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メシア ( 仏陀 ) の法 Messiah (Buddha) Law system of Dharma   1

2023-11-03 11:06:40 | 瞑想




有害物質―。それらはどこに原因があるのであろうか? わかりきったことである。




















君はそれを疑うのか? ではいおう。
今の知能水準であるかぎり、もはや、ヒトに未来はない。ホモーサピエッスの文明はすでに限界に達した。 だか。




ひとつは普通の現代人、ホモーサピエンスHomo sapiensである。これがふるい人類だ。

もうひとつは、特殊な能力を身につけた未来人、ホモーエクセレンスHomo eχcellens である。つまりあたらしい人類だ。





1 第四次元の理解。
2 複雑な全体をとっさに把握する能力。
3 第六感の獲得。
4 無限に発展した道徳意識の保有。
5 とくにわれわれの悟性には不可解な精神的な特質。







一万年さきか? 二万年?・

え? そんなに早く? とあなたはびっくりするだろう。だが、あなたはここでさらにもっとびっくりしなければならないのだ。




ニ 感覚器官の増幅-彼は、不可視光線(赤外線、紫外線)を見ることができ、超音波を間くことができる。その異常感覚と高度の知能の結合からくる予知力。それらは、自分の肉体を思うままに統御する能力からくる。
三 環境の制御と創造1思うままに自分を変え、他人を動かし、集団や環境を、自分の理念の通りに創造してゆく。
四 物質を超え、物質を自由に統御する力。
五 無限に発達した道徳意識。

そうではないのだ。それは、むしろ、私のほうがいいたいことだ。私は、最初、オリヴィエ教授がこの特殊技術の存在を知っていP1 9の技術の習得を未来人の貧緋ごしたのではないかと思
もっとも、オリヴィエ教授は、実際にこの特殊技術の存在を知っていて、その上に立ってホモしり把力を、このように書いたのである、ということも考えられたいことではなアメリカやヨーロッパで知ヽむしろ、アメリ’エクセレンスの能力を、このよう られ、高く評価されはじめているのだからI。
未来人、ホモーエクセレンスは、これからさき、長い時間をかけて進化の結果あらわれてくるのでもないし、突然変1 体としてフランケンシュタインの怪物のごとく登場するのでもない。それは、ひとつの特殊な人間開発技術により、ホモーサピエンス自身が変身するのだ。それは自然
彼は、まだ低い段階のホモーサピエンスたちを教育するための「教え」を説くと同時に、これからやがて次第にあらわれてくる同 族たちを教育するためのカリキュラムもつくった。彼は、周囲に何人かの崇拝者を持った。そのなかからすぐれた素質を持つ者をえらんで、彼はこのカリキごフムで訓練した。あるいは、その弟子たちのなかには、彼と同じホモーエクセレクト。だが、あまりにも高度
スのヽなその開発技術は、ひろく受け入れられるためにはあまりに難解で、入びとの進歩と熟成のための時が必要であった。その長い間、この技術は、しばしば、誤解されたり、誹談されたり、あるいは分裂の危機を迎えた。けれども、その技術が滅亡しよいは分裂の ホモーエクセレンスがあらわれて、これを継いだ。この技術は、このようにして、ひろく世にうけいれられる時を静かに待った。多くの人びとが、この技術を必要とし、受け入れようと努力しはじめる時期を静かに待った。




つねに機械と技術―科学がその危機を乗り越えてきた。しかし、いまは、その機械と技術が先頭に立って人間に打撃を加えている。 もう「さきは見えて」しまった。










Let's take a look at the problems humanity is currently facing.
- Killing each other, robbing each other, hating each other, hurting each other - and is rapidly spreading across the globe.
Hazardous substance-. What are their causes? It's completely understandable.
That's because humans are stupid.
The anthropologist Linnaeus classified humans and gave them the scientific name ``wise humans.''
The Ikukawa scholar Sialleurissier named the stupid man Homostrussus. In the preface to his book, ``Man - This Fool,'' Nobel Prize winner Lissier lists many of the follies of humankind, describing them as extremely stupid animals. I'd like to call them that, but I'm going to refrain from using superlative adjectives and just call them stupid humans.

Indeed, humans have two sides. Human beings are contradictory creatures that are a combination of two sides: wise and wise, and stupid and weak.If we look around us now, we can see that Homo sapiens Completely silent, Homo sturtissimus is rampant like a specter.

Killing each other, robbing each other, hating each other, hurting each other,
It gradually escalates. Science and technology have infinitely expanded human power, but at the same time, they have also infinitely increased human slaughter, exploitation, hatred, and struggle. If this continues, Homo sapiens will become extinct without a doubt.

What does humanity need most now?

It is a high level of intelligence.
The terrible follies unfolding on this earth are caused first and foremost by the low intelligence of humankind.

What humanity needs now is neither science nor technology. It's neither a revolution nor an ideology. It's not a race struggle, it's not a class struggle. Such things are of no use.

No matter how many revolutions we make, no matter how many times we fight, as long as human intelligence remains at its current level, it will only be a repetition of empty rituals.
Let's look at history. No matter how advanced and developed things we call machines and technology, science and civilization, the behavior patterns of stupid humans have not changed in the slightest. Isn't this pattern of hating each other, killing each other, and robbing each other all the time repeating? Where do you see changes?


It's young. Stop wasting energy. If you want a revolution, move forward with an intellectual revolution for all mankind.

Human intelligence has not advanced a single step since Neanderthal times. First and foremost, we must increase human intelligence.

Exterminate Homo sturtissimus. Unless we do that, we have no future. It is already in the countdown stage.

At this time, there is a technology that can modify humans and completely change social institutions. This technology will dismantle all existing social systems, and the new civilization that will emerge from it will transcend one dimension.

Only through this technology will the world be revived, and only this revolution will save all humanity from destruction. It's young. Why don't you pay attention to this?
Why are you not passionate about this grand and dramatic revolution that has never been matched on earth?


It is powerless.
It does not increase intelligence; it merely expands knowledge.
Education only expands a person's innate knowledge, but does not increase intelligence itself. Technology to increase intelligence must be a system that improves the ability to remember things, rather than teaching things or making people memorize things. A fool is still a fool no matter how much education you give him. Education is completely useless to idiots. It takes a special skill to turn a fool into a clever one.


It is nothing more than a brake that tries to somehow appeal to conscience and deter intelligent people from their foolish actions; it has no power or technology to improve their intelligence. Even if we say the Nembutsu, recite the daimoku, meditate on the scriptures, and call upon the name of God, we may gain peace of mind, comfort, and faith, but our intelligence itself will not increase. .

In a future society with the most highly evolved intelligence, there will be no special field called religion. Because they are highly intelligent and possess highly developed ethics and moral awareness, current religions and the ``teachings'' preached by religious figures are not viewed as completely vulgar, low-level, and childish things. Religious consciousness will become common sense, and people will no longer meditate on kami or hotke. Human beings become indiscriminate.


You should realize that such a future society is just around the corner.
You must know that a social system with a completely different structure than before is about to emerge.

do you doubt it? Let's go.
Unless such advanced intelligence emerges, the world will soon end. Homo sapiens is
As long as humans have their current level of intelligence, there is no future for humans. Homo sapiens civilization has already reached its limit. That's it.
If there is a future society, it will have to be an entirely new and advanced society.

Super-human tL brain firing rate coefficient 3.9 In the future society that will soon arrive, humans will be divided into two species.
It is not two peoples, it is not two classes. There are two species and a genus.
The two species and genera will coexist for a while, but soon one of them will give up and rapidly disappear from this world.
In that case, some people might suggest that the conflict between the two is not limited to a future society, but may still be the case even today.
Certainly, it can be considered in several ways: colored people and white people, free society and communist society, rich people and poor people, and people who are in control and people who are considered to be rulers.
But it's different.

A classification completely different from such classifications is about to appear in our world in the very near future. Such a movement is already underway.
There are two hominin genera.

New humans and old humans.

One is ordinary modern humans, Homo sapiens. This is sieve humanity.

The other is Homo eχcellens, a futuristic person who has acquired special abilities. In other words, a new human race.
Homo nipiens refers to none other than ourselves, but what kind of person is homo excellence?


Homo excellence means an ``excellent person'' who has acquired special abilities that Homo sapiens do not have. Some people have given this futuristic person the name Homo Iteridans (smart human).

So, what kind of special abilities does this excellent futuristic person, Homo Excellence, have?

Let's list some of his features.
``Future species, superhumans, will probably have a brain rate coefficient of 3.9,'' says world-renowned anthropologist Professor Georges Olivier of the University of Paris in his book ``Humans.'' In ``Evolution, Past Present, and Future,'' he begins by saying:
``(Though we, who are far inferior to them, cannot comment on the abilities of such an extremely superior creature,) we can barely imagine the intellectual abilities of this super-human being.

For example,
1. Understanding the fourth dimension.
2. Ability to quickly grasp a complex whole.
3. Acquisition of a sixth sense.
4 Possession of infinitely developed moral consciousness.
5. Mental characteristics that are incomprehensible, especially to our understanding.
I will leave it to people with rich imaginations to figure out the physical form of creatures with a brain rate coefficient of 3.9, their wonderful intelligence, and their actions that we cannot fully understand. While we are blind, our successors will probably be clairvoyant.
Kara” (translated by Kumi Ashizawa, published by Misuzu Shobo)
It has said.

According to the publisher's introduction, Professor Olivier is a professor of anthropology at the Faculty of Science at Fuhari University, and has published numerous articles on anthropology and anatomy, as well as several books, including ``Anthropological Anatomy.'' Received an invitation from the French Academy. He has not only made many achievements in research in his field of expertise, but also devoted himself to training young researchers, and is an excellent leader of French anthropology in both name and reality.''
I must say that he is truly one of the leading scientists of our time.

This is how the scientist foretold the appearance of Homo Excellence in the future. The author is not simply trying to frighten people with demon faces without any basis. It will definitely come. So, 1. Where exactly does this homo excellence come from?

When will it come?

Professor Olivier says that the arrival of the future man, Homo Excellence, is an inevitability of history. Let's trace the history of mankind.
The first to appear was Australopithecus, which evolved from Oreopithecus and Ramapithecus.
(Ape-man). However, after a while, Pithecanthropus erectus (hominid)
changed. However, soon Neanderthals (Old Man) came and took over, and their era lasted almost 100,000 years.
However, about 40,000 to 50,000 years ago, Cro-Magnon people (new people) with considerably advanced intelligence appeared.
Then they quickly disappeared and became extinct. However, about 10,000 years ago, the Cro-Maggnots were also known as Australoids (Javanese, Javanese,
They quickly disappeared into new modern human species: Mongoloids (China), Negroids (Africa), and Caucasoids (Europe). child
This is a fact that appears only on the superficial surface of history, and there are countless other unknown human genera and their branches that have appeared.
Many scholars believe that it disappeared soon after creating history.
A famous scientist said that the lifespan of a species is 1 million years, and Homo sapiens has lived for 1 million years since its appearance.
He is expected to reach this age soon. Professor Olivier also said, ``Now, we...
It makes perfect sense for us to think about the next human race, our successors.

Will that new bit ever appear?
Ten thousand years ago? Twenty thousand years? ・
Roughly speaking, the next generation of humans after Homo sapiens is just like saying that the sun will burn out someday, and even if it's not a fantasy, it must probably be an event that is astronomically far in the future. You might say that we are not free people enough to worry.
no way

If you say things like that, you'll become an idiot.'
Professor Olivier makes this prediction based on the laws of biological evolution.
"...The humans of the future will soon arrive unexpectedly."
picture?  So soon? You will be surprised. But you have to be even more surprised here.
I mean! ,
This new human being, homo excellence, is not ``soon to come''; it is already here on earth. It has already appeared on this earth a long time ago.
from when?

When do you think it started?
since yesterday?
From the day?
So, last year?
It's been around for even longer than 5,000 years!

⑥I Homo Excellence qualification
There is a technique here.
When trained in this technique, any human being will have some superior powers.
Let's give you that power.

1 Extremely developed intelligence II Once you see something or hear something, you will never forget it - memory. No matter how complex the structure or organization, the power of entaku and induction allows us to instantly analyze, reason, understand, and grasp the essence. Super dramatic creativity that comes from pure thinking that does not go through the indirect thinking of words.
It is human normal.


Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

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2023-04-27 09:23:28 | 瞑想





"Shinjinshari" is a sacred treasure that has been deeply revered among Buddhists for a long time as a sacred object that houses the holy spirit of Buddha. It contains the remains and relics of Buddha, which are considered extremely precious to Buddhists. After Buddha's passing, his remains were divided into many parts and enshrined in various stupas around the world.

In addition, there are also "sharira" relics, which are parts of Buddha's body such as nails and hair. These are also considered important sacred objects to Buddhists.

The Shinjinshari is believed to house the holy spirit of Buddha, and for those with deep faith, simply touching the Shinjinshari is considered a great blessing.

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「魔境」という名の抑圧意識 The Repressed Consciousness Named "Magical Nest"

2023-04-20 09:14:01 | 瞑想





わたくしは、さきに、瞑想中しばしば襲ってくる「魔境」についてのべた。そし て、これは非常に重大なことなので、あとでくわしく説こうと書いた。(八七頁) この「魔境」は、瞑想のときだけではなく、 また、瞑想をするしないにかかわら ず、人の心の中にひそんでいて、われわれの人生に大きな影響をあたえるのであ る。それは、じつに、人生の「魔境」でもあるのだ。




2 生まれる以前に生じたもの



生まれる以前に生じた、とは、妙な表現だと思われるか知らないが、要するに、 両親、あるいは両親を通じて受けた、先祖からの家系的なものである。

わたくしが、家族関係や先祖とのかかわりを重視することについて、 兎や角いう 人がいるが、それは無知による誤解としか思えない。






著名な心理学者である河合隼雄氏が、その著書で、非常に興味あることをのべて おられる。


夫婦というのは、ずうっと過去をもってきて、しかも、自分の過去だけでは なくて、先祖代々の過去もずうっと背負って、一緒になっている。 そうして、 今も言いましたように、片方があきらめて生きている家もあるし、何か隠して 生きている家もある。 そういうときは、子どもの問題が、もう一度バランスを 回復して「やはり、そういうことだったのですか」というようなことをやるき


それで、この三代も四代も話をさかのぼっていかなければならない家と いうのは、一回、二回の(カウンセリングの桐山) 対決では、ちゃんと形がつ きません。相当うまいこといったなと思っていても、まだ十分ではない。 (『カウンセリングを考える」上)

だれだって自分一人で生きているわけではないし、自分一人ぼっかり生まれてき たわけではない。 家族と祖先との密接なかかわりのもとで生まれ、暮らしているわ けだ。これを考えずに、その人のかかえている問題を解決することなど、とうて い、不可能である。当然であろう。

このことを掘り下げ、延長したものが、リポット・ソンディの「(家族的) 運命 「心理学」だとわたくしは考えている。

ソンディの心理学については、あとでのべるが、さまざまな精神的な障害問題 は、ほとんど、その人の心の奥に潜在する抑圧や葛藤が原因であり、これが、瞑

座禅のときに、不意に、爆発的に表出することがある。 瞑想は、潜在意識層に


おいておこなわれるので、ふだんはそこにひそんでいる意識が、突然、表面にあら われてくることがある。 それが、座禅のときの「魔境」だが、この抑圧意識の表 出は、座禅瞑想のときだけとはかぎっておらず、その人の人生に非常なダメージ あたえてしまうことが少なからずあるので、大いに注意しなければならぬのであ る。


抑圧意識 フロイト型とソンディ型

われわれは、自分でも気がつかないすぐれた才能を、潜在意識の中に持っている のだが、同時に、その才能の発現をさまたげ、さらには自分を傷つける抑圧意識 や、それから生ずる葛藤をも、潜在意識の中に持っているのである。



潜在意識層における抑圧意識 深層意識層における抑圧意識







About "Magical Realm" in Meditation (Zazen)

The Repressed Consciousness Named "Magical Nest"

Earlier, I talked about the "demonic realm" that often strikes me during meditation. And he wrote that this is so important that he will explain it in detail later. (p. 87) This "demonic realm" is hidden in people's minds, not only when they meditate, but whether they meditate or not, and has a great influence on our lives. It is truly a “demonic boundary” of life.

This suppressed consciousness

The cause of this "makai" is "suppression consciousness" in the subconscious layer.

1. born from birth

2 Things that happened before you were born


and two.

I don't know if you think it's a strange expression to say that you were born before you were born, but in short, it's something you inherited from your parents, or through your parents, from your ancestors.

Some people say that I place importance on family relationships and relationships with ancestors, but I can only think that it is a misunderstanding due to ignorance.

Mr. Hayao Kawai, a well-known psychologist, made a very interesting statement in his book.

This is a description of a problem that occurred in the family relationship between husband and wife and children.

Husbands and wives have a past all the time, and not only their own past, but also the past of their ancestors, they are together. And, as I said just now, there are families where one side has given up and is living, and there are families where they are hiding something. In such a case, it is important to restore the balance of the child's problem and ask, "Is that really what happened?"

It can also be a trigger.

So, he says that the third and fourth generations have to go back to the story, and he says that one or two confrontations (Kiriyama of Counseling) will not form a proper shape. Even if you think you did a pretty good job, it's still not enough. (“Considering Counseling” above)

No one lives alone, and no one was born alone. They are born and live in a close relationship with their families and ancestors. Without thinking about this, it is impossible for him to solve his problems. Naturally.

I think that what delves into this and extends it is Ripot Sondy's "(Family) Fate "Psychology".

I will talk about Sondi's psychology later, but most of the various mental disorders are caused by the oppression and conflict latent in the heart of the person.

At the time of zazen, it may appear suddenly and explosively. Meditation helps the subconscious


Because it takes place in a timely manner, consciousness that is usually hidden there can suddenly come to the surface. This is the "makai" during zazen meditation, but the expression of this suppressed consciousness is not limited to zazen meditation, and there are many cases in which he inflicts great damage on the person's life. So you have to be very careful.

Let's go into a little more detail.

Repressed Consciousness Freudian and Sondyian

In his subconscious, we have excellent talents that we are not even aware of. I have it in my consciousness.

Unless we get rid of this oppressive consciousness, we cannot live a healthy life.

I divide human oppression consciousness into two.

Repressed consciousness in the subconscious layer Repressed consciousness in the deep conscious layer

is. And I

The repressive consciousness of the subconscious layer is called "Freudian".

The repressed consciousness of the deep consciousness layer is called "Sondy type".

First, it is Freudian.

1, Freudian

The Freudian pattern is also the theory of that famous psychologist, Sigmund Freud.

Magic Kundalini Pearl Imagination


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ホモ・エクセレンスの資格 Homo Excellence Qualification

2023-04-17 17:52:46 | 瞑想






二 感覚器官の増幅彼は、不可視光線(赤外澳、紫外線)を見ることができ、超音波を聞くことができる。



















彼は、まだ低い段階のホモ・サピエンスたちを教育するための「教え」を說くと同時に、これからやがて次第にあらわれてくる 同族たちを教育するためのカリキュラムもつくった。

















Homo Excellence Qualification


Here is one technology.

When trained by that technique, every human has some great power.

What I've heard once is how to generate electricity that I will never forget. Instantly analyze, reason, and understand no matter how complex your structure or organization
The power of deduction and induction that organizes resources. No memory. Instantly analyze, reason, and understand no matter how complex your structure or organization
The power of deduction and induction to grasp the essence. Super dramatic creativity emanating from pure thinking that does not go through indirect thinking called Kotoba.
It probably reaches 2.5 to 3.5 if the average human intelligence is 1.0.

The best brains in this group easily understand the 4th dimension.

Amplification of the two sensory organs He can see invisible light (infrared light, ultraviolet light) and can hear ultrasonic waves.

Predictive power that comes from the combination of that abnormal sensation and high intelligence. They come from the ability to control one's body at will.

3. Control and creation of the environment-Change yourself as you wish, move others, and create groups and environments according to your own philosophy.

The power to freely control substances beyond the four substances.

Five infinitely developed moral consciousness.

Generally, it is the above ability.

Let's compare this with the ability of Professor Olivier's future, Homo Excellence, mentioned in the previous section.

Isn't it better to say it exactly as it is, rather than to be surprisingly similar?

If so, you may say. I wondered if the author brought the Olivier 說 in its entirety.

I don't touch it now. Rather, it's something I want to do better. At first, I knew the existence of a transferee from the Olivier machine, and I wondered if the acquisition of that technique was a qualification for future people. Of course, that's not the case, and Professor Olivier must have academically predicted the part of the coming, but how do you think of this implicit consensus?

It is not unthinkable that Professor Odis actually knew the existence of this special technology and climbed on it to write the magical power of Lansis in this way. Qi, this reinforcement equipment is more serious outside in Amek Meetaba than in this country.

And actually. After the field line that meets at such a time, Kannon will be colored with the number as it is.




Homo excellence is already appearing on this earth. Although it is still a very small number.

The future man, Homo Excellence, will not appear as a result of evolution over a long period of time, nor will it appear as a mutant like the Blankenstein monster.

This is the transformation of Homo sapiens itself by one special human development technique. English is not born naturally, but is created.

However, the first homo-excellence that appeared may have been, or a kind of mudant. Or it may have been the predecessor of Super Seto, which appeared as a result of environmental adaptation to the future society. Just the first Cro-Magnon to appear in a Neanderthal herd
Like a person. According to Le Garrick's law, the formation of new products within existing genera began in 300.
It will take 600,000 years. The number five XX years ago is a reasonable time, as the predecessors of Homo excellence have emerged and are gradually forming new genus of the same family within Homo sapiens.

The first Homo Excellence would have been very lonely. Because of his excellent abilities, he was naturally forced to become a prophet, a leader, and an educator. He also gains insight into the future thousands of years ago and homo-excellence of his position in human history through his extraordinary abilities.
Must have taken.

He looked at the "teachings" to educate the younger Homo sapiens, and at the same time created a curriculum to educate the upcoming relatives.

He had some worshipers around him. He trained in this curriculum, selecting those with excellent qualities. Or perhaps some of his disciples would have been the same Homo excellence predecessors as him. In this way, this technique was handed down later. But too advanced
Its development technology was too esoteric to be widely accepted and required time for people's progress and maturity. For a long time, this technology was often misunderstood, slandered, or in danger of division. However, every time the technology was about to be destroyed, excellent homo-excellence appeared and succeeded it. In this way, this technology quietly waited for the time to be widely accepted. Many have waited for the time when they needed this technology and began to strive to accept it.


It seems that time has come.
Homo sapiens has reached its limit as a living thing. Confusion, embarrassment and hatred that cover this world now
Above all, it is a thing. What comes next is nothing but despair. Right now, there is no human being living off the coast of Hino without feeling the danger of life even for a moment. You yourself have always overcome the crisis in mechanical and technical science. But now, the machines and technology are at the forefront of hitting humans.

"I can see you."

The civilization created by the intelligence of Homo sapiens has reached its limit. If this world wants to survive, a new civilization must be born. Everything Homo sapiens has produced has reached its limits in science, technology, religion, and even art. Ethics and morality have collapsed. Old humanity is a must
Although clinging to an old civilization to death, these are all from the past world. The way for creatures that have reached their limits to choose is "mass suicide." Now, the mass suicide is spreading on the ground. Environmental pollution, pollution and war-all created by Homo sapiens himself.


Eventually, Homo sapiens will be extinct by mass suicide in a mass struggle. Look. Even religions have joined the struggle. The law begins with the fact that Homo sapiens has finally begun to follow the last path followed by all the most struggling creatures of the country's religious groups, which they claim to be the most progressive. What should be destroyed should be destroyed. Therefore, humans and genus do not cease. Here is a new polar fetal movement. With new and old civilizations, Homo sapiens and ho, excellence will coexist for some time. It lasts from three to seven generations. The coexistence of Neandercourt and Cro-Magnon continued from the 1st to 150th generations. It took that much for the Neanderthals to disappear. Our coexistence is promoted and completed in a very short time


NS. From 3 to 150 years-in this amount of time, what should be destroyed will be destroyed.

After that, Homo Excellence creates new science, new technology, new religion, new songs. It is a dimension that seems to have been created by a high degree of intelligence and intellect that is incomparable to Homo sapiens.

I'm asking you here, are you Neanderthal or Cro-Magnon?

| Homo Excellence Curriculum

What is the Poin Excellence Curriculum?


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ネガティブな感情 negative emotions

2023-04-14 18:37:53 | 瞑想



  1. 自分の感情を認める まず、自分が感じている感情を認めることが大切です。感情を否定せずに、受け止めることが必要です。自分の感情に対して否定的な考え方を持ってしまうと、感情をコントロールすることがますます難しくなってしまいます。
  2. 原因を探る 次に、その感情がどのような状況で引き起こされたのかを分析してみましょう。原因が明らかになると、その感情を抑えるための戦略を考えることができます。
  3. コントロールするためのテクニックを学ぶ 感情をコントロールするためのテクニックを学ぶことも重要です。深呼吸や瞑想、運動などが効果的な場合があります。また、感情を書き出すことで、心の中にあるもやもやした感情を整理することができる場合もあります。
  4. 時間を置く 感情が高まっている場合は、冷静になるために時間を置くことが必要です。怒りや愚痴を口に出す前に、しばらく時間をおいてから考え直すことで、感情的な発言を避けることができます。
  5. コミュニケーションを改善する 人とのコミュニケーションに問題がある場合は、改善することも大切です。相手の意見に耳を傾け、自分の意見を適切に伝えることで、ネガティブな感情を和らげることができます。



To eliminate feelings of greed, arrogance, complaining, and anger, the following advice may be helpful:

  1. Acknowledge your emotions First, it is important to acknowledge the emotions you are feeling. Rather than denying or invalidating them, it is necessary to accept and recognize them. Having negative thoughts about your emotions can make it even more difficult to control them.
  2. Identify the cause Next, try to analyze what triggered the emotion. Once the cause is clear, you can develop strategies to control the feeling.
  3. Learn techniques to manage emotions Learning techniques to manage emotions can be helpful. Deep breathing, meditation, exercise, and journaling are all effective methods. Writing down your emotions can help you organize and clarify your thoughts.
  4. Take a break If your emotions are running high, it's important to take a break and calm down. Taking time to cool off can help you avoid saying things you may regret later.
  5. Improve communication If there are communication issues with others, it's important to work on improving them. Listening to the other person's perspective and effectively expressing your own can help alleviate negative emotions.

By following these suggestions, you may be able to reduce feelings of greed, arrogance, complaining, and anger. However, it's important to remember that it's impossible to completely control emotions. It's important to handle emotions skillfully and approach each day with a positive attitude.

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Buddhism" and "The Thirty-seven Factors of Enlightenment

2023-03-24 14:01:37 | 瞑想



Sure! I'll explain about "Buddhism" and "The Thirty-seven Factors of Enlightenment" in English.

Buddhism is a major world religion that originated in ancient India around 2,500 years ago. It is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who is also known as the Buddha, which means "the awakened one." The core teachings of Buddhism focus on the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, which offer a path to liberation from suffering and the attainment of enlightenment.

One important text in Buddhism is the "The Thirty-seven Factors of Enlightenment," which is a set of qualities or practices that are believed to lead to enlightenment. These factors are grouped into seven categories, which are:

  1. Mindfulness
  2. Investigation of the nature of reality
  3. Energy or effort
  4. Joy or rapture
  5. Tranquility or calmness
  6. Concentration
  7. Equanimity

Each category contains several factors that are essential for spiritual progress and the attainment of enlightenment. These factors include qualities such as mindfulness, concentration, wisdom, energy, and joy, which are cultivated through meditation and other spiritual practices.

Overall, the "The Thirty-seven Factors of Enlightenment" is a guide for Buddhist practitioners who seek to develop their spiritual qualities and reach the ultimate goal of liberation from suffering and the attainment of enlightenment.





  1. 念(しんねん)
  2. 慧(え)
  3. 精進(しょうじん)
  4. 歓喜(かんき)
  5. 安住(あんじゅう)
  6. 定(じょう)
  7. 般若(はんにゃ)



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2023-03-16 09:23:53 | 瞑想












数息観がそ‘の代表であるが、、とで’‐ ことてことに意識を集申し、他のものに心を向けない、これを積極的に意識的におこなうのであるひこれは修行のはじめの過程として、だれでも通るものである。











 では、その深層意識の流れを観ているものはなにか? だれが深層意識の流れを観ているのか? それは「無意識的精神集中」の心である。









 無意識的瞑想は「全の世界」を観る。 ・








Concentration (stop) and meditation (view)

Let's get into meditation.

The seat is a half-iron seat. Use zafu. Make a meditation sign. This is the basic posture of rudimentary meditation. (See Fig. 5. However, in this figure, although it is a legal seal, the Aker Sharmdler described later may be used.

Meditation practice consists of two areas.

One is mental concentration and one is meditation.

To concentrate on your mind. First is Shamata (stop). , Koan in Zen, praying, reading sutras, chanting mantras, etc. are also one of the methods of concentration. The point is to focus on one thing, stay there, and not move.

This focuses on one thing.

The view of numbers is the representative of that, but in and out, it attracts attention to things, does not pay attention to other things, and actively and consciously does this. As the first process of, anyone goes through.

This state of concentration can be divided into two. One is "concentration of breath and mind", and one thing

The next stage is "a state of unconscious mental concentration. This is a high degree, conditioned by practice while continuing conscious mental concentration, and finally one thing without being particularly conscious. You will be able to concentrate on.

This makes it possible to direct the unconscious consciousness, which cannot be controlled by the unconscious consciousness layer, to a specific object.

To leave it to the flow of the mind

Next is Bipashana (view).

This does not pay attention to one thing. I focus on each and every movement of my mind, but it's not just one thing. Leave it to the flow of your heart


There are also "conscious meditation" and "unconscious meditation".

In "conscious meditation", surface consciousness is watching the flow of the mind.

"Unconscious meditation" is the flow of the mind of deep consciousness.

Then, what is watching the flow of deep consciousness? Who is watching the stream of deep consciousness? It is the mind of "unconscious concentration".

Therefore, "stop" and "view" are closely related. Most of the meditations that are being practiced now depend on either "stop" or "view." In Zen, "stop" is weighted, and in meditation (what is done as), "view" is the main. Deer

However, if it is not a "view" that completes the "stop", it is not a true meditation, but a "stop".

The fact that it doesn't fit into the "view" is not really meditation either.

"Stop" and "view" must be mastered in the same way. And very

In order to perform advanced meditation (viewing), it is impossible unless you have mastered a very high level of nesting (stopping).

Then, what is the difference between "conscious meditation" and "unconscious meditation"?

In a nutshell,

Conscious meditation sees the "individual world",

Unconscious meditation sees the "whole world".・ ・

It would be nice to say.

Conscious meditation sees "the flow of your own world".

Unconscious meditation sees the "flow of mankind itself (in the world)". Disagreeable,

It's a more expanded world. It would be nice to say, "Watch the flow of the universe itself."

The unconscious conscious layer contains all the memories of humankind from the beginning. No, all the memories from before humanity are hidden.


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精児童と老人の知能アップ 求聞持法 Intelligent children and the elderly

2023-03-03 14:23:01 | 瞑想

こういう混乱期に抑圧意識が突出してきて、行者を思いがけない分裂行動 や、反社会的行動に追いこむのである。だから、旅行の過程において抑意識をとり去り、純一無 雑な人格をつくり上げるように指導してゆかねばならない。にもかかわらず、古来の求聞持法の修 行法には、このことが全く欠落してしまっている。


昔から、 求聞持法を修行してやり損なうと精神 病者になるといわれ、また実際に分裂病患者が少なからず出ているのはこのためなのである。修行 指導者ともに心せねばならぬ所以である。





いままで、求聞持法は密教の大天才をつくるためにあった。 普通人以上の知能を持つエリートを集めて特殊訓練し、即身

わたくしはその反対のことをこころみたのである。普通人の知能以下のひとたちをこの法で訓練 して、普通人の知能にまでひき上げようと考えたのである。その結果は非常に有望なものであった。 わたくしは思ったのである。

生まれつき高い知能を持つ秀才を天才に仕上げ、すぐれたエリートをつくり出すことも必要であ ろうが、低い知能に生まれついた不幸な子供たちの知能を高めて、普通人の水準にひき上げてやる ことも、それに劣らぬ社会的意義を持つことではないだろうか、と。

そうしてわたくし Kiramama      はそのこころみにいどんだのである。結果は有望なものであった。相当重症の 精薄児童でないかぎり、かなりな知能の回復・向上が見られたのである。密教はこのこころみを発 させなければならぬのではなかろうか。

また、即身成仏を果たす宗教的大天才をつくり出すことも大切であろうが、ひとにぎりの大天才 をつくり出すことよりも、たとえ大天才にははるかに及ばずとも、大多数の真の良識を持った 「賢いひと」をつくり出すことのほうが、いま、はるかに必要なのではなかろうか。いや、それを なすことこそが、ひとにぎりの大天才をつくり出す目的なのではないのか。それは人類社会全体の 知的レベルをひき上げることである。この世の中をほんとうにしあわせなものにするためには、ひ とにぎりの大天才をつくるよりも、人類全体の知能を少しでもアップさせることのほうが有効であ るとわたくしは思うのだ。

わたくしは、人類の不幸はすべて人間が愚かなところに原因があると思っている。人間が愚かで あるがゆえに、殺し合い、傷つけ合い、奪い合う惨事が止まないのである。釈迦、キリストをはじ 過去に幾人かの大天才があらわれたが、ことごとく人間の愚かさの中に埋没してしまった。い まだに人間同士の愚劣な争いは止まない。それどころかエスカレートするばかりである。戦争、闘 略奪経済による環境汚染と自然破壊、すべて人類の愚かさが原因である。 わたくしはこの法を 人類社会全体の知的レベルの向上に用いたいのである。人間の愚かさは、教育だけでは解決つかな いものである。 それを解決するためには、特殊な方法が必要である。




人間はその奥深いところに未発達の部分を持っている。そうしてその未発達の部分が、人間や、 人間社会をしばしば強く動かすのである。これが不幸の原因である。人間は、自分では気がつかな くても、自分のからだや心の奥底に、自分の知らない非常に遠い過去からのものをそのまま受けつ いで残している。 人間に進化するまでの過程において必要であった人間以前の非人間的なものを、

そのまま心の奥かく秘めている。人間にまで進化した現在ではもはや不要であったり、あるいは かえって有害となるものを残している。人間の愚かな行動はそれに起因しているのである。 求聞持 法はそれをとり除いて、人間を賢くさせる方法を持つ。



教育や、また、「教え」を主にした一般の宗教では、人間の奥かくにひそむこの暗黒部分をと のぞくことが出来ない。なぜならば、その暗黒部分は究極のところで「教え」を拒否してしまう からである。

必要なのは、「教え」ではなく「方法」である。 求聞持法はその「方法」を持つ。 い や、その「方法」が求聞持法なのだ。 わたくしは、この法を、一部のエリートたち(あるいはエリー トを志す人たちだけでなく、人類全体に適用したいのだ。人類の知能はそれにより間違いなくレベ ルアップするだろう。

ところで、人間の知能について考えるとき、老人の知能低下の問題をそのままにしておくわけに はいかない。


「見当識」を失って、記憶のほとんどを忘失してしまった気の毒なひとたちである。 しかし、気 の毒なのは本人たちだけではない。 その家族たちも同様に気の毒である。中には、人間関係を荒廃 させ、あるいは経済的に破綻しようとしている悲惨な家庭がいくつもある。仔細に見てゆくとき、 これはもうひとつの社会問題であると思わざるを得ない。高齢化社会がすすみつつある現在、これ は今後よりいっそう深刻化してゆくであろう。 これはひとごとではない。おたがい切実な問題であ る。生きているかぎり、だれでも老人になるのだ。 そうして多少の個人差はあっても、老人になっ



すぐれた効果をあげることができるのである。 かなりの高年者でも、この法によって訓練するこ とにより、確実に脳の老化を防ぐことが出来る。もちろん、若ものたちのようなわけにはいかない けれども、うまくゆくと、その老人の過去のどの時代よりも若々しく冴えた頭のはたらきを見せる という皮肉な現象も起こり得るのだ。

老人は長い社会生活による豊富な経験と知識を持つ。 ながい間の経験による知恵も持っている。 この経験と知識と知恵を恍惚のかなたに消滅させてしまうことは、本人はもとより、社会にとっ ても損失である。

持法の訓練により、老人は、脳の活力と柔軟性をとりもどす。 それは老人の経済的自立も意 味するだろう。


もちろん、この二つを完全に果たすためには、今までとちがったあたらしい求聞持法が必要であ る。なぜならば、古来の求聞持法は、エリート集団の特殊訓練法であった。エリート中のエリート えりすぐって修行させることにより、はじめてその効果をあげることができるものであった。そ れをそのままこれらのひとたちに適用することは出来ない。ではどうしたらよいのか? そのこと についてはまたあとで述べよう。



During this period of confusion, a sense of oppression comes to the fore, driving the practitioner into unexpected schisms and anti-social behavior. Therefore, in the process of travel, we must guide them to get rid of their feelings of depression and build up a pure and unsophisticated personality. Nevertheless, this is completely absent from the ancient Gumonjiho practice.


Since ancient times, it has been said that if one fails to practice the Gumonjiho, one becomes a psychopath, and this is the reason why many schizophrenic patients actually appear. This is the reason why both training leaders must keep this in mind.




Intelligent children and the elderly

It was used to create a great genius who would attain Buddhahood.

Until now, the Gumonjiho was to create a great genius of esoteric Buddhism. Gather elites with higher intelligence than ordinary people, special train them, and

I tried to do the opposite. The idea was to use this method to train people whose intelligence was below that of an ordinary person, and to bring them up to the level of an ordinary person's intelligence. The results were very promising. I thought.

It may be necessary to turn talented people who are born with high intelligence into geniuses and create an excellent elite, but he will raise the intelligence of unfortunate children who were born with low intelligence and raise them to the level of ordinary people. I wondered if this also has social significance equal to that.

That's how I and him, Kiramama, went against that plan. The results were promising. Unless the children were severely thin children, a considerable recovery and improvement of intelligence was observed. Shouldn't esoteric Buddhism have to make this intention come out?

It is also important to create religious great geniuses who can attain Buddhahood in their own lives. Isn't it far more necessary now to create "smart people"? No, isn't it the very purpose of him to create a handful of great geniuses? It is to raise the intellectual level of the entire human society. In order to make this world truly happy, I believe that it is more effective to raise the intelligence of the entire human race, even if only a little, rather than creating a great genius of his own.

I believe that human stupidity is the cause of all human misfortune. Human beings are foolish and they exist, so the tragedy of killing, hurting, and competing for each other never stops. Buddha, Christ, and many other great geniuses have appeared in the past, but they have all been buried in human stupidity. His silly fights between humans still don't stop. On the contrary, it only escalates. Wars, struggles, environmental pollution and natural destruction caused by the predatory economy, are all caused by the stupidity of mankind. I would like to use this law to improve the intellectual level of the entire human society. Human stupidity cannot be solved by education alone. A special method is needed to solve it.

Human beings have an underdeveloped part deep inside them. And it is this underdeveloped part that often drives humans and human societies strongly. This is the cause of unhappiness. Even if we don't realize it ourselves, we carry things from the very distant past that we don't know about in the depths of our bodies and minds. The pre-human inhuman things that were necessary in the process of evolving into humans,


It's hidden deep inside his heart. Now that he has evolved into a human being, he leaves things that are no longer necessary or even harmful. Human stupidity is due to it. Inquisitiveness has a way of getting rid of it and making people smarter.

He cannot look into this dark side that lies deep within human beings through education and general religions that focus on "teachings." This is because the dark side of him ultimately rejects the "teachings." What is needed is a "method," not a "teaching." Q&A has its "method". No, that “method” is the Qinghuiho. I want to apply this law not only to some elites (or those who aspire to be elites), but to the entire human race.

By the way, when thinking about human intelligence, he cannot leave the problem of declining intelligence in the elderly as it is.

According to a survey by experts, there are currently about 300,000 elderly people in total ecstasy all over the country. so-called


These are the poor people who have lost most of their memories due to their disorientation. But they are not the only ones to feel sorry for them. I feel sorry for their families as well. Among them are a number of miserable families that have ruined relationships or are on the brink of financial bankruptcy. When you look closely, you can't help but think that this is another social problem. With the aging society progressing, this will become even more serious in the future. This is not one. Both are serious issues. As long as one lives, one becomes old. In this way, even if there are some individual differences,

No one can prevent intellectual decline.

Then, what about the Qinghui method that dramatically improves human intelligence?

It can give excellent results. Even a very old person can certainly prevent aging of the brain by training according to this method. Of course, he can't be like the young ones, but if things go well, the ironic phenomenon of him showing a younger and clearer head than any other age in the old man's past can also occur. .

Elderly people have a wealth of experience and knowledge due to their long social life. He also has wisdom from long experience. Losing this experience, knowledge, and wisdom beyond ecstasy is a loss not only for the individual, but also for society.

Through the training of Hoho, the elderly regain the vitality and flexibility of the brain. It would also mean financial independence for the elderly.

These two things are possible.

Of course, in order to achieve these two goals completely, we need a new method of inquiry and hearing that is different from what has been done up until now. This is because the ancient Gumonjiho was a special training method for elite groups. An elite among elites, he was able to achieve its effect only by carefully selecting and training him. You can't just apply it to these people. So what should we do? More on that later.

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パドマ・マツガ ヨーガ秘伝〝明珠の発光" Padma Matsuga Yoga Secrets "Luminous Pearl"

2023-02-26 20:06:30 | 瞑想






つぎに、眼を閉じ、眉間の、アージュニャー・チャクラの部分に心を集中す る。心をしだいに内部に移す。


やがて、頭蓋の内部のアージュニャー・チャクラの部分に、半透明のピンポ 玉よりやや小さい球体があらわれるようになる。


中で) 浮揚するようになる。 浮揚するようになったら、それを徐々に眼窩の奥にになる。

移動させていく。眼窩の奥に移動させ終わったら、眼球をぐるりと後方に旋回 させて、(心眼を体の内部に向ける。


浮揚する球体が眼窩の奥に達したら、ごく静かに吸収しつつ、これを頭蓋骨 の底に移す。 頭蓋骨の底に達したら、背柱の中にあるスシュムナー管にそっ て、静かに垂直に下降させていく。そして、最後に臍と一線上にある体の中心 に到達させる。

臍の裏側に到達したら、聖語を約百唱する間そこに置き、それから、二横指 上のところに移す。 ここに球を置いたら、そこに心を集中し、聖語をくり返し 心に唱える



(パドマ・マツガとは、じつは「○○○」である。 極秘伝のため、ここでは秘すが、賢




もし光のほかに、花とか、葉とか、雲のようなもの、また生物の姿などがあ らわれても、それはそのまま静かにながめておればよい。 それがあらわれても 消えても、自然に、ただなにげなくながめているという気持ちで見ているこ と、また、なにも見えなくても、強いて見たいと思ってはならない。

クンダリニー・ヨーガの第一歩は、修行者の体内にあるパドマ・マツガに光 しめるところからはじまるのである。

パドマ・マツガが一度目ざめて発光すると、瞑想に入るやすぐにパドマ・マ ツガは光を放ちはじめる。それは、 思念を強めると、光も強く放たれる。

修行者は必要に応じて、パドマ・マツガを各チャクラに移動させ、光を強 ホルモンの分泌をうながすのである。それは、クンダリニーの覚醒にも欠



ヨーガの修行をしてある程度の力を持った者が、この定に入っている修行者 の体を見ると、発光体が修行者の体内を移動するさまを外部からはっきり見る ことができる。それは決して修行者の観想による主観だけのものではないので ある。神智学協会には、インドの熟達した導師による実験写真が数枚ある。 パドマ・マツガの発光は、熱心な修行者で、およそ一、二年かかるとされる。

発光したパドマ・マツガを、もう一度、アージュニャー・チャクラに引き戻 し、そこでさらに集中の度を強める。

光度を増したパドマ・マツガを、松果腺・松果体・視床下部へと静かに移動 させていく。

これは、やさしいことのように思われるかもしれないが、そうではない。あ る理由により、これは非常に困難な作業なのである。

その大きな理由のひとつは、大脳の中の錯綜した神経群である。この境界に達した修行者にとって、パドマ・マツガは「実在」なのである。このパドマ・ マツガを、正しい「道すじ」のとおりに通過させて、誤りなく目的の場所に到 達させるのは、非常に困難な仕事である。 導師の助けなく独力でこれをなしと げることは、ほとんど不可能なこととされている。






わたくしは、これが、人を天才にする 「求聞持聡明法」であるとしている。 なぜならば、この閃光が走った以後、修行者の脳細胞は、それまでと一変した はたらきを示すようになるからである。 一度、見聞きしたことは、どんなこと でも、必要に応じて記憶によみがえらせるし、独創的・天才的なアイデアが、 つぎつぎと泉の湧き出るように、尽きることを知らないようになる。むしろ、


サハスラーラ・チャクラの真の成就は、 クンダリニーの覚醒、上昇を待たね ばならないが、この「求聞持聡明法」の成就が、その第一歩なのであろう。

このパドマ・マツガの修行は、クンダリニー・ヨーガの極秘の秘伝であっ て、これ以上のべることはできない。いくつかの口伝もあるけれども、それを 筆にすることは禁ぜられているのである。 しかし、読者が、自分で工夫しなが 自修することのできる程度にまでは公開したつもりである。 読者の懸命な工 夫自修を切に願うものである。




Padma Matsuga Yoga Secrets "Luminous Light"

Next, let me teach you the secret of yoga, the luminescence of the pearl.

First, use the Fire Breathing method appropriately.

After completing the fire breathing method, take the basic posture and adjust your mind and breathing.

Then close your eyes and concentrate your mind on the Ajna Chakra area between the eyebrows. Gradually move your mind inside.

Repeat the sacred words "Om On" in your mind and stay focused.

Before long, a sphere slightly smaller than a translucent pinpo ball will appear in the area of the Ajnya Chakra inside the skull.

At first it is fixed to that part, but eventually it detaches from it (the cranial

inside) become levitated. Once you are levitated, bring it back into your eye socket.

move it. When you have finished moving it into the eye socket, rotate the eyeball backwards (turn the mind's eye toward the inside of the body.

From then on, this eye moves with the levitated sphere.

Once the levitating sphere reaches the back of the eye socket, very gently absorb it and transfer it to the base of the skull. Once you reach the base of the skull, gently descend vertically along the Sushumna canal in the spinal column. And finally, let it reach the center of the body, which is in line with the navel.

When you reach the back of your navel, keep it there for about a hundred verses, then move it two fingers above you. Place the sphere here, focus your mind on it, and repeat the scriptures to your heart.

While doing so, the translucent sphere finally began to emit light.

This is the luminescence of Padma Matsuga.

(Padma Matsuga is actually "○○○".

Astute readers will notice)


When you begin to see the light, you must keep your breath and mind very still in order to hold it.

If flowers, leaves, clouds, or creatures appear in addition to the light, it is enough to just look at them quietly. Whether it appears or disappears, you should naturally look at it casually, and even if you cannot see anything, do not force yourself to want to see it.

The first step in kundalini yoga begins with illuminating the Padma Matuga within the body of the practitioner.

Once Padma Matsuga awakens and emits light, as soon as she enters meditation, Padma Ma's Tsuga begins to emit light. The stronger the thought, the stronger the light emitted.

As needed, the practitioner moves Padma Matsuga to each chakra to increase the light and stimulate the secretion of hormones. It is also essential for kundalini awakening.

have irresistible power.

Inquiry and wisdom method

When a person who has practiced yoga and has attained a certain level of power sees the body of a practitioner in this state, he can clearly see from the outside how the luminous bodies move within the body of the practitioner. . He is because it is by no means only subjective in the contemplation of the ascetic. The Theosophical Society has several photographs of experiments by master Indian masters. The luminescence of Padma Matsuga is said to take about a year or two with a devoted ascetic.

Withdraw the luminous Padma Matuga once again to the Ajnya Chakra and intensify the concentration there.

The Padma Matsuga, which has increased in brightness, is quietly moved to the pineal gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus.

This may sound easy, but it is not. For some reason, this is a very difficult task.

One of the main reasons for this is the intricate neural groups in the cerebrum. For the practitioner who has reached this threshold, Padma Matuga is 'reality'. It is a very difficult task to pass this Padma Matsuga along the correct “path” and reach the destination without error. Achieving this on your own without the help of a guru is considered nearly impossible.


When the correct spot in the hypothalamus is reached, at that moment a blinding flash of light hits the head.

Run inside the lid. It felt like my optic nerve had sparked.

The Kundalini Yoga esoteric book states, “When this chakra is awakened, this part

This is what it says when a light appears in the throne and shines brilliantly.”

I believe that this is the ``Kummonji Shimei method'' that makes a person a genius. This is because, after this flash of light, the trainee's brain cells show a completely different function than before. Once you have seen or heard anything, you can recall it in your memory as needed, and you will never run out of original and genius ideas, like a spring welling up one after another. Rather,

It will start to work to the extent that it can be said to be abnormal.

The true fulfillment of the Sahasrara Chakra must wait for the awakening and rising of the Kundalini, and the fulfillment of this "Inquiry and Wisdom Method" is probably the first step.

This practice of Padma Matuga is the most secret secret of Kundalini Yoga and cannot be described any further. There are some oral traditions, but it is forbidden to write them down. However, I intend to publish it to the extent that readers can self-study with their own ingenuity. I earnestly hope that readers will work hard and self-study.

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瞑想 瞑想の修行は、二つの領域から成り立つ 「意識的瞑想」と「無意識的瞑想」 -

2023-02-17 16:28:49 | 瞑想




  1. 深呼吸をする:深く呼吸をすることで、身体と心をリラックスさせ、無意識の瞑想に入りやすくなります。
  2. 環境を整える:瞑想に適した静かな場所を選び、照明を落としたり、アロマキャンドルや音楽などを使って、リラックスした雰囲気を作り出すことができます。
  3. 瞑想に慣れる:瞑想に慣れることで、無意識の瞑想に入りやすくなります。まずは毎日短時間の瞑想から始め、少しずつ時間を延ばしていくと良いでしょう。
  4. マインドフルネス:今この瞬間に集中することで、無意識の瞑想に入りやすくなります。マインドフルネス瞑想という方法がありますので、試してみると良いでしょう。



Meditation is said to be effective in relaxing the mind and body and reducing stress by calming the mind, calming the mind, and facing the inside. Unconscious meditation is when you enter a meditative state unconsciously without being aware that you are meditating.

There are several ways to enter unconscious meditation.

Take deep breaths: Deep breaths help relax the body and mind and facilitate unconscious meditation.
Set the environment: Choose a quiet place to meditate and create a relaxing atmosphere by dimming the lights, using scented candles and music.
Familiarize yourself with meditation: Familiarizing yourself with meditation can help you enter unconscious meditation. Start by meditating for a short time each day and gradually increase the time.
Mindfulness: Focusing on the present moment makes it easier to enter into unconscious meditation. There is a method called mindfulness meditation, so you should try it.

The above is a brief explanation of unconscious meditation. Meditation is known to have a positive effect on mental and physical health, and it is recommended that you actively incorporate it.





















数息観がそ‘の代表であるが、、とで’‐ ことてことに意識を集申し、他のものに心








 これによって無意識の意識層をコットロ’Iルし、2 つうでは絶対に統御でき










 では、その深層意識の流れを観ているものはなにか? だれが深層意識の流

れを観ているのか? それは「無意識的精神集中」の心である。












 無意識的瞑想は「全の世界」を観る。 ・













Concentration (stop) and meditation (view)

Let's get into meditation.

The seat is a half-iron seat. Use zafu. Let's set up a meditation sign. This is rudimentary meditation

This is the basic posture. (See Fig. 5. However, although it is a legal seal in this figure, the later-mentioned Aker

In some cases, a shahmdler is used. For the basic posture of meditation, see "Reincarnation Meditation Method".

Please be sure to read it because it is explained in detail in "H")

Meditation practice consists of two areas.

One is the mental concentration method (・ o9 ~ Holy memorial, one is the meditation method (Yo'and ~).

To concentrate on

Let's explain this a little. First is Shamata (stop).

, Koan in Zen, prayer, sutra

Reading sentences and chanting mantras are also one of the methods of concentration. The point is one thing

Focus on, stay there, and don't move.

This focuses on one thing.

The view of a few breaths is the representative of that, but at the same time, I focused on that and focused on other things.

Do not turn to, do this positively and consciously. This is the beginning of training.

As a process, anyone goes through.

This state of mental concentration can be divided into two.

One is "concentration of breath", and one thing is w

The next stage is "a state of unconscious mental concentration. This is an advanced one.

As I continued to concentrate my consciousness, I was conditioned by practice, and finally

You will be able to concentrate on one thing without being conscious of it.

By doing this, the unconscious consciousness layer can be controlled by Cottro'I, and 2 can be absolutely controlled.

It becomes possible to direct the unconscious consciousness to a specific object.

To leave it to the flow of the heart

Next is Bipashana (view).

This does not pay attention to one thing. Put your heart into each movement of your heart

I'm going, but it's not just one thing. Leave it to the flow of your heart


There are also "conscious meditation" and "unconscious meditation".

In "conscious meditation", surface consciousness is watching the flow of the mind.

"Unconscious meditation" is the flow of the mind of deep consciousness itself.

Then, what is watching the flow of deep consciousness? Who is the flow of deep consciousness

Are you watching this? It is the mind of "unconscious concentration".

Therefore, "stop" and "view" are closely related. Now being done

Most meditations depend on either "stop" or "view." Zen is "stop"

The weight is applied to, and meditation (what you are doing as) is mainly "view". Shika

However, if it is not a "view" that completes the "stop", it is not a true meditation, but a "stop".

The fact that it doesn't fit into the "view" is not really meditation either.

"Stop" and "view" must be mastered in the same way. And very

In order to perform advanced meditation (viewing), you must acquire a very advanced nest (stop) in the same way.

It is impossible if it is not done.

Then, what is the difference between "conscious meditation" and "unconscious meditation"?

In a nutshell,

Conscious meditation sees the "individual world",

Unconscious meditation sees the "whole world".・ ・

It would be nice to say.

Conscious meditation sees "the flow of your own world".

Unconscious meditation sees the "flow of mankind itself (in the world)". Disagreeable,

It's a more expanded world. It would be nice to say, "Watch the flow of the universe itself."

The unconscious conscious layer contains all the memories of humankind from the beginning. I

And all the memories from before humankind are hidden.

I mentioned this in "Reincarnation Meditation I". "Individual departure

Reread Chapter 2, which talks about the consciousness and memory of "life" and "phylogenetics"

I want you to see it.

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チャクラの覚醒法  Chakra awakening method

2023-02-13 18:28:30 | 瞑想








チャクラの覚醒とは、人体のエネルギーセンターであると考えられている7つのチャクラを活性化してバランスをとるプロセスを指します. チャクラを目覚めさせるために一般的に使用される方法は次のとおりです。

  1. 瞑想: 瞑想は、チャクラを目覚めさせ、バランスをとるための最も効果的な方法の 1 つです。各チャクラに 1 つずつ焦点を合わせ、対応する色を視覚化し、チャクラを通って移動するエネルギーの流れを想像します。
  2. ヨガ: 各チャクラを刺激するヨガのポーズを練習すると、チャクラを目覚めさせ、バランスを取るのに役立ちます。たとえば、後屈の練習はハートチャクラを開くのに役立ち、前屈はルートチャクラを刺激します。
  3. アファメーション: 各チャクラに関連するアファメーションを繰り返すことで、そのチャクラのエネルギーのバランスを取り、調整することができます。
  4. サウンドセラピー: 特定の音や音楽を使用して、チャクラを目覚めさせ、バランスを取ることができます。たとえば、チャクラを刺激するために、シンギング ボウル、ゴング、チャンティングを使用できます。
  5. エッセンシャル オイル: エッセンシャル オイルを使用したアロマセラピーは、チャクラを刺激するためにも使用できます。例えば、サンダルウッドとジャスミンオイルは、クラウンチャクラを目覚めさせるために使用できます.

チャクラの覚醒のプロセスには時間がかかる可能性があり、一貫した努力と練習が必要であることに注意することが重要です. 知識のある教師や開業医の指導を求めることもお勧めします。

chakra awakening method
Chakra awakening refers to the process of activating and balancing the seven chakras, which are believed to be the energy centers of the human body. Commonly used methods to awaken the chakras are: .

Meditation: Meditation is one of the most effective ways to awaken and balance your chakras. On each chakra he focuses one by one, visualizing the corresponding color and imagining the flow of energy moving through the chakra.

Yoga: Practicing yoga poses that stimulate each chakra can help awaken and balance the chakras. For example, backbend exercises help open the heart chakra, and forward bends stimulate the root chakra.

Affirmations: By repeating the affirmations associated with each chakra, you can balance and regulate the energy of that chakra.

Sound Therapy: Specific sounds and music can be used to awaken and balance your chakras. For example, to stimulate chakras, singinghe can use bowls, gongs, and chanting.

Essential Oils: Aromatherapy with essential oils can also be used to stimulate the chakras. For example, sandalwood and jasmine oils can be used to awaken the crown chakra.

It is important to note that the process of chakra awakening can take time and requires consistent effort and practice. Seeking guidance from a knowledgeable teacher or practitioner is also recommended.













このチャクラを覚醒すると、体力が異常に増進して、普通の人の三~五倍の精力をもつようになる。三日、四日の徹夜くらい平気になる。一切の病気を受けつけず、健康体そのものとなる。病弱だった者は、その悪いところが、みな癒ってしまう。このチャクラに Samyama を集中してそのエネルギーが発動したとき、瀕死の病人でも床を蹴って立ち上がるだろう。男女ともに実際の年齢より一〇歳以上若くなる。




2 SPLEEN O SPLENIC Svadhisthana







「Nabi-cakra (臍輪)に Samyama を向けることにより、体内の配列、組織を知ることができる」(自在力 第3節)
この章について、佐保田鶴治博士は、トーン・外ん小胴輪。というのは、実際の癖の孔ではなくて、そのあたりにあると想像される神秘な車輪状の場所で、一六の輻をもっているといわれる。一説には、後世のハタ・ヨーガで説く六つのチャクラのなかの下から三つ目にあるマニプーラ・チャクラ (Manipira-cakra)のことであるともいう。いずれにせよ、肉眼で見える部分ではなく、幽体に属するものとされている。チャクラについては、ここで詳説する暇がない。臍輪は気体(生命エネルギーからなる身体)の中央にあるから、これに綜制をおこなうと身体内の組織がわかる、というのである」(『解説ヨーガ・スートラ』平河出版社)




それは、医学的には、ソーラー・プレクサスと名づけられた「太陽神経叢」のことである。腹腔神経叢、内臓動脈軸叢ともいわれ、腹腔動脈より出る上腸間膜動脈の起始部にある交感神経の大きい神経叢である。(次頁図参照)。胃の裏がわにあってさなれる神秘な車輪状の場所で、一六の輻をもっているといわれる。一説には、後世のハタ・ヨーガで説く六つのチャクラのなかの下から三つ目にあるマニプーラ・チャクラ (Manipira-cakra)のことであるともいう。いずれにせよ、肉眼で見





すなわち、ここから出る神経は、食道、胃、腹部血管、肝、輸胆管、膵臓、副腎、腸等に分布している。また、この神経叢は大小内臓神経、迷走神経、第十二胸神経節、第一腰神経節などが集まっており、内臓の神経としては最も重要な 叢 である。チャクラというのは、いずれも、今まで、空想的、神秘的場所とのみ考えられてきた。




「Samyama を向ければ、体内の組織を知ることができる」とあるが、この Samyam-a というのは、特別な修行を経た特殊な集中力をいう。あとでくわしく説明するが、
コールすることができるという意味である。実際にこのナービ・チャクラに Samyamaを集中すると、この太陽神経叢に属する内臓器官――それは食道から、胃、肝臓、膵臓、脾臓、副腎、腸にいたるまで、すべてを自分の思うようにコントロールできるのである。これらの臓器官が、どうにかすぎいい、いしでいいようであれば直ちに正常にもどしてしまう、いいわ、調べ、ごャード網駅、威、強滅、いった、キャラバに活動すると、他い通い力がたらいいてきて、個人、いいにいようにするようになると同時に、他人の心を目いていて、目に思い、単品、枠、主とすると心も交流するこきれいさに、下町な、理解できいことなど大地にみちすごい、、、チャーボードにしてそこかいことができる。つまり、人にはないで、、、持っていたい、エネルギーはこの空間に痕跡をとどれているので、このチャンスで、、、茨と同じになれば、その心が持っていたべてのもの、意識も、知能もみな自分と同化して自分のものになるということである。


















頭のなかの光明 Mirdha jyotis といわれるチャクラである。Brahma-randhra 梵の座、先の裂け目という頭蓋骨の接合するところの真下に位置する。梵の座、梵の裂け目とは、梵すなわち聖なるもの、と一体になる場所という意味である。





This is because the name "hormone" gives the impression that it is related only to the female genitals, and that is why it is taken care of. The same is true for androgens (androgens are also secreted not only by the testicles but also by the adrenal cortex, author).

Health and hormonal science


Kundalini Yoga knew decades ago that one of the state's leading endocrinologists was screaming loudly and was taking advantage of it. Women also acquire age-dependent, youthful feminine qualities-compassion, tenderness, lighting, supple and charming appearance, and beautiful voice through this chakra training. It is rich in various hormones such as testosterone, androsterone, and estrogen, which are secreted from the whole in men and from the ovaries in women, regardless of age.
This is because it has a special technique to secrete it. It works the same for men. This technique creates a heroic man with a strong fighting spirit.


The chakra is the base where it works.

Chakra function




In the previous section, I looked at the chakra from the aspect of modern medicine and physiology called the endocrine gland. Now let's take a look at how Kundalini Yoga thinks and explains the chakra from the perspective of Kundalini Yoga.




1 = Mueller Dara Chakra


Adrenal gland / dismissal

The gonad of the endocrine gland, the site of the kidney.
When you awaken this chakra, your physical strength will increase abnormally, and you will have three to five times as much energy as a normal person. I feel fine all night on the 3rd and 4th. It does not accept any illness and becomes a healthy body. Those who are sick will heal all the bad things. When her Samyama is concentrated in this chakra and its energy is activated, even a dying sick person will kick the floor and stand up. Both men and women are over 10 years younger than their actual age.

Instead, you will have strong sexual desire and fertility, so you can use that energy.
We also use a method called jas that converts it into intelligent energy.


2 = Svadishtana chakra

2 SPLEEN O SPLENIC Svadhisthana




It is the part of the adrenal gland that releases the hormones of fighting and heroes.
When this chakra awakens and activates energy, it becomes more energetic and brave.
You will be able to actively and boldly act. Don't be afraid of anything, don't be confused by anything,
With a fearless and immovable belief, he will not be swayed by any difficulties. Demonstrate superhuman skill that transcends life and death.

3 = Manipula chakra

Sun nerve
Adrenal gland, pancreas, spleen, stomach, liver
Thymus / heart / lung occupation


The mystery of yoga, "Yoga Sutras," says:
"By pointing his Samyama at the Nabi-cakra (umbilical ring), you can know the arrangement and tissue in the body" (Section 3 of Freedom).
About this chapter, Dr. Tsuruji Sahoda is a tone and a small torso. It is said that it is not an actual hole of habit, but a mysterious wheel-shaped place that is supposed to be around it, and has 16 spokes. One theory is that it is the Manipira-cakra, which is the third from the bottom of the six chakras described in later Hatha yoga. In any case, it belongs to the ghost body, not the part visible to the naked eye. I don't have time to elaborate on the chakras here. Since the umbilical ring is located in the center of the gas (the body consisting of life energy), it is said that the tissues inside the body can be understood by controlling it. "(" Commentary Yoga Sutra "Hirakawa Publishing Co., Ltd.)




It is explained that this is a little different. The doctor is said to be a mysterious place that can be imagined around that area, "but this part is by no means a fantasy place. It certainly exerts a great power that seems to be mysterious, but it is clearly medically confirmed.
It is medically the "solar plexus" named Solar Plexus. Also called the peritoneal plexus or visceral arterial plexus, it is a large plexus of sympathetic nerves at the origin of the superior mesenteric artery that emerges from the peritoneal artery. (See the figure on the next page). It is a mysterious wheel-shaped place where the back of the stomach is laid on the back, and it is said to have 16 spokes. One theory is that it is the Manipira-cakra, which is the third from the bottom of the six chakras described in later Hatha yoga. In any case, see with the naked eye
It is supposed to belong to the ghost body, not the part that can be eaten. I don't have time to elaborate on the chakras here. Since the umbilical ring is located in the center of the gas (the body consisting of life energy), it is said that the tissues inside the body can be understood by controlling it. "(" Commentary Yoga Sutra "Hirakawa Publishing Co., Ltd.)

It is explained that this is a little different.


The doctor is said to be a mysterious place that can be imagined around that area, but this part is by no means a fantasy place. It has great power, which seems to be mysterious, but it is clearly medically confirmed.

It is the "solar plexus" medically named Solar Plexus. Also called the peritoneal plexus or visceral arterial plexus, it is a large plexus of sympathetic nerves at the origin of the superior mesenteric artery that emerges from the peritoneal artery. (See the figure on the next page). The back of my stomach is on my stomach
This name was given because it sends nerves to each organ like the rays of the sun.

That is, the nerves exiting from here are distributed in the esophagus, stomach, abdominal blood vessels, liver, bile duct, pancreas, adrenal gland, intestine and the like. In addition, this nerve plexus is a collection of large and small visceral nerves, stray nerves, twelfth thoracic ganglion, first lumbar plexus, etc., and is the most important plexus as a visceral nerve. Until now, chakras have only been considered as fantasy and mysterious places.


These sites are by no means such things, and as mentioned earlier, they are deeply related to endocrine glands, nerve groups, enzymes, etc., and in fact, they are very important places from a medical point of view and are important. It is a place to work.


"If you point Samyama, you can know the tissues in your body," but his Sammy am-a is a special concentration that has undergone special training. I will explain in detail later,
To know this organization is not just to know the organization, but to freely control the organization.
It means that you can call. When he actually concentrates his Samyama on this Navi Chakra, it controls everything from the esophagus to the stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, and intestines to the internal organs of this solar plexus. You can. If these organ officers are somehow too good, and if they are okay, they will immediately return to normal, okay, research, goyad net station, prestige, annihilation, etc. It's a downtown area where you can get better and better, and at the same time, you'll be able to look at the hearts of others, think about them, and interact with each other as a single item, frame, and mainly. It's amazing to be able to understand things on the ground, and you can make it into a charboard. In other words, people don't have it, I want to have it, energy has traces in this space, so at this chance, if it becomes the same as thorns, everything that the heart has, consciousness However, all intelligence is assimilated with oneself and becomes one's own.

In that sense, if you become fully proficient in this chakra, you will be able to open the way to interact with the world of the spirit world (four dimensions).



5 = Vishudda chakra

Vishudda "
Thyroid / epithelial body,
(Parathyroid gland) Salivary gland


It is the site of the thyroid gland and salivary glands.
By moving this chakra, superhuman hearing is provided. In fact, when this chakra becomes available, you will be able to hear certain sounds that you have never heard before. This is my own experience, but what kind of sound it is is
I'll lie down here. When I teach a disciple, by examining what kind of sound the disciple heard, it becomes a criterion for judging whether or not the disciple really learned this chakra. Even if you don't use such things as criteria, the leader knows, but if
If you let us know in advance that it is such a sound, you may hear such a sound by self-suggestion, so you should hide anything similar to it. It does not mean that the law is not open to the public. However, it can be said that human hearing is 40,000 to 50,
You can only hear vibration waves of 000 kHz, but if you master this chakra, your hearing will be more than doubled. The heart of a person who is 100 meters away
You can also hear the heartbeat of the viscera. By the way, the hearing of dogs is 80, 〇 〇
It is said to be 〇 to ​​90, 000 kilohertz.

Also, listen to various voices. You will hear the voice of the leading spirit clearly.
This is also the ability of Yoga Sutras to "understand the meaning of the screams of all creatures." It is a Buddhist heavenly ear connoisseur.
In addition, this chakra is closely related to the muscle movements of the head, upper limbs (both arms) and chest.


6 = Ajnya Chakra

6 Pituitary gland


You will have abnormal clairvoyance. In "Yoga Sutras", "By shining light on the manifestation of the mind, we can know even the finest things, hidden things that are hidden from the public, and things that are far away. Is the ability.
Telepathic ability is generated. This chakra is the Siddy that makes it possible to do the "Great Deflection" in "Yoga Sutras".
This chakra is also called the command chakra, the desire fulfillment chakra, and the free power chakra, and when you become proficient, you will be able to command nature, move it freely, and control it freely.


7 Sahasrara chakra

Pineal gland / pineal gland "

It is the part of the pineal gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus.

A chakra called Mirdha jyotis. Brahma-randhra Located just below the junction of the skull, the seat of the sword, the rift at the tip. The seat of the 梵, the rift of the 梵, means the place to be one with the 梵, that is, the sacred thing.

When you awaken this chakra, a light appears in this part and it shines brightly. The light in my head.

This chakra integrates all chakras and controls it freely. He gradually transforms when he has free control over all the chakras. Kundalini Yoga describes this as one with the sacred. It is said that the Holy Spirit will dwell in this chakra and will interact with the Holy Spirit. The practitioner who completed this chakra is called a superhuman, a master, and a savior. Baiyue transcends the physical world and is no longer restricted by time and space. In India, the Buddha is a superhuman, showing in form that he is the perfector of this chakra. The top of the Buddha's head is raised as if he was wearing his hat, which is called "flesh training". It shows that the training of the Sahaslara chakra is completed and the skull is developed in this way.

The above is the mystery of Kundalini Yoga.

2 SPLEEN O SPLENIC Svadhisthana

Table of chakras and endocrine
Controlled endocrine therapy
And internal employment
Gonad / kidney
Adrenal gland / dismissal
2 SPLEEN O SPLENIC Svadhisthana
Sun nerve
Adrenal gland, pancreas, spleen, stomach, liver
Thymus / heart / lung occupation
Vishudda "
Thyroid / epithelial body,
(Parathyroid gland) Salivary glands,
Pituitary gland
Pineal gland / pineal gland "




























実践 輪廻転生瞑想法〈3〉あなたも仏陀になれる水晶龍神瞑想法

(2021/4/7 10:43時点)


(2021/4/7 10:43時点)


Therefore, let's take the plunge and give an overview of the chakra awakening method.


Earlier, I mentioned that creating routes for chakras and Senfu ruggies would help awaken the chakras. That's exactly right, without it

It can be said that the awakening of the chakra is almost impossible. In particular, route building for Ajnya Chakrahe plays a very important role.


However, that alone will not achieve the awakening of the chakras. It's a completely different method.


The course is roughly as follows.


Secret mantra special chanting method


I, the practitioner knows the exact location of his chakra.

The location varies from person to person, so the cap will tell you the exact location)

2. Hit a special vibration on the place of this chakra. To that end, first

3. Create a vibration route that conveys this special vibration. There are some routes that overlap with the chakra / thousand ruggie routes that have been created so far, but most of them will be newly created. It is a route that leads directly to the chakras.

Use "XX" to create this route. -(Especially secret, but if you read this book carefully, you should be able to get a hint)

4. Can generate and write the special vibration.

5. Transmit the vibration to the route and hit the chakra.


It is as above.

This vibration is a special secret method that awakens the chakras, and is my most secret secret.

This special vibration uses the diaphragm, thoracic cavity, and abdominal cavity to cause special vibration.


Reincarnation Meditation III











By the way, one physical "force" is needed to reverse the intention.
It is also clear that there is.

The intention is intangible, and the physical force is not without it, but it is very weak. Needs to be strengthened. It's not just about doing it, it's about making it powerful enough to "move" and "stimulate" the chakras in the end.
You have to.

In other words, a kind of conversion work must be done to enhance the psychological action to the physical action.

If conversion is over, it can be said to be strengthening. Here is the secret of "breathing".

Where, how, and how to retain the power generated by will and breathing is the secret of Shakuson's Kundalini Yoga.
It starts with making a path

First, the route of chakra energy is shown.

This basic route uses the "meridian" route of Chinese medicine.




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霊性とはなにか?  what is spirituality?

2023-01-31 09:15:18 | 瞑想




霊性(れいせい、れいしょう[1])は、非常にすぐれた性質や超人的な力能をもつ不思議な性質[1]、天賦の聡明さ[2]といった意味の漢語であり、肉体に対する[1][注釈 1]の意味でも用いられる。また、英語: spiritualityスピリチュアリティラテン語: spiritualitas の訳語でもあり[3]スピリチュアリティとも訳され、宗教心のあり方、特にカトリック教会などでの敬虔信仰などの内実やその伝統を指す[4]。カトリック神学用語としての霊性の起源は5世紀に遡るが[3]、神学用語として積極的に用いられるようになったのは20世紀初めのことである[5]。その後、キリスト教用語の枠を越えて広く宗教用語や一般文化用語として用いられている[3]





釈尊の「成仏法」を修行すると、それがよくわかるようになるのであるが、ここは、瞑想によって悟を完成し、仏陀になられた大霊覚者ゴータマ・ブッダ、釈尊の語るところによって、 それを知っていただこう。







不動心を得、宿命 智通を覚りて作証しぬ。我行 有り相貌 有り、本




・無量の成敗劫なり。 彼の衆生某と名づけ、彼昔更に歴ぬ。我曾て彼に


生じ、是の如き姓、 是の如き字にして、 是の如く生じ是の如く飲食し、 是の


如く苦楽を受け、是の如く長寿し是の如く久しく住し是の如く寿り、此に死して彼に生じ、彼に死して此に生じ、 我生じて此に在り、 是の如き姓、 是の如き字にして是の如く生じ是の如く飲食し、 是の如く苦楽を受け、 是の 如く長寿しの如く久しく住し是の如く寿りぬと。これを我その時初夜に



じ謂く宿命 智を作証明達しぬ。 また次に梵志、我巳に是の如き定

心を得、清浄にして穢無く煩無く、柔軟にして善く住し不動心を得、 生死智


死時生時、 好色悪色、妙と不妙と、善処及び不善処に往来するを見、この衆 ぜんしょ

生の所作業に随いてその如真を見、若しこの衆生身悪 [行)、口・意悪行を

成就し聖人を誹謗し、邪見にして邪見業を成就すれば、彼これに因命終りて必ず悪処に至り地獄の中に生ぜん。 若しこの衆生身妙行、

意妙行を成就し、聖人を誹謗せず、正見にして正見業を成就すれば、 彼 これに因縁して身壊れ、命終りて必ず善処に昇り天中に上生せんと見 る]。 これを我その時中夜にこの第二明達を得と謂い、本放逸無きを以て遠 離に楽し修行精動し、謂く無智滅して而も智生じ、闇壊れて面も明成り、 無明滅して而も明生じ、謂く生死智を作証し明達しぬ。 また次に梵志、 我巳 にの如き心を得、清浄にして穢無く煩無く、柔軟にして善く住し不動心 を得、漏尽智通を学び作証し、我この苦の如真を知り、この苦の習を知り、 この苦滅を知り、この苦滅道の如真を知り、この漏の如真を知り、この漏 習を知り、この滅を知り、この滅道の如真を知り、 我是の如く知 是の如く見、欲漏心解脱し、有漏・無明漏心解脱し、解脱し巳りてすな わち解脱を知り、生巳に尽き梵行巳に立ち所作巳に弁じ、更に有を受けずと 真を知る。これを我その時後夜にこの第三明達を得と謂い、本放逸無きを 以て遠離に住し修行精勤し、謂く無智滅しても智生じ、闇壊れて而も明成り、無明滅して而も明生じ、謂く漏尽智を作証し明達しぬ。


わたし(釈尊は、つねに努力精進し、その想いは確立してすこしもみだ れず、体は安楽で動揺せず、心は禅定に入って静かである。 そのわたしがあ るとき、瞑想に入ってしだいに禅定が深まってきた。 第一禅定から第二、第 三、第四禅定まで深まるにつれて、心に想い浮かぶなにものもなくなり、喜 びや楽しみだけとなり、そして遂にはそれもなくなって、ただ清浄な想いだ けとなった。

そのとき、わたしの心は、一点のけがれもなく、清く明るく、絶対不動で あった。そしてわたしの心の眼はおのずから前世の光景に向けられていっ た。それは一生だけではなく、二生、三生、十生、二十生、そして無限の生 生きかわり死にかわりした光景が展開してきた。これが第一の智慧で ある。


what is spirituality




Spirituality (reisei, reisho [1]) is a Chinese word meaning such as a mysterious disposition [1] that has a very good nature or superhuman strength, or a natural intelligence [2]. Also used in the sense of spirit[1][note 1]. It is also translated from English: spirituality and Latin: spiritualitas [3], and is also translated as spirituality, which refers to the state of religious mind, especially the reality and tradition of piety and faith in the Catholic Church [3]. Four]. The origin of spirituality as a Catholic theological term dates back to the 5th century[3], but it began to be actively used as a theological term in the early 20th century[5]. Since then, it has been widely used as a religious term and a general cultural term beyond the framework of Christian terminology [3].

I believe that humans are spiritual beings.

This is because humans have a special life form.

What are special life forms?


If you practice Shakyamuni's "Buddha Dharma", you will come to understand it well, but here is the great enlightened person Gautama Buddha, who achieved enlightenment through meditation and became a Buddha, according to the words of Shakyamuni. I want you to know that.

This is what Shakyamuni says in the Chuagami Sutra, a sutra directly written by Shakyamuni.

Middle Agon Sutra "Orange Garden Sutra"



I have the determination to write like this, clean and free from pollution and flexibility.


Acquire a sense of steadfastness, wake up to your destiny and wisdom, and write a work. There is a book


As I remember my countless careers, there are so-called lifetimes, two lives, a hundred lives, a thousand lives, a secular life, and so on.


・There are countless successes and failures. Named his sentient beings, he has a long history. to him


Born, surname like this, letters like this, birth like this, eating and drinking like this,


Like this, I received joys and sorrows, lived like this, lived like this, lived like this, lived like this, lived like this, died like this and was born to him, died to him and was born here, I was born and am here, like this. The family name is written like this, and it is born like this, eats and drinks like this, suffers joys and sorrows like this, lives like this for a long time, and lives like this. I made this on the first night

It is said that this is the first attainment of mastery.

Even if Ignorance disappears, wisdom arises

The so-called destiny wisdom has not been achieved. Next, Bonshi and I have this kind of determination.

Acquire the heart, clean and free from impurities, flexible and well-living, acquire a steadfast heart, and the wisdom of life and death.

By learning the arts and making testimony, I can pass through the eyes of the clairvoyant of purity, so that this sentient being

In death and in life, lecherous and lewd, strange and strange, going back and forth between good and bad, all of this people.

Follow the work of life and see the reality, and if this sentient beings are bad [deeds], mouth / bad deeds

If one succeeds in slandering a sage, blaspheming a sage, and accomplishing a wicked act, he will surely end up in a bad place and be reborn in hell. Young sentient beings perform miracles,

If one achieves a miracle, does not slander a sage, and sees the right view and achieves the right view, one will be broken due to this, and after one's life ends, one will surely rise to a good place and rise to the heavens]. This is what I call this second enlightenment in the middle of the night. It flickers and then the light arises, and the so-called wisdom of life and death cannot be proved and attained. Next, I will acquire a heart like Bonshi and I, clean and free from impurities, flexible and well-living, gaining an immovable mind, learning the flow of wisdom and writing, and I will know the truth of this suffering. Know this practice of suffering, know this suffering, know this reality of suffering, know this reality of leakage, know this reality of leakage, know this destruction, know this reality of destruction. To know, to know as I am, to see as I am, to be liberated from greed and ignorance, to be liberated from ignorance and ignorance, to be liberated, in other words, to know liberation, to be exhausted in life, and to stand in the spirit of the gods. To speak to the snake, and to know the truth without receiving existence. This is what I call this 3rd Awakening at that time and at night. There is no flicker and then the light arises, and the so-called leaked wisdom cannot be proved and clarified.

(I referred to "Kokuyaku Issaikyo" for reading down)

I (Shakyamuni) is always striving and diligent, his thoughts are firmly established and not disturbed, his body is comfortable and unshakable, and his mind is calm and tranquil. From the first meditation to the second, third, and fourth meditations, the mind ceased to have any thoughts, only joy and pleasure, and finally it ceased to exist. It was nothing but pure thoughts.

At that time, my heart was pure, bright, and absolutely unmoving. And my mind's eye naturally turned to the scene of my previous life. It was not just one life, but two, three, ten, twenty, and infinite lives, and a scene of life and death unfolded. This is the first wisdom he has.




それからわたしの心は、あらゆる衆生の相に向けられてきた。わたしは超人的な眼力でその相を見た。そこには貴いもの、賤しいもの、美しいもの、醜いもの、幸福なもの、不幸なものの、それぞれの宿業が渦巻いてい た。 これが第二の智慧である。

それからわたしは、苦集滅道の四(四つの真理)をありのままに 知り、わたしの心は、あらゆる存在の相から、全く解放され、ふたたびそれ に執着することはなくなった。これが第三の智慧である。

釈尊は瞑想によって、自分の前生の、二生、 三生、 十生、 二十生、さらには無 限の生涯の生き変わり死に変わりしてきた光景を見ているのである。 それは自 分だけではなく、あらゆる人間の前生と、さらに後有(このつぎの人生)を見て いるのである。

釈尊はここで、決しておとぎ話や、たとえ話寓話をのべているのではない。 釈尊の成仏法を修行すれば、その真実であることがすぐわかる。 その修行により、わたくし自身、人の三、四世代前、そしてつぎの世代における存在までは透 視できるようになっているのである。

人間の生命は、多くの人たちが考えているように、決してひとつの生涯だけで 終わるものではないのである。 ある生涯が終わったら、またひきつづき、つぎの 生命形態に移っていくのである。

多くの人たちはその認識がなく、ひとつの生涯のみで、人の生命は終わるもの と思っている。ここに、決定的な、そして致命的な生命観の欠陥があるのであ





いわゆる来所を知り、住所を知る智慧である。 これを得れば、人はおのずから、 なにをなすべきか、なにをなさざるべきかがわかってくる、そこから人間の真の 進歩発展がスタートするのである。それがないから、人間は、霊的に少しも進 歩せず、発展せず、いつまでも低いところを輪廻して、無限にさまよい歩いてい



この無知を、釈尊は、 「無明」 (avidya) と名づけたのである。






真実を悟る智慧を持たず、真っ暗闇の中を、手さぐりで歩いている状態であ る。まことに人間はそのとおりではないか。 来たるところを知らず、往くところ を知らず、ただ現在(現生)あるのみである。その現在を、ひたすら目先の利益 追求に狂奔する。その結果、いかなるところに往くのか、いかなる世界に、いか 生命形態として存在することになるのか、まったくお先真っ暗である。 「第三の目」は、このお先真っ暗な闇の世界を見通すのである。「第三の目」に闇はない。 真昼のごとく明らかに見ることができるのである。

奇妙なことに思われるかもしれないが、わたくしは、釈尊の十生、二十生を見 通す力を思うごとに、ショウジョウバエを想い起こすのである。

ショウジョウバエは、その世代が極端に短い。 ふつう、一世代がわずかに約1カ月である。だから、何十世代もの変遷を短時間で見ることができる。

そこで、生物学者や、遺伝学者は、ショウジョウバエを使って、その変化を実 験する。ひとつの遺伝子の変化が、何十世代のうちに、どういう結果を生ずる 目のあたりに知ることができるのである。



彼のように、何十世代もの人間の移り変わりを如実に見ることのできる力をそ なえていれば、ひとつの原因が、どのような経過を経て、どのような結果をもた らしたか、つぶさに知ることができる。 彼がじっさいに語っているように、その 人間がなんという名前で、いつ、どこに生まれて、どういう人生を送ったか、ま その人生を終わって、つぎにまたどういう人生を迎えたか、ある生涯のどんな





さきほどの中阿含経 「黄蘆園経」では、釈尊の瞑想の深まり、生き生きと語瞑想のすべてがここに表現されているといってよい。







3 からだは安楽で動揺しない。












2、 それは一生だけでなく、二生、三生、十生、二十生とかぎりなくさか















それは第三の智慧の獲得であり、「解脱の瞑想」 であった。

いかがであろうか? すばらしい体験だとあなたは思わないだろうか? れが仏陀の瞑想なのである。そうしてだれでも、仏陀の瞑想をすればこういう境 地に達することができるのだ。

だが、そういうと、あなたはいうかもしれない。釈尊のような大天才と、凡人 であるわれわれと、どうしていっしょになるものか、釈尊がそういうすばらしい 体験をしたからといって、それがそのままわれわれに通ずるとはかぎらないの だ。むしろ、鶏のまねをするカラスで、けっきょく、骨折り損のくたびれもうけ ということになるのではないか、と。


釈尊とおなじ瞑想をすることにより、われわれもまた彼とおなじ結果に到達す ることが可能なのである。 最初の道を切り開くものは天才でなければならぬ。 し かし、すでに天才の開いた道は、だれでも歩むことができるのである。





Since then, My heart has been directed to all aspects of sentient beings. I saw that face with superhuman eyesight. There swirled the karma of the noble, the humble, the beautiful, the ugly, the happy, and the miserable. This is the second wisdom.


After that, I came to know the Four Paths of Suffering and Destruction (Four Truths) as they were, and my mind was completely freed from all aspects of existence, and I never clung to them again. This is the third wisdom.

Through his meditations, the Buddha sees the scenes of his previous lives, which have been transformed into the rebirths and deaths of his second, third, ten, twenty, and even infinite lives. He sees not only himself, but all human beings in their previous and subsequent lives.

The Buddha is not telling fairy tales or parables here. If you practice Shakyamuni Buddha's Dharma, you will soon find out its truth. Through his training, I have become able to see myself, three or four generations before and even the next generation.

Human life, as many people think, does not end with just one lifetime. After one life is over, one moves on to the next life form.

Many people are unaware of this and believe that human life is over in only one lifetime. Here lies a crucial and fatal flaw in the view of life.


Spirituality is the nature of knowing it.

It is the ability to know where people come from, where they leave, and where they are going.


It is the wisdom to know the so-called arrival and address. Once people have this, they will naturally understand what they should do and what they should not do, and that is where true progress and development of human beings will begin. Without it, human beings do not make any progress or develop spiritually, and continue to wander endlessly in circles in the low places.

It is. No, that's not all. As a result, human beings

He will destroy the world with his own hands.

This ignorance is what the Buddha called ignorance (avidya).

Drosophila Logic


"The word 'ignorance' has two meanings.

Total ignorance and total darkness.

“Ming” has two meanings: wisdom and light.

Lacking the wisdom to perceive the truth, he walks fumbling in pitch darkness. Is it not so with humans? He does not know where he is coming, he does not know where he is going, he is only present. In the present, he is frantically pursuing immediate profit. As a result, where he will go, what kind of world he will exist in, and what kind of life form he will exist in, the future is completely dark. The "third eye" sees through the dark world ahead. There is no darkness in the "third eye". You can see it as clearly as it is at noon.

Strange as it may seem, every time I think of Buddha's ability to see through his ten or twenty lives, I think of fruit flies.

Drosophila have an extremely short generation. Usually, one generation is only about one month. So you can see the transition of dozens of generations in a short time.

So biologists and geneticists use fruit flies to experiment with the changes. It is possible to see with one's own eyes what kind of results a change in one gene will produce in dozens of generations.

So is the wisdom of the Buddha.


Like him, if you have the power to see the transitions of dozens of generations of human beings, you will be able to understand how a single cause has led to what kind of process and what kind of result. You can know in detail. As he actually says, what was the name of that person, when and where was he born, what kind of life did he lead, and what kind of life did he end his life, and what kind of life did he face again, a certain life What kind of

It is

Across all human beings, what the result of the action was in the next lifetime

can know. This is the real deal.

From Buddha Meditation to Reincarnation Meditation

It can be said that the deepening of Shakyamuni's meditation and the lively speech meditation are all expressed here in the Middle Agon Sutra "Huang Roen Sutra" that I mentioned earlier.

Jumping over the 21st-century gap in time and space, dear readers, this is what meditation really is. This is where meditation is all about.

Let us delve a little deeper into this experience of Buddha.

Buddha's meditation experience has five stages

Here, the depth of meditation and its results are vividly told.

first stage

1. To be able to continue devoting oneself to one purpose at all times, to be able to consolidate one's thoughts,

3 His body is easy and restless.

second stage

4. The mind is always calm and quiet.

From the first meditation to the second, third, and fourth meditation, it gradually deepens,

1. Nothing comes to mind,

2, only joy and pleasure,

third stage

3. At last filled with nothing but pure thoughts,

4. Not a single point of blemish, clean and bright, absolutely immovable.

Then the eyes of my heart opened,

1. The scene in my previous life begins to unfold.

fourth stage

2. It is not only a lifetime

Ascending, the spectacle of an infinite life, transformed into rebirth and death, unfolds.


It was a retrospective to the root of life and the acquisition of the first wisdom.

The mind's eye expands further and further, transcending the limits of one's ability to see the past and the present.

And all the people flowing into the future are seen through.


It was a grasp of the substance of the lodging that regulates existence.

This is the acquisition of the second wisdom.

fifth stage

I then



1. Clearly know the four truths that will free you from karma,

2. Completed commentary and transcendence from all beings.

It was the acquisition of the third wisdom, ``meditation of liberation''.

What do you think? Isn't it a wonderful experience for you? This is Buddha's meditation. So anyone can reach this state by meditating on the Buddha.

But then you might say, How can a great genius like Buddha and ordinary people like us get together? Or rather, a crow imitating a rooster, and in the end he would end up getting tired of his unsuccessful efforts.

It is not so.

By doing the same meditation as the Buddha, we can also reach the same results as he did. A genius must be the one who paves the first path. However, anyone can follow a path that has already been opened by a genius.

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ヒトを天才にする求聞持聡明法 Gumonji that makes humans a genius

2023-01-30 16:57:15 | 瞑想


つぶさ    ぶつせつこくうぞうほさつのうまんしよがんさいしようしんだら・にぐもんじほう
二、その超人的干1 ルギーを、中国・道教につたわる導引・気功の持つ生気ルートに


神仙に化することだけはちょっとむずかしいが、不老長寿はかならず達成される。 わたくしぱ断言してよい。仙選の秘法がとり入れられているこの駄都如意求聞持聡明法


Gumonji Gumonji that makes humans a genius

Gumonji Gumonji that makes humans a genius
The scholarship method is a secret method that is passed down to the Shingon esoteric Buddhism that makes humans wise and genius.
Kobo Daishi Kukai is known to the shuku for having mastered this at a young age and becoming a great genius.
To. In addition, the founder of the Shingi Shingon sect, Kakuban Kokyo Daishi (195111142), used this law seven times.
It is said that he did not succeed after repairing, but made a siddhi for the eighth time and succeeded. The work of the trowel trowel
Looking at his achievements, there is no doubt that his superiors were also geniuses. But unfortunately he died at the age of 48
He is cursed.
There are three types of Shingon Esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhism.
Gumonji Kokuzo
Gumonji Kannon
However, in general, the method of holding a sword is the famous Kokuzo sword that Kukai has repaired. this
Dharani, Dharani, Dharani, Dharani, Dharani
The law is called "Buddhist Theory Kokuzo Bosatsu Noman's Wishes Most Victory Dharani Gumonji Law".
However, the Gumonji Gumonji method that I am presenting in this book is neither of these. It's a Gumonji method that I created in my own confession, and I'm good at this.
It was named Gumonji Gumonji.
This method of esoteric Buddhism is completely different from the method of esoteric Buddhism.
There are two characteristics.
that is,
1. Awaken the Kundalini Yoga chakra and generate a superhuman thousand irritations.
2. The superhuman dryness 1 Ruggy is used as an animation route for the guidance and qigong of Taoism in China.
Put it on and go around each important part of the body and spread it around. In particular, it is sent to the diencephalon / hypothalamus, which is the center of the cerebrum.
These two methods were completed in a unique way. It can be said that this is an unexplored area. I spent half my life, rather than my whole life, on the completion of this law. Since "The Principle of Transformation" published about 20 years ago, I have 40 books in this book, and all of them show the way to the completion of this law. It can be said that there is.
In this book, I have revealed as much as possible what I have gained. Both Kundalyu Yoga and Taoist guidance and qigong are for acquiring superhuman abilities.
The best law. There is no more psychic development method in this world. Gumonji Gumonji, which was completed by correcting and fusing the deficiencies of these two laws and adding new ideas, is
We take pride in being the ultimate psychic development method in Japan.
of course,. As the saying goes, "I'm afraid of posterity," there may be more psychic development methods in the future, but it's also a combination of Kundalyu Yoga and Guidance / Qigong.
I am convinced that it will not be anything other than the line of the Toyo-Kai-Machi-Satoshi Law.
I assert that if this law is practiced as instructed, human intelligence will surely be doubled and physical strength will be tripled.

Genius must be immortal and longevity

Gumonji Gumonji certainly makes humans a genius.
However, no matter how genius you become, if you become sick or die young because of that, nothing will happen. A genius is forever youthful, healthy, for the sake of the world, for the sake of others, and for the sake of others.
Must be. (A genius who sleeps completely, etc.)
I always had in mind a senior member of the Kokyo Daishi Party, who was 48 years old and had a regrettable short life. The superior must have been hurt and impaired his life, although the law was fulfilled, probably due to the harsh training of the quest.
This was especially afraid for me, a young man who had suffered from tuberculosis for many years and had a painful experience of lying in bed.
Fortunately, however, this concern was overwhelmed.
Incorporating the secrets of Taoist guidance and qigong has blown away this concern.
In other words, Taoist guidance and qigong follow the flow of Sendo. And the ideal of Sendo is to become an immortal and longevity, and to become a Shinsen while living.
The Gumonji Gumonji method did not specifically aim for immortality and longevity, but the result was.
Unexpectedly, the ideal of Sendo was realized.
It is a little difficult to turn into a Shinsen, but immortality and longevity are always achieved. I may affirm. This Gumonji Gumonji method that incorporates the secret method of Sensen
If you are in your twenties, you will be able to rejuvenate from three to five years old, and if you are middle-aged or older, you will be able to rejuvenate from ten to fifteen years old.

Even if you train as an elderly person and cannot become a genius because of your age, you will only be able to acquire a youthful body and a never-ending brain.




The Gotama Buddha usually believed in mysterious powers and wished that the practitioners would have such powers.
Buddhist scholars and Buddhists seem to believe that they have forbidden to do anything, but that is a mistake.
Then, Buddha himself, Godfoot ({Random stone doctrine, that is, supernatural to fully fulfill Buddhism)
He says that power is needed and preaches a training method for superhuman skill development. This is the Pali literature
Can be easily proved by. (Omitted)
According to it, it is a supernatural power development method also called "Iddhipada" or "Iddhipada".
Buddha thinks that simply brushing intellect and reason is not enough to fulfill the bodhi.
Well, I thought that I needed the power to break the limits of intellect and reason.
To that end, he created a method for developing such powers. It's the super he learned
It can be seen that it was organized by adding the capacity development method.
It consists of thirty-seven kinds of techniques, and Iddhipada is the central technique.
To. He explains Shinto, the rule for getting the will, by dividing it into four types of methods.
Desire foot (desire, ideal, approach for creation)
Working God's foot (body and mind training method)
Mind god foot (subconscious training method)
Kanjin foot (deep consciousness training method)
In order to break the stalemate, it was incorporated into Mahayana Buddhism and systematized, and became known as esoteric Buddhism. So esoteric Buddhism has two sides.
One is the development technology of supernatural powers.



どこに「知恵あるヒト」のおもかげがあるか? 「大愚人類」そのものではないか?


People need religious teaching because of their low intellectual ability. In short, it's stupid. People's moral awareness is low because their intelligence and mental abilities are low. If the intelligence is really high, one will have a higher ethical sense that goes beyond the religious consciousness that human beings have now. This is what Professor Oliveyer calls "the possession of an infinitely developed moral consciousness."
The development of human moral awareness through teaching (religion) has already reached its limit.

This great folly of mankind that is spread all over the earth. Killing, scrambling, and swearing.
Where is the essence of "wisdom humans"? Isn't it the "great fool" itself?
In short, no matter how much you teach a fool, you can't.
If you want to be more frank, (I don't mean this, everyone is the esoteric god Sama.
Isn't it the current religion that a little idiot is preaching to a foolish idiot with all his heart?
It's not just religion. Isn't it the case with science and technology? I feel good about it and create various things, and later I am in trouble that it is a toxic substance that is a pollution. Such stupid things will not be uncommon if human intelligence becomes a little higher. In short, it has low intelligence.
Don't you think it's true that politics, economy, and thought are all the same?
In short, it's all due to "low human intelligence".
To make this world livable and enjoyable, first and foremost, to enhance human intelligence, rather than playing a revolution. Yeah, don't you think?
Well, let's get back to the story.
The limit of teaching is the limit of human intelligence.
Esoteric Buddhism breaks that limit.
They are trying to give supernatural powers by technology, remodel human beings together, jump over the lower dimensions such as religion at once, and create highly ethical creatures with unimaginable wisdom.
That is esoteric Buddhism.

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霊性とはなにか?  what is spirituality?

2023-01-18 17:15:56 | 瞑想




霊性(れいせい、れいしょう[1])は、非常にすぐれた性質や超人的な力能をもつ不思議な性質[1]、天賦の聡明さ[2]といった意味の漢語であり、肉体に対する[1][注釈 1]の意味でも用いられる。また、英語: spiritualityスピリチュアリティラテン語: spiritualitas の訳語でもあり[3]スピリチュアリティとも訳され、宗教心のあり方、特にカトリック教会などでの敬虔信仰などの内実やその伝統を指す[4]。カトリック神学用語としての霊性の起源は5世紀に遡るが[3]、神学用語として積極的に用いられるようになったのは20世紀初めのことである[5]。その後、キリスト教用語の枠を越えて広く宗教用語や一般文化用語として用いられている[3]





釈尊の「成仏法」を修行すると、それがよくわかるようになるのであるが、ここは、瞑想によって悟を完成し、仏陀になられた大霊覚者ゴータマ・ブッダ、釈尊の語るところによって、 それを知っていただこう。







不動心を得、宿命 智通を覚りて作証しぬ。我行 有り相貌 有り、本




・無量の成敗劫なり。 彼の衆生某と名づけ、彼昔更に歴ぬ。我曾て彼に


生じ、是の如き姓、 是の如き字にして、 是の如く生じ是の如く飲食し、 是の


如く苦楽を受け、是の如く長寿し是の如く久しく住し是の如く寿り、此に死して彼に生じ、彼に死して此に生じ、 我生じて此に在り、 是の如き姓、 是の如き字にして是の如く生じ是の如く飲食し、 是の如く苦楽を受け、 是の 如く長寿しの如く久しく住し是の如く寿りぬと。これを我その時初夜に



じ謂く宿命 智を作証明達しぬ。 また次に梵志、我巳に是の如き定

心を得、清浄にして穢無く煩無く、柔軟にして善く住し不動心を得、 生死智


死時生時、 好色悪色、妙と不妙と、善処及び不善処に往来するを見、この衆 ぜんしょ

生の所作業に随いてその如真を見、若しこの衆生身悪 [行)、口・意悪行を

成就し聖人を誹謗し、邪見にして邪見業を成就すれば、彼これに因命終りて必ず悪処に至り地獄の中に生ぜん。 若しこの衆生身妙行、

意妙行を成就し、聖人を誹謗せず、正見にして正見業を成就すれば、 彼 これに因縁して身壊れ、命終りて必ず善処に昇り天中に上生せんと見 る]。 これを我その時中夜にこの第二明達を得と謂い、本放逸無きを以て遠 離に楽し修行精動し、謂く無智滅して而も智生じ、闇壊れて面も明成り、 無明滅して而も明生じ、謂く生死智を作証し明達しぬ。 また次に梵志、 我巳 にの如き心を得、清浄にして穢無く煩無く、柔軟にして善く住し不動心 を得、漏尽智通を学び作証し、我この苦の如真を知り、この苦の習を知り、 この苦滅を知り、この苦滅道の如真を知り、この漏の如真を知り、この漏 習を知り、この滅を知り、この滅道の如真を知り、 我是の如く知 是の如く見、欲漏心解脱し、有漏・無明漏心解脱し、解脱し巳りてすな わち解脱を知り、生巳に尽き梵行巳に立ち所作巳に弁じ、更に有を受けずと 真を知る。これを我その時後夜にこの第三明達を得と謂い、本放逸無きを 以て遠離に住し修行精勤し、謂く無智滅しても智生じ、闇壊れて而も明成り、無明滅して而も明生じ、謂く漏尽智を作証し明達しぬ。


わたし(釈尊は、つねに努力精進し、その想いは確立してすこしもみだ れず、体は安楽で動揺せず、心は禅定に入って静かである。 そのわたしがあ るとき、瞑想に入ってしだいに禅定が深まってきた。 第一禅定から第二、第 三、第四禅定まで深まるにつれて、心に想い浮かぶなにものもなくなり、喜 びや楽しみだけとなり、そして遂にはそれもなくなって、ただ清浄な想いだ けとなった。

そのとき、わたしの心は、一点のけがれもなく、清く明るく、絶対不動で あった。そしてわたしの心の眼はおのずから前世の光景に向けられていっ た。それは一生だけではなく、二生、三生、十生、二十生、そして無限の生 生きかわり死にかわりした光景が展開してきた。これが第一の智慧で ある。


what is spirituality




Spirituality (reisei, reisho [1]) is a Chinese word meaning such as a mysterious disposition [1] that has a very good nature or superhuman strength, or a natural intelligence [2]. Also used in the sense of spirit[1][note 1]. It is also translated from English: spirituality and Latin: spiritualitas [3], and is also translated as spirituality, which refers to the state of religious mind, especially the reality and tradition of piety and faith in the Catholic Church [3]. Four]. The origin of spirituality as a Catholic theological term dates back to the 5th century[3], but it began to be actively used as a theological term in the early 20th century[5]. Since then, it has been widely used as a religious term and a general cultural term beyond the framework of Christian terminology [3].

I believe that humans are spiritual beings.

This is because humans have a special life form.

What are special life forms?


If you practice Shakyamuni's "Buddha Dharma", you will come to understand it well, but here is the great enlightened person Gautama Buddha, who achieved enlightenment through meditation and became a Buddha, according to the words of Shakyamuni. I want you to know that.

This is what Shakyamuni says in the Chuagami Sutra, a sutra directly written by Shakyamuni.

Middle Agon Sutra "Orange Garden Sutra"



I have the determination to write like this, clean and free from pollution and flexibility.


Acquire a sense of steadfastness, wake up to your destiny and wisdom, and write a work. There is a book


As I remember my countless careers, there are so-called lifetimes, two lives, a hundred lives, a thousand lives, a secular life, and so on.


・There are countless successes and failures. Named his sentient beings, he has a long history. to him


Born, surname like this, letters like this, birth like this, eating and drinking like this,


Like this, I received joys and sorrows, lived like this, lived like this, lived like this, lived like this, lived like this, died like this and was born to him, died to him and was born here, I was born and am here, like this. The family name is written like this, and it is born like this, eats and drinks like this, suffers joys and sorrows like this, lives like this for a long time, and lives like this. I made this on the first night

It is said that this is the first attainment of mastery.

Even if Ignorance disappears, wisdom arises

The so-called destiny wisdom has not been achieved. Next, Bonshi and I have this kind of determination.

Acquire the heart, clean and free from impurities, flexible and well-living, acquire a steadfast heart, and the wisdom of life and death.

By learning the arts and making testimony, I can pass through the eyes of the clairvoyant of purity, so that this sentient being

In death and in life, lecherous and lewd, strange and strange, going back and forth between good and bad, all of this people.

Follow the work of life and see the reality, and if this sentient beings are bad [deeds], mouth / bad deeds

If one succeeds in slandering a sage, blaspheming a sage, and accomplishing a wicked act, he will surely end up in a bad place and be reborn in hell. Young sentient beings perform miracles,

If one achieves a miracle, does not slander a sage, and sees the right view and achieves the right view, one will be broken due to this, and after one's life ends, one will surely rise to a good place and rise to the heavens]. This is what I call this second enlightenment in the middle of the night. It flickers and then the light arises, and the so-called wisdom of life and death cannot be proved and attained. Next, I will acquire a heart like Bonshi and I, clean and free from impurities, flexible and well-living, gaining an immovable mind, learning the flow of wisdom and writing, and I will know the truth of this suffering. Know this practice of suffering, know this suffering, know this reality of suffering, know this reality of leakage, know this reality of leakage, know this destruction, know this reality of destruction. To know, to know as I am, to see as I am, to be liberated from greed and ignorance, to be liberated from ignorance and ignorance, to be liberated, in other words, to know liberation, to be exhausted in life, and to stand in the spirit of the gods. To speak to the snake, and to know the truth without receiving existence. This is what I call this 3rd Awakening at that time and at night. There is no flicker and then the light arises, and the so-called leaked wisdom cannot be proved and clarified.

(I referred to "Kokuyaku Issaikyo" for reading down)

I (Shakyamuni) is always striving and diligent, his thoughts are firmly established and not disturbed, his body is comfortable and unshakable, and his mind is calm and tranquil. From the first meditation to the second, third, and fourth meditations, the mind ceased to have any thoughts, only joy and pleasure, and finally it ceased to exist. It was nothing but pure thoughts.

At that time, my heart was pure, bright, and absolutely unmoving. And my mind's eye naturally turned to the scene of my previous life. It was not just one life, but two, three, ten, twenty, and infinite lives, and a scene of life and death unfolded. This is the first wisdom he has.




それからわたしの心は、あらゆる衆生の相に向けられてきた。わたしは超人的な眼力でその相を見た。そこには貴いもの、賤しいもの、美しいもの、醜いもの、幸福なもの、不幸なものの、それぞれの宿業が渦巻いてい た。 これが第二の智慧である。

それからわたしは、苦集滅道の四(四つの真理)をありのままに 知り、わたしの心は、あらゆる存在の相から、全く解放され、ふたたびそれ に執着することはなくなった。これが第三の智慧である。

釈尊は瞑想によって、自分の前生の、二生、 三生、 十生、 二十生、さらには無 限の生涯の生き変わり死に変わりしてきた光景を見ているのである。 それは自 分だけではなく、あらゆる人間の前生と、さらに後有(このつぎの人生)を見て いるのである。

釈尊はここで、決しておとぎ話や、たとえ話寓話をのべているのではない。 釈尊の成仏法を修行すれば、その真実であることがすぐわかる。 その修行により、わたくし自身、人の三、四世代前、そしてつぎの世代における存在までは透 視できるようになっているのである。

人間の生命は、多くの人たちが考えているように、決してひとつの生涯だけで 終わるものではないのである。 ある生涯が終わったら、またひきつづき、つぎの 生命形態に移っていくのである。

多くの人たちはその認識がなく、ひとつの生涯のみで、人の生命は終わるもの と思っている。ここに、決定的な、そして致命的な生命観の欠陥があるのであ





いわゆる来所を知り、住所を知る智慧である。 これを得れば、人はおのずから、 なにをなすべきか、なにをなさざるべきかがわかってくる、そこから人間の真の 進歩発展がスタートするのである。それがないから、人間は、霊的に少しも進 歩せず、発展せず、いつまでも低いところを輪廻して、無限にさまよい歩いてい



この無知を、釈尊は、 「無明」 (avidya) と名づけたのである。






真実を悟る智慧を持たず、真っ暗闇の中を、手さぐりで歩いている状態であ る。まことに人間はそのとおりではないか。 来たるところを知らず、往くところ を知らず、ただ現在(現生)あるのみである。その現在を、ひたすら目先の利益 追求に狂奔する。その結果、いかなるところに往くのか、いかなる世界に、いか 生命形態として存在することになるのか、まったくお先真っ暗である。 「第三の目」は、このお先真っ暗な闇の世界を見通すのである。「第三の目」に闇はない。 真昼のごとく明らかに見ることができるのである。

奇妙なことに思われるかもしれないが、わたくしは、釈尊の十生、二十生を見 通す力を思うごとに、ショウジョウバエを想い起こすのである。

ショウジョウバエは、その世代が極端に短い。 ふつう、一世代がわずかに約1カ月である。だから、何十世代もの変遷を短時間で見ることができる。

そこで、生物学者や、遺伝学者は、ショウジョウバエを使って、その変化を実 験する。ひとつの遺伝子の変化が、何十世代のうちに、どういう結果を生ずる 目のあたりに知ることができるのである。



彼のように、何十世代もの人間の移り変わりを如実に見ることのできる力をそ なえていれば、ひとつの原因が、どのような経過を経て、どのような結果をもた らしたか、つぶさに知ることができる。 彼がじっさいに語っているように、その 人間がなんという名前で、いつ、どこに生まれて、どういう人生を送ったか、ま その人生を終わって、つぎにまたどういう人生を迎えたか、ある生涯のどんな





さきほどの中阿含経 「黄蘆園経」では、釈尊の瞑想の深まり、生き生きと語瞑想のすべてがここに表現されているといってよい。







3 からだは安楽で動揺しない。












2、 それは一生だけでなく、二生、三生、十生、二十生とかぎりなくさか















それは第三の智慧の獲得であり、「解脱の瞑想」 であった。

いかがであろうか? すばらしい体験だとあなたは思わないだろうか? れが仏陀の瞑想なのである。そうしてだれでも、仏陀の瞑想をすればこういう境 地に達することができるのだ。

だが、そういうと、あなたはいうかもしれない。釈尊のような大天才と、凡人 であるわれわれと、どうしていっしょになるものか、釈尊がそういうすばらしい 体験をしたからといって、それがそのままわれわれに通ずるとはかぎらないの だ。むしろ、鶏のまねをするカラスで、けっきょく、骨折り損のくたびれもうけ ということになるのではないか、と。


釈尊とおなじ瞑想をすることにより、われわれもまた彼とおなじ結果に到達す ることが可能なのである。 最初の道を切り開くものは天才でなければならぬ。 し かし、すでに天才の開いた道は、だれでも歩むことができるのである。





Since then, My heart has been directed to all aspects of sentient beings. I saw that face with superhuman eyesight. There swirled the karma of the noble, the humble, the beautiful, the ugly, the happy, and the miserable. This is the second wisdom.


After that, I came to know the Four Paths of Suffering and Destruction (Four Truths) as they were, and my mind was completely freed from all aspects of existence, and I never clung to them again. This is the third wisdom.

Through his meditations, the Buddha sees the scenes of his previous lives, which have been transformed into the rebirths and deaths of his second, third, ten, twenty, and even infinite lives. He sees not only himself, but all human beings in their previous and subsequent lives.

The Buddha is not telling fairy tales or parables here. If you practice Shakyamuni Buddha's Dharma, you will soon find out its truth. Through his training, I have become able to see myself, three or four generations before and even the next generation.

Human life, as many people think, does not end with just one lifetime. After one life is over, one moves on to the next life form.

Many people are unaware of this and believe that human life is over in only one lifetime. Here lies a crucial and fatal flaw in the view of life.


Spirituality is the nature of knowing it.

It is the ability to know where people come from, where they leave, and where they are going.


It is the wisdom to know the so-called arrival and address. Once people have this, they will naturally understand what they should do and what they should not do, and that is where true progress and development of human beings will begin. Without it, human beings do not make any progress or develop spiritually, and continue to wander endlessly in circles in the low places.

It is. No, that's not all. As a result, human beings

He will destroy the world with his own hands.

This ignorance is what the Buddha called ignorance (avidya).

Drosophila Logic


"The word 'ignorance' has two meanings.

Total ignorance and total darkness.

“Ming” has two meanings: wisdom and light.

Lacking the wisdom to perceive the truth, he walks fumbling in pitch darkness. Is it not so with humans? He does not know where he is coming, he does not know where he is going, he is only present. In the present, he is frantically pursuing immediate profit. As a result, where he will go, what kind of world he will exist in, and what kind of life form he will exist in, the future is completely dark. The "third eye" sees through the dark world ahead. There is no darkness in the "third eye". You can see it as clearly as it is at noon.

Strange as it may seem, every time I think of Buddha's ability to see through his ten or twenty lives, I think of fruit flies.

Drosophila have an extremely short generation. Usually, one generation is only about one month. So you can see the transition of dozens of generations in a short time.

So biologists and geneticists use fruit flies to experiment with the changes. It is possible to see with one's own eyes what kind of results a change in one gene will produce in dozens of generations.

So is the wisdom of the Buddha.


Like him, if you have the power to see the transitions of dozens of generations of human beings, you will be able to understand how a single cause has led to what kind of process and what kind of result. You can know in detail. As he actually says, what was the name of that person, when and where was he born, what kind of life did he lead, and what kind of life did he end his life, and what kind of life did he face again, a certain life What kind of

It is

Across all human beings, what the result of the action was in the next lifetime

can know. This is the real deal.

From Buddha Meditation to Reincarnation Meditation

It can be said that the deepening of Shakyamuni's meditation and the lively speech meditation are all expressed here in the Middle Agon Sutra "Huang Roen Sutra" that I mentioned earlier.

Jumping over the 21st-century gap in time and space, dear readers, this is what meditation really is. This is where meditation is all about.

Let us delve a little deeper into this experience of Buddha.

Buddha's meditation experience has five stages

Here, the depth of meditation and its results are vividly told.

first stage

1. To be able to continue devoting oneself to one purpose at all times, to be able to consolidate one's thoughts,

3 His body is easy and restless.

second stage

4. The mind is always calm and quiet.

From the first meditation to the second, third, and fourth meditation, it gradually deepens,

1. Nothing comes to mind,

2, only joy and pleasure,

third stage

3. At last filled with nothing but pure thoughts,

4. Not a single point of blemish, clean and bright, absolutely immovable.

Then the eyes of my heart opened,

1. The scene in my previous life begins to unfold.

fourth stage

2. It is not only a lifetime

Ascending, the spectacle of an infinite life, transformed into rebirth and death, unfolds.


It was a retrospective to the root of life and the acquisition of the first wisdom.

The mind's eye expands further and further, transcending the limits of one's ability to see the past and the present.

And all the people flowing into the future are seen through.


It was a grasp of the substance of the lodging that regulates existence.

This is the acquisition of the second wisdom.

fifth stage

I then



1. Clearly know the four truths that will free you from karma,

2. Completed commentary and transcendence from all beings.

It was the acquisition of the third wisdom, ``meditation of liberation''.

What do you think? Isn't it a wonderful experience for you? This is Buddha's meditation. So anyone can reach this state by meditating on the Buddha.

But then you might say, How can a great genius like Buddha and ordinary people like us get together? Or rather, a crow imitating a rooster, and in the end he would end up getting tired of his unsuccessful efforts.

It is not so.

By doing the same meditation as the Buddha, we can also reach the same results as he did. A genius must be the one who paves the first path. However, anyone can follow a path that has already been opened by a genius.

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それは瞑想からはじまる it starts with meditation

2023-01-16 17:34:50 | 瞑想



『間脳思考』で、エレクトロニクスと霊性を結 ぶものはなにかと質問されて、それは瞑想からはじまると答えた。

そのあと、話がだいぶ進んでから、 「それでは、間脳の開発をするのも、瞑想ですか?」

と聞かれた。わたくしは、 「いいえ」

とかぶりをふった。 「瞑想じゃないのですか?」 「いいえ」 とわたくしは、これにもかぶりをふった。 彼は、けげんそうな表情でわたくしを見つめた。 そこでわたくしは答えた。

「それは瞑想からはじまるのです」 なるほど、というように彼はうなずいた。わたくしは説明した。 それは瞑想からはじまるのだが、瞑想だけではないのだ。霊性の完成は、瞑 想だけでは不可能なのである。心の安定、欲望の調節、本能の抑制、といった程 度のものでは、とうてい到達できない境界である。思念、想念の変化くらいで は、絶対に行き着くことのできない次元なのだ。

なぜか? 霊性完成の到達点は、カルマからの超越である。 カルマとはなにか?

いうならば、地球における引力のようなものである。 地球上に存在するものすべて、地球引力の支配下にある。いかなるものも、引力 から逃れることはできない。いや、地球という存在そのものが、引力によって 成り立っているのである。

人間におけるカルマもそのとおりである。人はすべ て、輪廻のカルマの絶対的な規制を受けている。このカルマから、もろもろの 「因縁」が生じて、人間を繋縛しているのである。いや、カルマと因縁によて、人間が成立しているのだ。

このカルマと因縁の繋縛から完全に解脱したとき が、霊性の完成である。

いうならば引力からの脱出である。反重力の修行なの だ。その修行によって自分の存在の次元が変わるのである。

存在とはなにか? それは究極のところ,波動である。"自分"という波動 を変えてしまうのだ。それにより カルマ」という波動を越えてしまうのである。


ここの波動を 変えることにより、全身の波動が変わり、特殊な精神波動と肉体波動を持つ存在 になる。それは、カルマの規制を受けない、ふつうの人間とはまた異なった、高 度な霊的存在とよぶよりほかない存在となるのである。

これが成就すると、特 殊な「霊光」が発生するようになる。


この特殊なオーラの発生は、全身の波動が 変化したことを示すのである。オーラについてはまたあとでのべるが、このオー ラの発光源は間脳なのである。

瞑想だけでは、以上のような次元の変化" は 不可能である。もちろん、心の安定、集中、まったく新しい高い次元へのメディ テイト等、瞑想はこの修行に絶対必要なものである。


だ から瞑想だけではだめなのである。間脳をはたらかす瞑想でなければ、オーラは 発生しない。

したがって、カルマを越えることはできないのである。 では、なにが必要なのか? 特殊なtapas(練行)である。

学者はtapas を苦行と訳しているが、わたくしはこれを、練行と訳したい。そ してこの練行が絶対に必要なのである。


チベット密教のニンマ派では、古くから解脱の完成に三つの方法があると説 いている。

ギャル ワゴン ペ - ギ ュ - パ一、思念による王者の相承

(じみょうしや 二、象徴による持明者の相承

rgyal ba dgongs pa'i brgyud pa rig ’dzin brda'i brgyud pa

ガンザクニェン ギ ギュ - パ 三、耳を通した言葉による人の相承――gang zag snyan gyi brgyud pa




一の「思念による王者の相承」とは、この法身タターガタが、言葉や象徴と いう媒介なしに、直接相手の心に自分の心を伝達するものである。

この場合、 心、というのは単なる思念の心ではなく、パワーを主としたものと思うべきで ある。これによって、相手はたちどころに仏陀として完成するのである。

これは最高であり、理想的なものであること、もちろんである。「王者の」、と いう所以である。

二の  「象徴による持明者の相承」とはどういうものかというと、象徴とは、あ る言葉、かたち、音、色などに複雑な思想の内容を圧縮して詰め込んだものを いい、また、持明者(rig'dzin)とは、純粋な心で実相をそのまま見るこきる真如の世界に到達した者たちのことである。この相承(方法)では、真如の 理解を持つ持明者たちは、導師から象徴を示されることで、密教の深奥に到達 する教法を授けられるのである。

以上のすぐれた方法に対し、ふつうの人間は、霊感はなかなか得がたく、ま た象徴だけでは深い密教の教法を即座に理解することはできない。そこで、ラ マが、いろいろな言葉をもちいてくわしく説き明かし、弟子に理解させていく。


これが、三の「耳を通した言葉による人の相 承」である。 以上の三つの方法を、わたくしは、つぎのように分類する。



二、象徴による持明者の相承間脳系=霊的バイブレーション 新皮質系=マントラ、タントラ、言葉、 音楽、象徴 - 大脳辺縁系=言葉、マントラ、音楽



これは、チベット密教だけではない。世界中のいかなる宗教でも、究極 至上 のものに到達するためには、この三つの方法しかないであろう。

しかし、究極至上のものに到達するためには、この三つだけでは不十分なの である。欠けているものがある。なにが欠けているのか? さきにのべた練行 tapas である。

だが、そういうと、一は最高理想のものなのであるから、他のなにものも必 要ないのではないかといわれるかもしれない。そうではないのである。その最高 理想のものを受けるために、tapas は必要なのである。


では、その練行tapas とはどんなものか? それには、ひとつの例として、わたくしの修行体験をお話しするしかないと 思われる。

It starts with meditation

In "Diencephalon Thinking," he was asked what was the link between electronics and spirituality, and answered that it began with meditation.

After that, after the story went a long way, "Then, is it meditation to develop the diencephalon?"

Was asked. I say "No"

I shook my head. "Isn't it meditation?" "No," I said, too. He stared at me with a stern look. So I answered.

"It starts with meditation," he nodded. I explained. It starts with meditation, but it's not just about meditation. The perfection of spirituality is not possible with meditation alone. It is a boundary that cannot be reached by things such as mental stability, desire regulation, and instinct suppression. He is a dimension that he can never reach with only changes in thoughts and thoughts.

Why? The goal of spiritual completion is transcendence from karma. What is Karma?

It's like gravitational pull on Earth. Everything that exists on Earth is under the control of Earth's gravitational pull. Nothing can escape the attraction. No, the very existence of the earth is made up of gravitational pull.

The same is true of karma in humans. All people are subject to absolute regulation of reincarnation karma. From this karma, various "fate" arises and binds human beings. No, human beings are established by karma and fate.

The completion of spirituality is when the bond between this karma and the fate is completely released.

It is an escape from attraction. He is an anti-gravity training. The training changes the dimension of one's existence.

What is Existence? Ultimately, it is a wave. It changes the vibration of "self". As a result, he goes beyond the wave of "karma."

The origin that changes the vibration of the existence of human beings is in the hypothalamus of the diencephalon.

By changing the waves here, the waves of the whole body change, and it becomes an existence with special mental waves and physical waves. It is nothing more than a high spiritual being, different from normal human beings, unregulated by karmic.

When this is achieved, a special "spiritual light" will be generated.

The occurrence of this special aura indicates that the vibrations of the whole body have changed. The aura will be discussed later, but the source of this aura is the diencephalon.

It is impossible to change the above dimensions by meditation alone. Of course, meditation is absolutely necessary for this practice, such as mental stability, concentration, and mediation to a completely new higher dimension.

But that's just one way. Meditation can only move the limbic system and the neocortical brain.

Therefore, meditation alone is not enough. Unless it is a meditation that works the diencephalon, the aura does not occur.

Therefore, karma cannot be exceeded. So what do you need? It's a special tapas.

Scholars translate tapas as penance, but I would like to translate it as practice. And this practice is absolutely necessary.

The King's Consensus by Thought

The Nyingma sect of Tibetan esoteric Buddhism has long stated that there are three ways to complete the liberation.

Gal Wagon Pe-Gu-Pa, the King's Consensus by Thought

(Dharani, two, symbolic consent of the bearer

rgyal ba dgongs pa'i brgyud pa rig'dzin brda'i brgyud pa

Ganzakunyen Gyugu-Pa 3, the verbal agreement of people through the ears-gang zag snyan gyi brgyud pa


In the world of law in the spirit world, Tatagata (Nyorai), the perfector of law, constantly preaches the law.


One "consensus of the king by thought" is that this Dharmakaya Tatagata directly conveys one's heart to the other person's heart without the mediation of words and symbols.

In this case, he should think that the mind is not just a mind of thought, but power. As a result, the opponent is immediately completed as a Buddha.

This is the best and ideal, of course. That's why he says, "of the king."

Second, what is "symbolism of the bearer"? A symbol is a word, shape, sound, color, etc. that is packed with the contents of a complicated idea. In addition, rig'dzin are those who have reached the true world where they can see the reality as it is with a pure heart. In this agreement (method), those who have a true understanding are endowed with a teaching method that reaches the depths of esoteric Buddhism by being shown a symbol by the guru.

In contrast to the above excellent methods, it is difficult for ordinary human beings to get inspiration, and even his symbol alone cannot immediately understand the deep esoteric teaching. There, Lama uses various words to explain in detail and make his disciples understand.

This is the so-called "oral instruction".

This is the third "human consent by words through the ears". I classify the above three methods as follows.


One, the consensus of the king by thought

2. Symbolic diencephalic brain system = spiritual vibration Neocortical system = mantra, tantra, words, music, symbol--limbic system = words, mantra, music

Third, human consent through words


This is not just Tibetan Buddhism. Any religion in the world will have only these three ways to reach the ultimate supreme.

However, these three are not enough to reach the ultimate supreme one. Something is missing. What's missing? The training tapas I mentioned earlier.

However, in that case, it may be said that one is the highest ideal, so nothing else is necessary. That is not the case. Tapas are needed to receive the best of them.

What is training

So what is that training tapas? To do that, I think I have to talk about my training experience as an example.

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