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アミノバイタル ゼリードリンク SUPER SPORTS 100g×6個

2019-09-27 20:40:21 | 温泉
アミノバイタル ゼリードリンク SUPER SPORTS 100g×6個

アミノバイタル ゼリードリンク SUPER SPORTS 100g×6個

(2019/9/27 20:38時点)

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American Holistic College of Nutrition 栄養学 5  Nutrition 5

2019-09-27 20:33:44 | 健康

Herbology Lesson

According to Webster, the word inorganic is described as: 1. Not organic; not endowed with, or subjected to, organization; devoid of an organized structure, or the structure of a living being; unorganized; as rocks, minerals and all nonliving chemical compounds and elements are inorganic. 2. Pertaining to or embracing substances or species, as inorganic chemistry; inorganic forces; the inorganic kingdom.

The word organic is described by the same authority as pertaining to an organ or is functions; consisting of organs or containing them; as the organic structure of the human body or of plants.

It will be seen plainly wherein the difference lies, but it is necessary to go a step farther in order to fully grasp the real difference. The end product of combustion, of organic matter particularly, is largely carbon dioxide, and both animal and human metabolism is considered today to be a slow process of oxidation. The human body always contains much more oxygen than any other element. The word oxygen is derived from the Greek meaning “to bring forth.”

The only breathable oxygen produced by nature is from the leaves or lungs of plants and given off to the atmosphere in abundance.

Carbon dioxide does not and cannot Support the life of the human or animal cell, but it is absorbed into the organism of the miant, the carbon being used for structural purposes and the oxygen being breathed out.

The very breath of human life is, herefore, dependent upon the vegetable or

ab kingdom. Holy Scripture says, “The Is thereof is for meat and the leaves for the powerful escharotic poisons known. One I will quickly prove fatal by destroying The organic structure of any tissue it touches, terally eating away tissues of the mouth,

e t © 2002: American Holistic College of Nutrition

healing of the nations,” and modern science verifies that fact.

We know well that the herb can and does assimilate inorganic mineral matter, and that through some mysterious and unknown alchemy convert this inert and lifeless matter into living organic material, which, when presented to the animal or human cell, is hungrily absorbed, sustaining and renewing its life process.

We also know that the life process of the human cell cannot be sustained by any element or compound obtained directly from the inorganic kingdom.

Even oxygen in the air we breathe is diluted with 79.07 percent nitrogen by volume, or 77 percent nitrogen by weight.

If pure oxygen is inhaled for more than a comparatively short length of time, it will destroy the tissues by burning them. If a mouse is placed into a large jar of oxygen, he will frisk about and be excessively active for 20 or 30 minutes, and then drop dead. But the oxygen from plants, used as food and medicine, does not so destroy.

S Here we shall give one or two examples of the effect of organic and inorganic compounds or elements upon the human organism, in order to prove beyond doubt the destructive effect of the one and the beneficial effect of the other.

Oxalic acid does not occur free in nature, but is found in combination with sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, and manganese in the juices of many plants, such as rhubarb, sorrel, oak bark, cinchona, yellow dock, etc.

Oxalic acid is prepared artificially by oxidizing sugar and starch with nitric acid, and in this form is one of the most esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and finally perforating the peritoneum and approximately 30 minutes after swallowing and after great suffering, will result in


ウェブスターによると、無機という言葉は次のように説明されています。組織に恵まれていない、または組織に服していない組織化された構造、または生物の構造がない;未組織;岩、鉱物、およびすべての非生物の化合物と元素は無機であるためです。 2.無機化学としての物質または種に関する、または包含する。無機的な力;無機の王国。
アブ王国。聖書は次のように述べています。「それは肉のためのものであり、葉は知られている強力なpoison毒のためのものです。 1つは、触れる組織の有機構造を破壊し、口の組織を食い荒らし、致命的であることをすぐに証明します。
e t©2002:American Holistic College of Nutrition
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