English Collection


get into scrapes

2009年10月23日 | 英語学習
アンがMarillaにMrs. Allanが言った事を話している会話の一部です。
She told me so herself--that is, she said she was a dreadful mischief when she was a girl and was always getting into scrapes.
"getting into scrapes" は慣用句かと思いましたが慣用句としては辞書にありません。 そこで私の知っている "scrape" 以外の意味を調べます。
Dictionary.com: a) an embarrassing or distressing situation; predicament: He is always in some kind of a scrape. b) a difference of opinion, fight, or quarrel; scrap.
Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: informal a difficult or slightly dangerous situation which you cause by your own silly behaviour; She's always getting into silly scrapes - I do wish she'd think before she does things.; He had a couple of scrapes with the police and ended up in court.
なるほど、"getting into scrapes" はいたずらや喧嘩などをして困った事になるのですね。
"get into scrapes" の表現はアンが髪の毛を緑に染めた事件を起した時にMarillaも次のように使っていました。
"Come right down to the kitchen--it's too cold up here--and tell me just what you've done. I've been expecting something queer for some time. You haven't got into any scrape for over two months, and I was sure another one was due. Now, then, what did you do to your hair?"
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