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2023-01-04 13:43:27 | 心理学
















それは、この人の心の奥トト意識しない意識の中に、ものごとをこわして 失敗してしまう方向に持っていこうとする自己破壊の心がはたらいて、そ うさせてしまうというのが、フロイトの説なのである。



























 だが、なんと! このソンディの理論によると、中途挫折の因縁どころか、職業、友人、恋人や結婚相手の選択、病気、死にかた(!)まで決定されてしまうのである。だれに? 。特殊な祖先”に、である。












If such a memory suddenly appears, we. Realistically

The evil ancestors (memories) hidden in our deep consciousness move us

I'm doing it.

For example, there is a "fate of halfway setback" that is seen in so many people.

To. No matter what I do, I get frustrated, fail, and get things done

It is a cause that cannot be done.

In the case of men, this mainly appears on the occupation, and in the case of women, love

Appears on love and marriage.

Although there are differences in degree, most people have it, so psychologists also

He is deeply interested and considers various things from the perspective of psychology.

It was Freud who named the person who constantly repeats frustration as "fate neurosis".

This fateful neurosis is force majeure in the unconscious consciousness of the person.

There is a certain power, so that things always fail in the middle

It is supposed to be made to.

Freud called this unconscious power hidden in "repetitive compulsion".

When looking at the life of such a person from a young age, it was always a thing

However, it has failed in a little while.

It breaks things in the unconscious consciousness of this person's heart.

The self-destructive mind that tries to take it in the direction of failure is working, that 46

Freud's theory is that it makes him sick.

This is not just Freud. Other psychologists are also aware of it

Speaking of which, Meninger calls this a "mental form with a tendency to self-destruct."

Where does this kind of self-destructive mind come from?

Most of this is the person's ancestors or people around the ancestors

It is caused by us.

Sigmund Freud, a global psychologist following Karlou Jung, Li

Potto Sondy has a keen interest in this phenomenon and pursues it

Assuming that it was due to movement, he opened new departments in the field of deep psychology, "fate psychology" and "impulsivity psychology".

He named the deep consciousness that appears here "family unconscious".

The deep psychology up to that point was divided into two parts, Freud's "personal absence.

However, Sondy's fate analysis psychology lies between these two layers.

It opened up the third area of ​​the unconscious, the "family unconscious."

In other words, I found a "family" between the "individual" and the "crowd." this is

It was a truly unique and reasonable discovery.

In conclusion, Sondy says as follows. The desire of a special ancestor, which is suppressed in the unconscious layer of the individual, is the desire of the descendants

.. Nothing in "types of love, (marriage), friendship, occupation, illness, and death"

It becomes a conscious choice action and determines its fate.

Earlier, I said that the memories of our ancestors hidden in the unconscious layer move us.

It was. Sondy describes it as the desire of his ancestors. After all, the same thing

That being said, from Sondy's point of view as a psychologist, this expression would be more appropriate.

But what! According to Sondy's theory, not only the cause of the frustration, but also the occupation, friends, choice of lover or marriage partner, illness, and death (!) Are decided. To whom? .. To a special ancestor.

Only this one. If it was decided to be a "special ancestor", it would be almost as if there was no intention of oneself.

We have all the key points of our lives

I think it is determined by aspiration and intellect.

However, that was not the case. Hide in your unconscious layer. "The special desires of our ancestors" moved us and decided it without our knowledge.

we,. It is being swayed by the special desires of its ancestors. How is it being swayed?

In fact, Dr. Lipotto Sondi, the founder of this "Fate Analysis Psychology",

I myself have the experience of being swayed by this "special ancestral desire".

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「運命分析心理学」  と 脳  "Fate analysis psychology" and the brain

2022-01-31 09:21:00 | 心理学
























どうして運命の反復が起きるのか? ソンディは、その原因を、遺伝趣性にあるとする。





「個人の無意識層の中に抑圧されている特殊な祖先の欲求」とは、或る個人の無意風のなかに、特殊な祖先(すでに死者となっている)の欲求 (怨念)が抑圧されていて、その個人(子孫)の行動を決定する、ということにほかならない。












Why is this barbaric slaughter and war constant, even though science and technology have advanced and so many religions, ethics, and morals have been preached?
War has never been started to stop the war, to correct injustice, and to stop it.
The ongoing war and struggle are endlessly expanding violence, poverty, environmental destruction and the devastation of humanity.
Many people are afraid that one day a catastrophe will come.


Most of humanity is worried that they have to do something about it, and they feel despair from the bottom of their hearts, hoping for eternal peace.


There are two causes.
There are two major causes that many people are unaware of.
The first is the structural defect of the human brain.
As we will see later, humans have fatal defects in their brains. Unless this defect is corrected and remodeled, peace and peace will never come to humankind.
The defective brain gave birth to the defective civilization.
Until now, religion, ethics, and morality have considered only "remodeling of consciousness." It is "Iwayama".
In other words, the aim was to "change the way we think about things." He preached a "teaching" that would change the way we think about things.
However, no matter how much you try and change your mind, you will not be able to achieve a satisfactory effect. Because there is a defect in the brain that accepts it.
No effect can be expected unless the defects that exist in the root of consciousness, thought, and generation are removed.
There is a popular saying, "Nembutsu in the ears of horses."
No matter how good the teachings are, what if there is a horse brain in a part of the human brain?
Unless the horse part is removed, it is an old word, but I do not know when and how the beast's heart, "Imashinsaru", will start to move. No, the horse's brain is exposed only when it is the most important time here.
And, as we will see later, there is actually a horse's brain in our brain. Unless this brain is remodeled, peace and peace will never come to humankind. We must be fully aware that defective brains cannot be remodeled by teaching and reasoning alone.
The second is the phenomenon of "repetition of fate" due to the rebellious obsession in psychology.
Many are too ignorant of this.

Modern psychology, which focuses on the deep psychology of human beings, began with Sigmund Freud's analysis of the individual's unconscious layer. He then proceeded to Carl Gustav Jung's collective unconscious (crowd psychology). On the other hand, Lipot Sondy focuses on the third area of ​​the unconscious, "family unconscious," which lies between these two layers.
I got it.

In other words, he discovered a "family" between the "individual" and the "crowd".

This was a special area of ​​the unconscious. Sondy wrote this theory,


"Fate Analysis Psychology"


I named it, but according to it,

The special ancestral desires that are suppressed within the unconscious layer of the individual become the unconscious choice behaviors of the offspring in the form of romance, friendship, occupation, illness, and death, which determine their fate.

It was.
In short, the suppressed desires and conflicts of special ancestors act on the unconscious consciousness of the descendants, and the love (marriage), friendship, occupation, illness, and death of the descendants are destined to be decided. be.
The resulting phenomenon is "repetition of fate." It is a phenomenon in which the fate of a specific ancestor is repeated as it is.


There are two types of repetition, one is to repeat the same fate, and the other is to follow a similar fate within a certain vaccine, both of which follow one principle discovered by Sondy. Repetitive phenomena occur. (Sondy argues with many examples, but the examples of the two major writers Balzac and Dostoevsky are particularly famous.


Why is the repetition of fate happening? Sondy blames heredity on the cause.
However, I think it is impossible to attribute all the causes of this repetition of fate solely to genetic plasticity. We have to think about other causes.
This is because, such as step-parents, step-grandparents, step-grandparents, etc., not directly related to each other, and therefore, even in relationships where the gene (DNA) is not inherited.


Repetitive manifestation of fate


Because the elephant is awake. In other words, even if it is not inherited by a gene, the suppressed desires and conflicts of a special ancestor act on the unconscious consciousness of its offspring and determine its fate. There are many examples.

What exactly does this mean?
Let's just say it.
"The desire of a special ancestor suppressed in the unconscious layer of an individual" means that the desire (grudge) of a special ancestor (already dead) is suppressed in the unconsciousness of an individual. It is nothing but determining the behavior of the individual (descendant).

In other words, the grudges of the dead move the unconscious consciousness of the living, and take actions to satisfy the grudges (desires) of the dead. It will follow the same path as the life of the dead. That is the repetition of fate. And what you have to pay attention to here is

It is the transmission mechanism of the grudge of the dead. If it doesn't necessarily depend on genes, what exactly conveys that grudge?

The answer would be a kind of vibration.

By the way, one nation, one race, one race is a fateful community and one family.

The iterative theory of fate could be applied to this as it is. In that case,
It appears as a phenomenon that "history repeats itself". For individuals, the repetition of fate, the country ,.


"In the case of the history family / society, it appears as a repeating history.
The history of mankind is the history of war.
The grudges of the dead from the war drive living humans to the next war. Thus, the history of war is endlessly repeated.

At this rate, when the war stops, it will be when humankind is extinct.
The universe is seen by the consciousness of the universe. Peace and peace will never come to the earth unless the grudges of the dead that cover the whole earth are extinguished from the vibration of the cosmic consciousness.

Now that it is predicted that the next war will be the war of extinction of humankind, how to solve these two problems, and how they can be solved, it is not the most urgent and urgent problem for humankind. mosquito.
What do you think?

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密教占星術  7 肉親血縁相剋の因縁  Esoteric astrology 7 Fellowship of relatives

2022-01-14 10:50:57 | 心理学







Intimacy of relatives
Again, this is basically attributable to the decline of family luck.
The cause of this relationship is that relatives and relatives hurt each other
They are dispersed.
元 Reverse the lessons of Mori Motonari's "Three Arrows", help each other and cooperate
Those with close relatives should be separated, isolated, and gradually fall.
This is exactly the appearance of the declining family.
Because of this connection, the story of blood relatives, such as parents and siblings living together, is inconsistent throughout the year and fraud is constant.
No. This is because the relatives lose their fortune (life force) and hurt each other,
They repel each other unconsciously and fight. In this case, it is necessary to
It is not always the case that fights are superficial. Just living under the same roof,
This impairs the opponent's fortune (life force). It's just like something invisible rays
It seems to hurt the opponent's vitality by radiating something unusual. Human life
Have a self-defense instinct to protect themselves,
To rebound against the opponent. As a result, actions or actions
The words are very disturbing (because they are nervous). That is where the quiet begins. Relatives
He is unusually unfriendly with him because of this. In addition, if there are interests such as property,
It is a very serious battle.
家庭 In a family with this connection, if the family members living together do not conflict, there will always be somebody in the family who suffers from illness all year long, or who is extremely unfortunate and unlucky.
な が ら Although you have considerable talent and skill, you always miss a chance,
The person who has been sick for a long time, or the person who has been sick for a long time
You should be suspicious that your fortune (life force) is being harmed by "the cause of conflict"
is there. If you have either kind of connection, you will keep spinning no matter how much effort you make unless you cut it off
It just gets.
人 Everyone who has this connection (or a family with this connection) must be
There is a serious obstacle. In other words, before the third or fourth generation, he died strongly against the house (also ぱ)
There is a photo of a grudge.
場 In addition, most of the eclectic meals are affected by the death of a person who has died sideways.
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密教占星術 ⑧  横変死の因縁   事故 自殺  Esoteric Astrology ⑧ Cause of Suspicious Death Accident Suicide

2022-01-08 09:30:30 | 心理学










○ Suspicious death prisoner

The cause of physical disability becomes stronger and worse, and it always causes lateral death or suspicious death. Suicide, homicide,
You cannot escape one of the accidental deaths.

Many of them are characterized by having relatives who died of the same cause among blood relatives within three generations. If you do not find this hotga and make it a Buddhahood, it will always be the result of this connection. It is not a little that they are not relatives but other people's hotspots.
This cause can be divided into two types: mental illness and non-psychotic head disorders.

That is, people with mild illnesses such as mental illness (neu?-Ze, cerebral syphilis, etc.), head injury, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhage, etc. suffer from headache, stiff shoulders, insomnia, etc. all year round. Is done.
People who have a cause of physical disability may become ill due to cerebral hemorrhage, or may have difficulty in limbs with button ⑥ on the head. Cerebral palsy is also a manifestation of this cause.

This dual personality is one of the factors that fall into the series of causes of brain damage.

When you drink alcohol, the person changes completely and you become like a completely different person.

The drunkenness is the cause of this. When the surface consciousness is measles with alcohol, the inherited subconscious and deep consciousness emerge, and another personality is replaced. Abnormal personality, homosexuality, etc.

This is the cause.

This affiliation is also closely related to the declining family luck, a couple of generations of relatives who died very unfortunately and underprivileged, or others, who were very grudged at the house. It is characteristic that some people died while holding.
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2022-01-07 15:06:25 | 心理学















それは、この人の心の奥トト意識しない意識の中に、ものごとをこわして 失敗してしまう方向に持っていこうとする自己破壊の心がはたらいて、そ うさせてしまうというのが、フロイトの説なのである。


























 だが、なんと! このソンディの理論によると、中途挫折の因縁どころか、職業、友人、恋人や結婚相手の選択、病気、死にかた(!)まで決定されてしまうのである。だれに? 。特殊な祖先”に、である。












If such a memory suddenly appears, we. Realistically

The evil ancestors (memories) hidden in our deep consciousness move us

I'm doing it.

For example, there is a "fate of halfway setback" that is seen in so many people.

To. No matter what I do, I get frustrated, fail, and get things done

It is a cause that cannot be done.

In the case of men, this mainly appears on the occupation, and in the case of women, love

Appears on love and marriage.

Although there are differences in degree, most people have it, so psychologists also

He is deeply interested and considers various things from the perspective of psychology.

It was Freud who named the person who constantly repeats frustration as "fate neurosis".

This fateful neurosis is force majeure in the unconscious consciousness of the person.

There is a certain power, so that things always fail in the middle

It is supposed to be made to.

Freud called this unconscious power hidden in "repetitive compulsion".

When looking at the life of such a person from a young age, it was always a thing

However, it has failed in a little while.

It breaks things in the unconscious consciousness of this person's heart.

The self-destructive mind that tries to take it in the direction of failure is working, that 46

Freud's theory is that it makes him sick.

This is not just Freud. Other psychologists are also aware of it

Speaking of which, Meninger calls this a "mental form with a tendency to self-destruct."

Where does this kind of self-destructive mind come from?

Most of this is the person's ancestors or people around the ancestors

It is caused by us.

Sigmund Freud, a global psychologist following Karlou Jung, Li

Potto Sondy has a keen interest in this phenomenon and pursues it

Assuming that it was due to movement, he opened new departments in the field of deep psychology, "fate psychology" and "impulsivity psychology".

He named the deep consciousness that appears here "family unconscious".

The deep psychology up to that point was divided into two parts, Freud's "personal absence.

However, Sondy's fate analysis psychology lies between these two layers.

It opened up the third area of ​​the unconscious, the "family unconscious."

In other words, I found a "family" between the "individual" and the "crowd." this is

It was a truly unique and reasonable discovery.

In conclusion, Sondy says as follows. The desire of a special ancestor, which is suppressed in the unconscious layer of the individual, is the desire of the descendants

.. Nothing in "types of love, (marriage), friendship, occupation, illness, and death"

It becomes a conscious choice action and determines its fate.

Earlier, I said that the memories of our ancestors hidden in the unconscious layer move us.

It was. Sondy describes it as the desire of his ancestors. After all, the same thing

That being said, from Sondy's point of view as a psychologist, this expression would be more appropriate.

But what! According to Sondy's theory, not only the cause of the frustration, but also the occupation, friends, choice of lover or marriage partner, illness, and death (!) Are decided. To whom? .. To a special ancestor.

Only this one. If it was decided to be a "special ancestor", it would be almost as if there was no intention of oneself.

We have all the key points of our lives

I think it is determined by aspiration and intellect.

However, that was not the case. Hide in your unconscious layer. "The special desires of our ancestors" moved us and decided it without our knowledge.

we,. It is being swayed by the special desires of its ancestors. How is it being swayed?

In fact, Dr. Lipotto Sondi, the founder of this "Fate Analysis Psychology",

I myself have the experience of being swayed by this "special ancestral desire".
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人はどんな因縁を持つか  3    ○夫の運気を剋害する因縁   ○夫婦縁破れる因縁

2022-01-07 14:49:01 | 心理学












Fate that damages her husband's luck

It is a cause that women have.

Husband's luck (damaging and shaving the life turnip with invisible power, but it does not necessarily mean laying the husband under his hips or abusing him in daily life. Of course, in such cases as well. There is nothing wrong with it, but as I wrote before, there are cases where the fate appears in the character and cases where it does not appear at all in the personality. This is also the case with this fate, and rather the woman with this fate is abusive. It is difficult to get rid of it because there are many good wives and wise mothers who can be used by their husbands. Edogawa Yanagi "Poison is decocting medicine between the next"
There is a phrase, but this impresses me with the phrase "a woman with this prisoner relationship".

The meaning of this phrase is that the owner is sick and sleeps all year round. When I ask the house, the young beautiful Hosono is brewing medicine in the next room where the owner is sleeping. However, in reality, this beautiful Hosono is poisonous to the sick husband, so it is ironic that Hosono is decocting the medicine and that the poison is the medicine.

Having a woman with this connection as a wife can make her husband sick all year round, or work poorly, failing all year round, and prone to traffic jams. Luck is very bad because of the loss of vitality. No matter how talented or skillful you are, you will always be caught up in one misfortune. The more you can use it in your heart, the worse your husband's luck will be, which is troublesome.

As is often the case in the world, there are cases where a husband who has been waiting for a fine prince makes another woman, and people are wondering because he is far more brilliant and smarter than that woman. This is because Hosono has a cause to hurt her husband's luck, so her husband has a vital self-defense instinct.

What kind of connection do you have? Of course, it often happens in middle age that I could afford it economically in the middle age.
One of the reasons is that Hosono's color has declined, but basically, when he was young,
My husband also has a stronger vitality, so I can tolerate my wife's luck damage, so I feel so much
No, but as we get older, our vitality weakens and we want a place to relax.
The woman who has this strong connection is the so-called "post-family luck", which is the cause of sexuality.
One husband escapes to another woman as mentioned above, and a husband who has no sexual relations escapes to a hobby,
Immerse yourself in work and become a cold family.
If you are a husband with weak vitality, you will die. In other words, this is the reason why it is called post-family luck. If you want to have a happy family as a woman, you must first cut it.

○ Fate of marital relationship disorder

It is a cause of disability in marital relationship and marriage. Somehow their personalities don't match each other, and they are dissatisfied all year round, and they are constantly messing around and becoming a cold family.

Or, although they have a love for each other, one of them gets sick and is forced to live separately, or because of work, they live in a farewell. Anyway, regardless of whether or not you have a love affair, the couple will not get along well because of the relationship such as Shuto. I can't go to the point where I'm divorced, but anyway, I'm going to get one step closer all year round.
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人はどんな因縁を持つか  3    ○夫の運気を剋害する因縁   ○夫婦縁破れる因縁

2022-01-07 14:49:01 | 心理学












Fate that damages her husband's luck

It is a cause that women have.

Husband's luck (damaging and shaving the life turnip with invisible power, but it does not necessarily mean laying the husband under his hips or abusing him in daily life. Of course, in such cases as well. There is nothing wrong with it, but as I wrote before, there are cases where the fate appears in the character and cases where it does not appear at all in the personality. This is also the case with this fate, and rather the woman with this fate is abusive. It is difficult to get rid of it because there are many good wives and wise mothers who can be used by their husbands. Edogawa Yanagi "Poison is decocting medicine between the next"
There is a phrase, but this impresses me with the phrase "a woman with this prisoner relationship".

The meaning of this phrase is that the owner is sick and sleeps all year round. When I ask the house, the young beautiful Hosono is brewing medicine in the next room where the owner is sleeping. However, in reality, this beautiful Hosono is poisonous to the sick husband, so it is ironic that Hosono is decocting the medicine and that the poison is the medicine.

Having a woman with this connection as a wife can make her husband sick all year round, or work poorly, failing all year round, and prone to traffic jams. Luck is very bad because of the loss of vitality. No matter how talented or skillful you are, you will always be caught up in one misfortune. The more you can use it in your heart, the worse your husband's luck will be, which is troublesome.

As is often the case in the world, there are cases where a husband who has been waiting for a fine prince makes another woman, and people are wondering because he is far more brilliant and smarter than that woman. This is because Hosono has a cause to hurt her husband's luck, so her husband has a vital self-defense instinct.

What kind of connection do you have? Of course, it often happens in middle age that I could afford it economically in the middle age.
One of the reasons is that Hosono's color has declined, but basically, when he was young,
My husband also has a stronger vitality, so I can tolerate my wife's luck damage, so I feel so much
No, but as we get older, our vitality weakens and we want a place to relax.
The woman who has this strong connection is the so-called "post-family luck", which is the cause of sexuality.
One husband escapes to another woman as mentioned above, and a husband who has no sexual relations escapes to a hobby,
Immerse yourself in work and become a cold family.
If you are a husband with weak vitality, you will die. In other words, this is the reason why it is called post-family luck. If you want to have a happy family as a woman, you must first cut it.

○ Fate of marital relationship disorder

It is a cause of disability in marital relationship and marriage. Somehow their personalities don't match each other, and they are dissatisfied all year round, and they are constantly messing around and becoming a cold family.

Or, although they have a love for each other, one of them gets sick and is forced to live separately, or because of work, they live in a farewell. Anyway, regardless of whether or not you have a love affair, the couple will not get along well because of the relationship such as Shuto. I can't go to the point where I'm divorced, but anyway, I'm going to get one step closer all year round.
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人はどんな因縁を持つか  3    ○夫の運気を剋害する因縁   ○夫婦縁破れる因縁

2022-01-07 14:49:01 | 心理学












Fate that damages her husband's luck

It is a cause that women have.

Husband's luck (damaging and shaving the life turnip with invisible power, but it does not necessarily mean laying the husband under his hips or abusing him in daily life. Of course, in such cases as well. There is nothing wrong with it, but as I wrote before, there are cases where the fate appears in the character and cases where it does not appear at all in the personality. This is also the case with this fate, and rather the woman with this fate is abusive. It is difficult to get rid of it because there are many good wives and wise mothers who can be used by their husbands. Edogawa Yanagi "Poison is decocting medicine between the next"
There is a phrase, but this impresses me with the phrase "a woman with this prisoner relationship".

The meaning of this phrase is that the owner is sick and sleeps all year round. When I ask the house, the young beautiful Hosono is brewing medicine in the next room where the owner is sleeping. However, in reality, this beautiful Hosono is poisonous to the sick husband, so it is ironic that Hosono is decocting the medicine and that the poison is the medicine.

Having a woman with this connection as a wife can make her husband sick all year round, or work poorly, failing all year round, and prone to traffic jams. Luck is very bad because of the loss of vitality. No matter how talented or skillful you are, you will always be caught up in one misfortune. The more you can use it in your heart, the worse your husband's luck will be, which is troublesome.

As is often the case in the world, there are cases where a husband who has been waiting for a fine prince makes another woman, and people are wondering because he is far more brilliant and smarter than that woman. This is because Hosono has a cause to hurt her husband's luck, so her husband has a vital self-defense instinct.

What kind of connection do you have? Of course, it often happens in middle age that I could afford it economically in the middle age.
One of the reasons is that Hosono's color has declined, but basically, when he was young,
My husband also has a stronger vitality, so I can tolerate my wife's luck damage, so I feel so much
No, but as we get older, our vitality weakens and we want a place to relax.
The woman who has this strong connection is the so-called "post-family luck", which is the cause of sexuality.
One husband escapes to another woman as mentioned above, and a husband who has no sexual relations escapes to a hobby,
Immerse yourself in work and become a cold family.
If you are a husband with weak vitality, you will die. In other words, this is the reason why it is called post-family luck. If you want to have a happy family as a woman, you must first cut it.

○ Fate of marital relationship disorder

It is a cause of disability in marital relationship and marriage. Somehow their personalities don't match each other, and they are dissatisfied all year round, and they are constantly messing around and becoming a cold family.

Or, although they have a love for each other, one of them gets sick and is forced to live separately, or because of work, they live in a farewell. Anyway, regardless of whether or not you have a love affair, the couple will not get along well because of the relationship such as Shuto. I can't go to the point where I'm divorced, but anyway, I'm going to get one step closer all year round.
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人はどんな因縁を持つか  2  What kind of connection does a person have?

2022-01-06 18:58:43 | 心理学

家運衰退の因縁  肉親血縁相剋の因縁


これは、肉親血縁相剋の因縁の変形で、親がわが子の生命力を害するのである。そのため もし、そのが非常に生命力が強ければ、素行が乱れるようになって、幼少にして、家を飛び出す。これは親のそばにいると生命力を削られて、危険なので親のもとを飛び出すようになるのである(もちろん、本人はそのことを知らないが)。




















夫婦縁破れる因縁 色情の因縁










Fate of the decline of family luck: Fate of relatives and blood relatives

This is a variant of the kinship of relatives, and the parent impairs the vitality of his or her child. Therefore, if the f has a very strong vitality, the behavior will be disturbed, and he will leave the house as a child. If you are near your parents, you will lose your vitality and you will jump out of your parents because it is dangerous (though you do not know that, of course).

Recently, various measures have been devised for the delinquency problem of boys and girls, but I would like parents in the world to be aware of this connection.

Don't say that the cause is a superstition, I want you to think carefully about whether or not you have such a thing.

Whether it is a father or a mother, if there is this connection, the child will always rebel abnormally. Of course, it is true that there is a period of rebellion during the child's growth, but the rebellion caused by this cause is unusual. This is because the self-defense instinct works against something that infringes one's vitality and tries to mobilize my vitality to counterattack, as in the case of the above-mentioned relatives and relatives. Everything is rebellious and repulsive. It is a poor figure that protects me.

Whenever I see a parent and a child with this connection, I remember the appearance of a puppy desperately trying to bite an enemy by raising his hair and exposing his kiba.

There are other reasons why there are many poorly behaved children in successful families, but fortunate parents are likely to have a connection with having a child at the same time. It is easy to occur.

Parents with poorly behaved children and parents with children who do not understand what their parents say abnormally should first investigate the existence of this cause as one of the fundamental measures. Without this cause, it can be fixed relatively easily, but as long as this cause is present, it will never be fixed.

This connection often results from the spiritual disorder of Mizuko.

This is the cause of giving back the favor.

This is also rooted in the cause of the decline in family luck.

In short, it tricks or hurt the beneficiaries (master, teacher, superior, business partner, senior, etc.), and gives the river r some kind of loss. What's wrong is killing (if the person also has a prison affair) and robbing money. Even if you don't go that far, you will always betray those who are indebted.

Because a fate is not always a personality, a person who waits for a "fate to return a favor" does not necessarily have a personality to return a favor. As I wrote earlier, a person who has a frustration in the middle does not necessarily have a weak-minded personality (of course, the fate that he has becomes that person's personality as it is. There are many people who do it).

In the case of the cause of this reverse grace, as a personality, contrary to the thing of returning the grace with a grace, ∵ heart

It is often the case that they have the intention of trying to get rid of their grace, and while making such efforts, they end up giving back their grace as a result. For example, I am loyal to my husband (company) and do my best, but on the contrary, it produces results that are not good for my husband (company). If you make an effort to create a specialty or a business partner, the business partner will issue a non-sufficient bill of tens of millions or hundreds of millions of yen or go bankrupt, causing a great deal of trouble to the owner (company). It will be something like that.

Generally, a person who is indebted to oneself is a person who likes or trusts oneself, enhances oneself, and helps oneself. To inflict or repel such damage, albeit unconsciously, to such a person is to take your own limbs. You will lose your strong ally. There, he becomes isolated and unsupported, and becomes a failure in his life.

Both people who use people and people who use people need to be careful about this cause.

Fate of breaking the relationship between husband and wife

It is a cause that women have.

Husband's luck (life force) is damaged by invisible power and scraped. However, it does not necessarily mean that the husband is laid under his hips or abused in daily life. Of course, that is also the case

There is nothing wrong with it, but as I wrote before, there are cases where the fate appears in the personality and cases where it does not appear at all in the personality. The same is true for this connection, and rather, many women with this connection are good wives and wise mothers who can be used by their husbands, so it is difficult to get rid of them. In Edogawa Yanagi,

"Poison is decocting medicine between the next"

There is a phrase, but this impresses me with the phrase "a woman with this prison class".

The meaning of this phrase is that the owner is sick all year round, and when he asks the house, the young beautiful Hosono is brewing the medicine in the next room where the owner is sleeping. But in reality, this beautiful

It is ironic that Hosono is decocting the medicine because Hosono is poisonous to the sick husband.

If a wife has a woman with this connection, her husband will be sick all year round, or his job will not go well, and he will tend to fail or be congested all year round. Luck is very bad because of the loss of vitality. No matter how talented or skillful you are, you will always be caught up in one misfortune. The more you can use it in your heart, the worse your husband's luck will be, which is troublesome.
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人はどんな因縁を持つか  1  What kind of connection does a person have?

2022-01-05 14:32:11 | 心理学



この因縁は、家運。つまり家の運気が次第におとろえてきている家系に生まれている人が 持つ因縁である。


 こういう人は、父、あるいは祖父の代までは、かなりの生活をした家に生まれている人が 多い。祖父か父の代あたりから、次第に家運が傾いてきている。そうして、自分の代になっ てからは、なお一層はっきりと運が悪くなっている。相当の力量、才能、手腕があるのだが、 それを発揮する場を持つことが出来ない。そういうチャンスを持つことが出来ない。そうして、 自分よりも劣った者が追い越してゆくのを、みすみす歯ぎしりしながら見送ることになる。

 たまにチャンスがめぐって来そうになると、人の妨害、邪魔に遭ったり、或いは自分の思 わぬミスや病気などで、せっかくのチャンスを失ってしまう。要するに、二言でいうと運が 悪いのである。実力かおりながら、妙にめぐり合わせが悪く、ウダツがあがらない。年をと るほど運気がおとろえ、生活が悪くなっていく。

 この因縁から出てくるのが、次に掲げる、 この因縁を持つ人は、何をやっても、一応、七、八分通りまでは順調に進むが、あともう べ二分というところで必ずダメになる。決して実らないのである。この因縁を、一名、「虚 花の命」というのは、「七重八重、花は咲けども山吹の、実のひとつだになきぞ悲しき」と いう古歌の山吹の花と同様、花咲けども実らず、すべてムダ花であるというところからきて いるのである。よそ目には華やかに見えて、内実は空しいのである。苦労したあげく、さい ごの収穫はごっそりと人に持ってゆかれてしまう。

 この因縁を持つ人は、わりあい運気(生命力)の強い人が多く、中途で挫折しては、また 立ち上かって仕事をし、また七、八分通りで挫折して、そのままになるかと思うとまた立ち 上かって、また挫折する、というように、七転八起の起伏のはげしい人生を送る人が多い。


 大体、因縁のあらわれ方には二通りあるのであって、その因縁が、そのままその人の性格 にあらわれている場、性格には全然あらわねないとがある。

 この中途挫折の囚縁の場合も、この囚緻がそのまま性格にあらわれて、非常に気の弱い意 志薄弱の型と、逆に、非常に気のつよい意志強固の型がある。

 意志薄弱のタイプは、何をやってもすぐにあきてしまって、ながつづきしない。気うつり がはげしい。学業、職業、すべてがそうで、転々とする。文字通りの中途挫折、薄志弱行の 型である。

 もう一つのほうは、これと全く反対で、性格もつよく、意志も強固で、努力家でもある。 然るに、かえってその強さが人と相容れず、上の者と衝突したり、同僚と円満に協調出来な かったりして、失敗し、挫折する。あるいは、ここ一番という大事なところで、きまってつ まらぬミスをしたり、人の誤解をうけたり、妨害をうけたりする。また、病気や怪我などで 手違いが生ずる、というように、必ずなにかしら障害が発生して、チャンスをつぶすのである。


 四十七、八歳の会社員で、立派な人物であったが、この人に、この因縁があったのである。 聞いてみると、今までに八回も勤め先を変えているという。意志強固の努力家型だが、と思っ て聞いてみると、この人は、一流の財閥会社に勤めているのだが、系列の子会社に出向させいわば、根無し草の人生である。居住、職業が定まらず、転々とする。一時的に幸運を得 ることがあっても、永続しない。一生、ホームレスか、それに近い境界となる。

 女性の場合、ちゃんとした結婚生活をつづけることが出来ない。再婚、三婚し、しかしい くら結婚を繰り返しても、決して安定した夫婦生活を持つことは出来ない。





 この因縁は、肉親の者同士、血縁の者同士が、たがいに運気生命力を損ねあい、傷つけあっ て分散してゆくのである。

 毛利元就の「三本の矢」の教訓を逆にいって、おたがいに助けあい、協力しあってゆくべ き肉親血縁の者が、離散し、孤立して、次第に没落してゆく。


これは、血縁の者回士でお互いの迎気(生命力)をで、無点 識のうちに反発しあって争うのである。この場合、運気を傷つけあうといっても、必ずしも 表面立って争いをするとは限らない。ただ同じ屋根の下に住んでいるというだけで、相手の 運気(生命力)を損ねるのである。それはちょうど、何か目に見えない光線のようなものを 放射しあって、相手の生命力を傷つけるように思われる。人間の生命というものは、自分を 守るという自衛本能を持っているから、その本能がはたらいて、無意識のうちに生命力を結

集して相手に反発する。その結果として、相手の何でもないような動作や一言一句が非常に 気にさわる(神経が立っているので)。そこで静が始まるのである。肉親同士で異常に仲が 悪いのはこのためである。それに加えて財産などの利害関係がからむと、非常に深刻な争い に進展してゆく。

 この因縁のある家庭で、もし、同居の肉親同士が不和でなければ、家族の中に誰か一人、 年中病気で苦しむ者か、極端に不運で運の開かぬ不遇の者が必ず出る。

 相当の才能、手腕がありながら、常にチャンスを逸したり、チャンスに恵まれない不遇の人、 あるいは長年病弱の人は、前記の「中途挫折の因縁」か、または、この「肉親血縁相剋の因縁」

によって運気(生命力)を剋害されているのではないかを疑ってみるべきである。どちらか の因縁があったら、それを断ち切らぬ限り、いくら努力しても一生空転するばかりなのだ。

 この因縁を持つ人、(あるいはこの因縁のある家系)には、必ず、といっていいほど、霊 的な障害がある。つまり、三代か四代前に、その家(または人)を強く恨んで亡くなった怨 念のホトヶがいるのである。



 前に述べた「家運衰退の因縁」、「中途挫折の因縁」、「運気不定・浮沈の因縁」は、いずれ も霊障のホトヶより生じていることが多い。




"Fate of halfway setback"

This connection is family luck. In other words, it is the cause of people born in a family whose family's luck is gradually declining.

Many of these people were born in a house where they lived a considerable amount of life until their father's or grandfather's generation. From around my grandfather's or father's generation, my family's luck is gradually leaning. Then, after taking my place, I'm even more clearly out of luck. I have considerable ability, talent, and skill, but I can't have a place to demonstrate it. I can't have such a chance. Then, I will see off the person who is inferior to me overtaking while bruxing my teeth.

Occasionally, when chances came around, people would be disturbed, disturbed, or due to unexpected mistakes or illnesses, they would lose their chances. In short, in two words, you're out of luck. Despite his ability, the match is strangely bad, and Udatsu does not rise. The older you get, the less luck you get and the worse your life gets.

What comes out of this connection is as follows: No matter what you do, people with this connection will go smoothly up to 7 or 8 minutes, but it will definitely be useless in about 2 minutes. .. It never bears fruit. One person, "Imaginary Flower Life," is the same as Yamabuki's flower in the old song, "Seven-folded and double-flowered, flowers are blooming but Yamabuki's, one of the fruits is sad." It comes from the fact that it is all wasteful flowers. It looks gorgeous to the outside, and the truth is empty. After a lot of hard work, the harvest of the sardines is taken away by people.

Many people with this connection have strong luck (life force), and if they are frustrated in the middle, they will stand up and work again, and they will be frustrated on 7 or 8 minutes street and will remain as they are. In addition, many people lead a rugged life with ups and downs, such as standing up and frustrating again.

Then, in the end, it ends up being frustrated.

In general, there are two ways in which a fate appears, and there are cases where the fate appears in the person's personality as it is, and the personality does not appear at all.

In the case of this halfway frustrated prisoner, this prisoner's personality appears as it is, and there are a very weak type with a weak will and a very strong type with a strong will.

The weak-willed type is tired immediately no matter what he does, and does not continue. The feelings are terrible. Schoolwork, profession, everything is the same, and it changes. It is literally a halfway frustration, a weak line.

The other one is the opposite, has a good personality, a strong will, and is a hard worker. However, on the contrary, its strength is incompatible with people, and it fails and frustrates because it collides with superiors and cannot cooperate well with colleagues. Or, in the most important place here, you can make boring mistakes, get misunderstood by people, or get disturbed. In addition, some kind of obstacle always occurs, such as making a mistake due to illness or injury, and killing the chance.

The other day, there was such a person who visited me.

A 47- and 8-year-old office worker who was a good person, but this person had this connection. When asked, he says he has changed his place of employment eight times so far. I think that he is a hard-willed hard worker, but when I ask him, he works for a first-class conglomerate company, but if he is seconded to an affiliated subsidiary, it is a life of rootless grass. The residence and occupation are undecided, and it changes. Even if you get lucky temporarily, it will not last. For the rest of your life, you will be homeless or close to it.

In the case of women, it is not possible to continue a proper marriage. No matter how many times you get married again, you get married three times, but you can never have a stable married life.

If there is a "fate of sexuality", it is a miserable fate of falling into an affair or prostitution.

The cause of the decline in family luck

Again, the root comes from the cause of the decline in family luck.

This cause is that relatives and relatives lose their luck and vitality, hurt each other, and disperse.

Contrary to the lesson of Mori Motonari's "Three Arrows", people with close relatives who help each other and cooperate with each other are separated, isolated, and gradually fall.

It is just a sign of the decline in family luck.

This is a blood-related person who fights against each other by repelling each other (life force) without any point. In this case, even if you hurt your luck, you don't necessarily have to fight on the surface. Just living under the same roof damages the other person's luck (life force). It just seems to radiate something like an invisible ray, damaging the vitality of the other person. Human life has a self-defense instinct to protect oneself, so that instinct works and unknowingly connects vitality.

Gather and repel the opponent. As a result, the other person's nonsense movements and word-for-word are very disturbing (because they are nervous). That is where the stillness begins. This is the reason why relatives are unusually unfriendly. In addition to that, when interests such as property are involved, it will develop into a very serious conflict.

In this family with a connection, if the relatives living together are not at odds with each other, there will always be one person in the family who suffers from illness all year round or who is extremely unlucky and unlucky.

Although he has considerable talent and skill, he always misses a chance or is not blessed with a chance, or a person who has been sick for many years

You should suspect that your luck (life force) has been compromised by. If there is a cause for either, unless you cut it off, no matter how hard you try, it will just spin for the rest of your life.

A person with this connection (or a family with this connection) always has a spiritual disability. In other words, there is a grudge Hotoka who died with a strong grudge against the house (or person) before the third or fourth generation.

, Suspicious death

In most cases, the person who died of suspicious death suffered from a spiritual disorder.

The above-mentioned "cause of decline in family luck", "cause of frustration in the middle", and "cause of indefinite luck / ups and downs" are all often caused by the spiritual disorder.

Unless this spiritual disorder is resolved, this prison relationship will continue for generations.

According to the Buddhahood Law, there is no other way but to dismantle the spiritual disorder of the Buddhahood.
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脳と報酬系 Brain and reward system

2021-12-30 09:24:31 | 心理学








  • 報酬系(ほうしゅうけい、英: reward system)とは、ヒト・動物の脳において、欲求が満たされたとき、あるいは満たされることが分かったときに活性化し、その個体に快の感覚を与える神経系のことである。

  • 変性意識状態

Brain and reward system



Wilder Penfield

Through his career, he has made a great contribution not only to the development of neurosurgery, which is the basis of today's brain science, but also to the development of neuroscience to this day. He was a pioneer in the surgical treatment of epilepsy and did not undergo general anesthesia during brain surgery, but with local anesthesia at the incision. Such a procedure is possible because the brain itself does not have sensory receptors including pain. Since the patient is conscious during surgery using this procedure, it is possible to identify the function of the local brain by electrical stimulation of the cerebral cortex, and the function should be preserved when determining the excision site of the diseased brain region. It has become possible to determine the area of ​​the cerebral cortex. Since brain surgery is now performed with general anesthesia in order to prioritize the safety of anesthesia worldwide, such surgical procedures are rarely performed, but recently it has improved the safety of anesthesia in general. It has been resurrected with it.

Dwarf in the brain

Dr. Wilder Graves Penfield (1891-1976), an American neurosurgeon, conducted research to better understand how the brain perceives the body while treating patients with epilepsy. Each of the hemispheres has two maps (also known as Penfield's maps).
One is the map of movement, where we manipulate our movements. The other is the sensory map, where the sensory information of the body is processed. The dwarf (homunculus) in the figure on the left is a three-dimensional doll of the map. Looking at the figure, you can see how the brain looks at the body.

There are 12 pairs of special nerves that come directly from the brain. Some of these convey sensory information from the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, and others control the muscles of the head and throat. Some supply important organs such as the heart and lungs and various glands.

The reward system is a nerve that activates in the human / animal brain when a desire is satisfied or is found to be satisfied, and gives the individual a sense of pleasure. It is a system.
The desires here are from biological and short-term ones such as thirst, appetite, and desire to regulate body temperature, to higher and social ones such as being praised by others, being loved, and raising children. Even long-term ones are included. Cognitive psychologists argue that in humans, the latter desire plays a more important role in behavioral decisions.
In mammals, the reward system is said to be the dopamine nervous system (also known as the A10 nervous system), which projects from the ventral tegmental area of ​​the midbrain to the cerebral cortex. This is also supported by the fact that most of the addictive drugs such as stimulants and cocaine have a dopamine-activating effect. There is also a report that if an electrode is inserted into the midbrain in an animal and a device is created in which an electric current flows when the individual presses a button, the electrode is continuously pressed.
The function of the reward system plays an important role in learning and adaptation to the environment. For example, we can prioritize work by suppressing short-term desires such as fatigue and hunger by predicting long-term rewards, such as "you will get a bonus when you complete this work." However, when the bonus that was relied on is cut, the reward system is suppressed and it makes me feel uncomfortable. There is also a report that the function of the reward system nervous system affects the plasticity of the cerebral cortex, and the reward system is also important in learning. The word "praise and grow" can say this.
The reward system is activated not only when the desire is satisfied, but also when the person is acting in the hope of getting a reward. For example, when a thirsty person drinks water, the reward system is activated in the brain and a feeling of pleasure is felt. However, if a human finds a vending machine while walking, it can be inferred that he / she can drink water at that point, so the reward system is activated at the time of finding it. Schultz et al. (1993) conducted a similar experiment in monkeys. They created a device that presents a visual stimulus and feeds a few seconds later, accustoming the monkeys to it. At the same time, when electrodes were inserted into dopaminergic cells in the midbrain and activity was recorded, the cells were activated when food came out at the beginning of the experiment, but as they became accustomed to the experiment, visual stimulation was presented. At that time, neural activity was activated.
Altered state of consciousness
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2021-09-28 17:25:06 | 心理学




















































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知」「情」「意」   Knowledge, emotion, and will

2021-09-23 19:32:45 | 心理学





  • 「知性」とは、知識や思考といったものを活用すること。頭を使うということです。

  • 「感情」とは、喜びや悲しみや怒りなどのこと。心で感じるということです。

  • 「意志」とは、意欲や精神力のこと。決断するということです。















「山路(やまみち)を登りながら、こう考えた。 知に働けば角が立つ、情に棹(さお)させば流される。 意地を通せば窮屈だ。 とにかく人の世は住みにくい。」









「強くて優しくて賢い」 ── 人間として目指したい姿です。









"Knowledge" "Sentiment" "Mind"
What are the three functions of human beings?

What is intellect?

Human beings have three functions, "intellectuality," and we are said to be moving according to that balance.

"Intelligence" means "intelligence," "emotion," and "will." Originally a word advocated by the philosopher Kant.

"Intelligence" is to utilize things such as knowledge and thoughts. It means using your head.
"Emotions" are joy, sadness, anger, and so on. It means to feel it in your heart.
"Will" is motivation and mental strength. It means to make a decision.

It is no exaggeration to say that each person has their own strengths and weaknesses in these three balances, and that each person's characteristics are created by them.

And if these three are extremely out of balance, some kind of trouble is likely to occur.

I will explain in more detail below.

Relationship of intellect

First, let's take a closer look at the three relationships.

It goes without saying that "intelligence", that is, the ability to acquire and utilize the necessary knowledge and think about things, is important. Usually, a wise person should be able to move things more effectively.

However, it is not the case that only "knowledge" is needed.
If "feeling" is not added to that, the ability of "knowledge" will not be fully demonstrated.
For example, a person who is superior in "knowledge" and has little "feeling" may pursue only his own interests and neglect others.

"Emotion" is necessary to prevent this from happening.
It's a feeling of valuing both your own feelings and the feelings of others.

However, "feeling" also has its drawbacks. It is easy to spring up momentarily and be swallowed there.
In particular, seven emotions such as joy, anger, sadness, enjoyment, love, hatred, and desire are said to be easily swallowed, and if you do not control them using other parts of your mind, you will run extremely. It can cause problems.

Therefore, "will" is needed.
It means controlling emotions with the power of will. When your emotions start rampaging like a horse, you control it.

Of course, if you are strong in "will" and lack "knowledge" and "feeling", you will become a stubborn person who pushes through your own assertions without listening to the opinions of others.

In this way, the three functions of human beings are interrelated, and by balancing them, we can exert great power.


If any one is too strong or too weak, it causes suffering. I hope it is balanced.

Intellect by Soseki Natsume

Soseki Natsume also wrote about these three functions at the beginning of "Kusamakura" as follows. Please note that it also firmly holds down the three functions of "intellectuality."

"While climbing the mountain road, I thought like this. If you work with wisdom, you will get a corner, if you let your emotions flow, you will be swept away.

It is a famous sentence that is truly attractive.

If you move only with "knowledge", you will be disliked, and if you move only with "feeling", you will be swept away. And it is stuffy if you just stick to your "will".

It's been talked about briefly, but this may be a big challenge that we always face in our lives.

By the way, if you turn this sentence over, you can read, "If you keep the balance of the three intellects, it's probably easier for people to live in the world."

Konosuke Matsushita talks about the intellect

Konosuke Matsushita, the founder of Panasonic, also commented on this balance of intellect as follows.

This intellect is a very important axis for human beings to enhance their work as human beings. In other words, I think that improving and enhancing the harmony of intellect will improve humanity.
Even if we omit our daily lives, how troublesome problems, unnecessary struggles, and losses are caused by the incongruity of our intellect.
I often argue with my friends that "you are very weak" or "you are knowledgeable but have a weak will".
This word means that we must keep in mind the harmony of intellect.

It is said that improving humanity means trying to harmonize "knowledge," "feeling," and "will" and enhance them. He also says that the discord causes many problems and losses.

It may be easier to understand if you replace "knowledge," "feeling," and "will" with "wisdom," "kindness," and "strength," respectively.

"Strong, kind and wise" ──I want to aim as a human being.

Make up for the missing parts and adjust the balance

As Konosuke Matsushita put it, when things aren't going well, it may be because one of these three is missing.

Lack of knowledge
Not enough kindness
Lack of will

...... Either.

Also, there should be patterns that always fail for some people. It may be due to the lack of these three things.

In such a case, the problem may be solved by compensating for the elements that you lack and balancing your intellect.

Balancing these three is very powerful. Things may evolve in an interesting way if you make up for what was missing.

It will be useful if you remember it.

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フロイト フロイトは、ヒステリー

2021-09-22 14:15:13 | 心理学












ハンガリー出身の心理学者レオポルド・ソンディ(Leopold Szondi,1893-1986)は、運命分析学という深層心理学の学派を創設したり、『ソンディ・テスト』という人物写真を利用した投影法の心理テストを開発したことで知られる。日本語での名前表記は、レオポルド・ソンディ以外にも、英語読みで『リポート・ソンディ』という風に表記されることも多い

集合的無意識(Kollektives Unbewusstes)」

とは、偉大な心理学者カール・ユング(Carl Gustav Jung)によって提唱された。
集合的無意識に共通する基本的形を「元型(Archetyp )」と呼び、この元型から集合的無意識が生じ、原始心像が意識化され、元型そのものが意識化されることは決してない。

ソンディ・テストで知られる精神医学者のレオポルド・ソンディ(Léopold Szondi)は













Psychoanalysis is based on the basic hypothesis that humans have an unconscious process and that human behavior depends on the unconscious. Freud, in the treatment of hysteria (currently dissociative and somatic symptom disorders), can unknowingly suppress desires that are painful for humans to change shape and neurosis. I thought that it would be expressed in the form of symptoms such as. Therefore, we made a treatment hypothesis that the symptoms can be resolved by being aware of the content of the conflict suppressed in the unconscious area, exposing it to the surface, and being aware of it.

Carl Gustav Jung

Jung's psychology (analytical psychology) is similar to Freud's psychoanalysis in that it analyzes the individual's consciousness and unconsciousness, but it is not limited to the individual unconsciousness, but is common to all humankind beyond the individual. It also includes an analysis of the collective unconscious (universal unconscious). Psychotherapy by Jung Psychology also incorporates the Active Imagination. The active imagination is a psychotherapeutic method that waits for the image from the unconscious to appear in the consciousness. In addition, Jung Psychology emphasizes dream analysis in clinical psychology more than other groups. Dreams are said to be a "phenomenon in which the archetype image is expressed on a daily basis" as a collective unconscious, and also a manifestation of the personal unconscious.

What is a shadow?

As I explained above, I call myself a "shadow" that I don't want to admit, but I will explain what a shadow is in the first place.

A shadow is a "shadow" that everyone has, and each person has a self that he or she does not want to admit.
The stronger the feeling of not wanting to admit, the darker the shadow and the stronger its influence.

Also, in the myths and legends of the West and the East,
Since there are many things that deal with common themes,
Deep in the hearts of mankind, regardless of the ocean
I thought that there was a common "collective unconscious".

As shown in the figure, in a layer deeper than consciousness or personal unconsciousness,
It exists universally regardless of ethnicity, nation, or race.

Leopold Szondi

Hungarian psychologist Leopold Szondi (1893-1986) founded a school of deep psychology called fate analysis and developed a projection psychological test using portraits called the Szondi test. Known for doing. In addition to Leopold Szondi, the name notation in Japanese is often written in English as "Report Sondy".

"The Collective Unconscious (Kollektives Unbewusstes)" was advocated by the great psychologist Carl Gustav Jung.
The concept is that there is a personal unconscious in the depths of human consciousness, and there is a collective unconscious in the depths.
The collective unconscious is connected not only to the individual but also to the group, the people, the entire human race, and even the consciousness of the universe and the universe beyond time and space.
The basic form common to the collective unconscious is called the "archetyp", and the collective unconscious arises from this archetype, the primitive image is conscious, and the archetype itself is never conscious.

Léopold Szondi, a psychiatrist known for the Szondi test, proposed the concept of a family unconscious, which lies between Freud's personal unconscious and Jung's collective unconscious.
Sondy was a rare figure in the world of psychiatry, putting a scalpel into the field of "fate analysis," which has not yet been recognized for its academic value.
"Family unconscious" means that the fate is inherited by the offspring, with the idea that the suppressed consciousness of the ancestors has a significant impact on the fate of the offspring. The fate of illness and debt, which is called "the cause and effect of the parent rewards the child," is called "forced fate," and is always in conflict with the "free fate," which is born from the free will of the individual.

But the unfortunate life under the control of forced fate is not just due to ancestors.
By being born as a descendant of such an ancestor, the karma of the past life has been eliminated, so we must understand and accept it well and steer our lives toward free destiny.
The best way to eliminate karma is to learn how to look at yourself as a third party.

Sondy calls the consciousness (impulse) that offspring inherit from their ancestors from generation to generation, "impulsive emotion (impulsive consciousness)," and says that "human destiny is a choice." Based on the impulsive emotions (impulsive consciousness) inherited from our ancestors, human beings make important choices in the four fields of life: marriage choice, occupation choice, disease choice, and death form choice. Sondy's theory.

L. Sondy's view of fate has two elements: "elements that he chooses independently" and "elements that are determined by the consciousness and emotions of his ancestors." ) The following eight types of genes are considered to be factors. A psychological test called "fate analysis method" is said to be able to know the trend (strength) and balance of the functions of these eight types of genes.

Sch (ego impulse) …… p (existing gene), k (owned gene)

C (contact impulse) …… m (dependent gene), d (acquired gene)

P (emotional impulse) …… hy (moral gene), e (ethical gene)

S (sexual drive) …… s (attack gene), h (love gene)

The unconsciousness inherited from Leopold Szondi's envisioned ancestors is called the "family unconscious", wider than Sigmund Freud's "personal unconscious" and more than CG Jung's "universal unconscious (collective unconscious)" The range is believed to be narrow. The ultimate purpose of deep psychology, which brought Sondy's fate analysis to the fore, was "the empirical and theoretical integration of the personal unconscious, the family unconscious, and the universal unconscious."
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サハスララ・チャクラ Sahasrara chakra

2021-09-13 18:21:37 | 心理学


第二の発見 ――ヒトはなぜ手を持つか?









る。(これと同じことが、龍王文庫の三浦関造氏の著書に載っており、また、さきにあげた The
chakras にも記されている)
手だ! 私はひたすら手に思念を凝らし、手にエネルギーを集中した。





ニ、ハタ・ヨーガー 生理的
三、カルマ・ヨーガ 倫理的
五、ラヤ・ヨーガー 心霊的
「ジーナ・ター 簡単?

電力して、動(who hannie をクとするもので、要するに、過心線現象とはも力をシステムならない。クンダリニー・ヨーガは、その超能力をヒトにあたえようとするのである。


クンダリニーとは、神社のいちばん下端、尾紙幣より約三センチ (人によって多少ちがう)ほど
401 超能力開発のシステム



Although not clear from this figure, he went to Java himself to observe, sketch and present.
There will be no mistake.
The other type is the Buddha statue at Todaiji Temple and Hokkado.
It is said that the headdress of the difficult statue shows the number of spokes of this chakra.
These two types of Sahasrara chakras are on the heads of thousands of Buddha statues throughout the Orient.
You can see it. This coronet-shaped chakra is a symbol of sacred power and a mysterious spirit.
It's like a divine power, and this is exactly the coronet of a shining soul. This coronet is the coronet that the returnees really get overhead. "
This is probably where this chakra is called the coronet chakra in Europe.
Isn't it due? Certainly, there is no doubt that the Buddha is the best superhuman.
No, and then, it is nothing but a superhuman, that is, Yue-Human, Homo-Excellence, and the world in which the superhuman lives.
The world is nothing but a superhuman society. The key to creating a superhuman society is right here
There is.



Second discovery-Why do humans have hands?



This is the end of the explanation of the Isshin Yoga chakra. In contrast to the endocrine glands mentioned earlier,
If you're not sure if you're interested in something, the careful readers are here.
You must be angry with Hatena, but what about you?
If you don't feel suspicious, please read the previous section again.
Do you understand?



The chakras explained in the previous section are described under the title of nine chakras and nine endocrine glands.
There are only seven. What happened to the other two? Or, nine isn't a typographical error or harbor.

I noticed a lot while training in the practice of ancient yoga and the practice of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. I've gained a lot of strength after training,
There is no way to exert that power of Kanjin. At first, I still have that much power
I was wondering if I wasn't there. However, I feel the power that gradually comes to my whole body
After that, it finally became painful. Depressed and slamming this power like the tide
I want to let it blow out. But yoga doesn't have that method!



By the way, you have already noticed. The yoga chakra is "Dharma-san", but he has no hands or legs. There are only the head and torso.
If I hadn't aspired to complete the power of Homa, or if I didn't notice this, I just practiced yoga as usual and completed the training in the excitement of yoga.
not present. However, I personally had the purpose of burning the power. I entered the law of ancient yoga for the sake of money. Yoga, hands, feet. Transfer power to others
The reason why there is no way to use is that yoga is for the purpose of self-completion.
Maybe it's for me. However, I have to burn the psychokinesis.



My training is next, and the two chakras, Muradara and Svanskuna, are completely masters.
I was in training for the Manipula chakra. Gradually learn this chakra!
See, if it's settled, can the transparent fire marriage (like energy) freeze from the center of the chakra?
I came to see. If you control the spirit of Samana in Yoga Sutra, you will get married from the body
can do. I was overcoming that certain summera spirit. But that summerna
The method of igniting the target (Masaki) by concentrating the silver energy of the
stomach. The whole body will be gradually performed with great energy, centering on the manipula chakra.
While feeling, materialize the person as a real fire. I struggled to find a way to do it.
Also, "Mame" written by a person named CT Creek in Bolus.
I got the opportunity to do housework. That ward, the body of theosophy, Ms. Buckucky's group,
The rammeter of the kundalini is the best of the kundalini, the nanda car
To be able to have human body electricity to bolt
I haven't tried the demonstration of many people who have just chosen to do it.
-After Peeder Tadashi learned from the thick oak board placed there, and after a while
When I looked at it, it was said that the back of the monk's palm was clearly black, as if he had applied a grilled iron.
NS. (The same thing can be found in the book by Kanzo Miura of the Ryuo Bunko, and the one I mentioned earlier.
Also mentioned in chakras)
"This is it!"
I shouted in my heart.
Why do humans have hands?
The hand embodies human power. For humans, the hand is a tool for transmitting power. Thinking becomes a voice
Appear, force is expressed by hand. Isn't it possible to express even thoughts by hand?
Hands! I just thought about my hands and concentrated my energy on my hands.
It was when the training went to the Vishda chakra. Suddenly, my hand moves unconsciously
I started to come. At that time, I was becoming an energy. The hand is the life of one hand
It moved big and strong like the one who wanted to become a thing and release its energy. I that
I was on the flow.
This was the beginning of the birth of my chakra "Mudra / Chakra".
This was natural. According to the mystery book, the Vishda chakra is the upper limbs (arms, armpits)

It is said that it is closely related to the muscles of. With the acquisition of the Vishda chakra, my fire energy
Guy opened the passage in his arms. However, its completion was still a long way off. that
Had to wait until another important discovery was made. But--, 5,000 years
For a long time, the cousin of the Mudra Chakra development, which no one knew, opened here.
Is. I worked hard day and night to complete it.
Kundalini's secret



According to Dr. Tsuruji Sahoda's classification of yoga, "The practices and ideas called yoga in India are not good.
It is a root and a mist. Dozens of yoga schools have different aims,
The training method is also unclear, and it is very difficult to find out the characteristics and essence common to them.
I'm sorry. Now, we have taken out the most distinctive ones from those many schools, and the practices of each school.
If we were to characterize the nigiri with modern terms, it would be as follows.



One, Raja Yoga Psychological
D, Grouper Yoga Physiological
Third, karma yoga ethical
4. Bhakti Yoga Religious
Five, Raya Yoga spiritual
"Gina Tar Easy?
Mantra, Miga Catastrophic

One of the most expensive books in the book is Zia 1yama Yoga, a top-notch person who has a constitution.
NS. Kundalini Luga, whose title is a chronological phenomenon, is also receiving widespread worldwide attention. Commentary
In seeking a "suit instrument", I am a rare religion among these many yogas.
Kundalini yoga is selected as the yoga with the deepest connection to the war.
However, I say that Langlau Yoda has a lot to do with Shingon Esoteric Buddhism.
For the award, Kundalyu Yoga is the source and the water stream.
Heterogeneous, institutional, heavenly Taiwan, and religion have separated from their mainstream because they are not established as sectarian Buddhism.
I lost my minute. Why can you say that? The rationale is from the castle in this section.
But first, let's talk about Kundalyu Yoga.
Inductor Meets focuses on parapsychological phenomena, as Dr. Kuni Saho said. Is it parapsychology and transformation? It's activity, constant ability, that is, it's a common sense person's shadow.
Powering and moving (who hannie is the key, in short, the hypercenter line phenomenon is not a system of force. Kundalini yoga tries to give humans its supernatural powers.



How does Kundalini Yoga try to give humans psychic powers?
Let's explain the mechanism of Kundalini Yoga.
Kundalini Yoga is a special feature of the seven chakras and kundalini mentioned earlier in the manifestation of its power.
Try to achieve it by developing special power.
Kundalini is about 3 cm (slightly different depending on the person) from the tail banknote at the bottom of the shrine.
It is the source of energy at the top. Kundalini Yoga is this Kundalini in many ways
It stimulates Linny and tries to extract this energy.
Kundalini is expressed in various ways.
When the kundalini burns, a person becomes a fire. It becomes a sacred fire and burns everything,
Leave only one thing. (Vedas)
When a cobra (snake) sleeping in a person awakens and runs up, the person truly awakens. (Vedas)
401 ESP development system
We are power, God, and Kundalini. (Bhagavad Gita)
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