English Collection


idea showers

2009年01月11日 | 英語学習

BBC調査による "best worst examples of office jargon".の話題の続きです。
・"My least favourite business-speak term is not enough bandwidth. When an employee used this term to refuse an additional assignment, I realised I was completely 'out of the loop'."
"bandwidth" は元々電気通信で使われる技術用語で日本語では帯域幅が使われています。
Dictionary.com: the smallest range of frequencies constituting a band, within which a particular signal can be transmitted without distortion.; the transmission capacity of an electronic communications device or system; the speed of data transfer: a high-bandwidth Internet
ビジネスでは能力・労力の容量の意味で使うようです。Maximum amount of capacity (MoneyGlossary.com )
・"My employers (top half of FTSE 100) recently informed staff that we are no longer allowed to use the phrase brain storm because it might have negative connotations associated with fits. We must now take idea showers. I think that says it all really."
"brain storm" はPCになったようです。 これからは "idea showers" にしましょうとの話です。
紹介したい "best worst examples of office jargon" はもう一つありますがそれは次回にします。

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