English Collection



2007年12月12日 | 英語学習
駅前留学とかノバウサギとかの流行語まで作ったNovaですが、最近はその凋落に関する話題ばかりですね。The Japan Times (online), Nov.18のニュースのタイトルは次のようになっていました。
Nova boss lived in cloud-cuckoo-land

Cloud Cuckoo Land refers to an (unrealistically) idealistic state where everything is perfect. ("You're living in Cloud-cuckoo-land.") It hints that the person referred to is naïve, unaware of reality or deranged in holding such an optimistic belief. The reference is to the play, The Birds by the Athenian playwright Aristophanes, in which Peisetairus (which can be translated to mean "Mr. Trusting") and Euelpides (which can be translated to mean "Mr. Hopeful") with the help of Tereus, tired of the Earth and Olympus, decide to erect a perfect city between the clouds, to be named Cloud-Cuckoo-Land.

If someone has ideas or plans that are completely unrealistic, they are living on cloud cuckoo land.
a realm of fantasy or of whimsical or foolish behavior
Compact Oxford English Dictionary
a state of unrealistic or absurdly over-optimistic fantasy
ORIGIN translation of Greek Nephelokokkugia, the name of a city built by the birds in Aristophanes’ comedy Birds, from nephele ‘cloud’ + kokkux ‘cuckoo’

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