English Collection


take to one another

2012年02月08日 | 英語学習
"an artist of the floating world" で主人公の次女 Norikoの見合いの当日になりました。
I would not wish to claim that the whole engagement had hung in the balance until that point, but it is certainly my feeling that that was when the miai turned from being an awkward, potentially disastrous one into a successful evening. We went on talking and drinking sake for a good while after the meal, and by the time taxis were called, there was a clear feeling that we had all got on well. Most crucially, although they had kept an appropriate distance, it was obvious Taro Saito and Noriko had taken to one another.
文脈からして見合いの印象は最後は良い感触で終わったようです。 と言うことは最後の文にある表現 "Taro Saito and Noriko had taken to one another" はお互いに「良い感情」を持った、あるいは「好きになった」の意味と想像しますが、この様な基本的な単語からなる連語、あるいは慣用句は私にとっては難語と同様にやっかいなものです。辞書で意味を確認します。
・Macmillan Dictionary: take to someone/something to begin to like someone or something: I took to John immediately.
・Collins English Dictionary: to form a liking for, esp after a short acquaintance ⇒ I took to him straightaway
今回は文の流れから "take to" の意味はだいたい想像できましたが、いきなり "take to" を使った表現を聞いても "take to" には他にも色々意味があるので直ぐにはピンとこないでしょうね。
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