionary: something that annoys someone very much or causes them a lot of problems: the bane of: Noisy and disobedient children are the bane of many mothers.: the bane of someone's life/existence: Paperwork is the bane of my life.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a source of harm or ruin: curse: national frontiers have been more of a bane than a boon for mankind
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a cause of continuous trouble or unhappiness: Keeping noise levels low is the bane of airport administration.: That cat is the bane of my life!
"bane" には上記のインタビュー記事で使われた意味の他に "a deadly poison (often used in combination, as in the names of poisonous plants): wolfsbane(トリカブト); henbane" とか "death; destruction; ruin" の意味を持っている毒のある単語です。 aliasとして "bane" を使うのは問題でしょうね。
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