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梵字 無量無辺の意義と徳をそなえる種子 Sanskrit: A seed endowed with immeasurable meaning and virtue.

2023-11-03 15:12:31 | 梵字







A seed endowed with infinite meaning and virtue.
The symbolic Sanskrit that represents each deity with a single character is called a seed.

Usually, the seed is the honorable name of each deity or the ichiu taken from the mantra. Warm
Just as many fruits can be obtained from the seeds of plants, we can derive the Buddha's dignified form from the Sanskrit characters, which are the symbols and mantras of the Buddha.
It is said that it was named Seed because it can produce Buddha fruit such as Buddha's wisdom and satori.
In this way, the seeds that represent the boar are endowed with immeasurable significance and virtue, so they should be recited and heartfelt.
It is said that if you remember this and copy it, you will quickly attain Bodhi.

buddhist meditation method
Well, in ancient India, even before Buddhism came into existence, meditation was one of the training methods of Brahmins.
I did. It is said that Shakyamuni attained the highest enlightenment through meditation. Buddhist meditation is true
Since it is a method of awakening to reason and mastering true wisdom, it can be said to be the basic and most advanced method of Buddhist training.


梵字 阿字  he A-ji  Sanskrit character   siddhamātṛkā, シッダマートリカー

Sanskrit character he A-ji Sanskrit character siddhamātṛkā, Siddhama


Let's actually write the A character, which represents all respects.
We will compose by combining the basic dotted line drawings that we have learned. First, mark the point A neatly overlapping the square, and then write the letter f in the shape of a field with horizontal diagonal lines.
Next, draw ⑧ bay line drawing P.


Let's actually write the A-ji that represents all the honors (seeds).
We will combine and compose the basic dotted line art that we have learned. First, write a point (⑥ in the shape of a horizontal diagonal line f) by striking the point in a square.
Next, write ⑧ Bay line art P.


Then, ③ draw both vertical lines and continue to draw the tsumugi dottle without removing the brush.

Then, ③ draw both vertical lines and continue to draw the warbler without pulling out the brush.




Sanskrit character he A-ji Sanskrit character siddhamātṛkā, siddhama liquor





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降三世会 降三世明王(忿怒形)の姿をとり諸尊とともに衆生を仏道へと教化する集会図。

2023-08-09 18:55:00 | 梵字


Gosanseikai A drawing of a gathering that takes the form of Gosansei Myo-o (angry form) and enlightens sentient beings to the path of Buddhism together with various deities.








Among the various deities of Joshinkai, Kongosatta assumes the form of Gosansei Myo-o (angry form), and together with other deities, gathers to enlighten sentient beings to the path of Buddhism.


●Among the same 37 deities as the Joshinkai, Gozansei Myo-o is arranged instead of Kongosatta, and the masses who cannot be enlightened by the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai are surrendered to the deity of anger.

●Many of the Mikoto are tying their fists (crossing their fists in front of their chests).

●Kongosatsuta transforms into Gozansei Myoo, subjugates the Hindu gods Shiva and Empress Uma, and makes them guardian deities of Buddhism.









mooladhara chatala

The gonads of the endocrine gland, the part of the kidney.

When this jakra is awakened, one's stamina will increase abnormally, and one will have three to five times the energy of a normal person. I'm okay with staying up all night for three or four days. all illness

It becomes a healthy body itself without accepting it. Those who were sick will be cured of all their vices. By concentrating Sosei Shio Kyu Toma ∃ Q on this chakra, the energy

When activated, even a death sentencer would kick the floor and get up. Both men and women will be ten years younger than their actual age.


On the other hand, they will have a strong sexual desire and reproductive power, so they will use a method to convert that energy into the energy of intelligence known as ojas.

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絶望の淵からひとを救う守護仏の力  The power of the guardian Buddha to save people from the depths of despair

2023-06-11 12:50:33 | 梵字




どのようにして動かしたのか? 霊的精神感応である

明らかに、霊障のホトケは、特定の個人と、或る種の精神感応があるとわたくしは思うのだ。霊障のホトケの、その精神感応によって、その個人はつよい影響を受け、 動かされてしまう。この「他の存在」つまり霊障のホトケが元凶なのであるから、こ れを消滅させなければ、なにをやってもだめなことは当然である。

では、どうやって、その「他の存在」を消滅させるのか? 守護仏を本尊とするシ カの成仏法のみが、これをなすことができるのである。

そして、つぎに、守護仏をまつった宝塔をいただいて、本人が毎日、因縁解脱の 行をするのである。

これにより、本人の深層意識の奥にひそむ特殊な祖先の欲求・葛藤が消滅してゆく のである。その結果、「衝動」もまた消えて、生じなくなる。

そういうと、どうしてなのか? どうして守護仏の宝塔に、そういう力があるの か?と質問するひとがすくなくない。

それは、守護仏にはそういう力があり、だから守護仏なのだ、と答えるしかないの であるが、それだけではなっとくできないひともあるかもしれない。 わたくしは、こ う思うのである。


守護仏は、生身の仏であるから、特殊な波動を放射している。 霊的な波動であるから、霊波、といってよい。真言密教では、これを、「金色の大光明」と表現している。(如意宝珠法・本尊観)

これは、純粋最高の霊波である。ひとの深層意識、無意識の意識層に浸透する力を 持っている。これを、かりにわかりやすく「ブラスの波動・聖なる波動」 とよぼう。 一方、霊障のホトケを持っているひとは、その無意識の意識層に、霊障のホトケの 怨念(ソンデイのいう祖先の特殊な欲求・葛藤をうけている。これは「マイナスの 波動・邪悪の波動」である。 さきに、わたくしは、フロイトの学説を紹介した。



霊障をうけているひとは、一種の催眠状態である。というのは、無意識の意識から 衝動によって動かされているからだ。フロイトは、無意識の意識は他人の意志によ って動かされるといっているが、わたくしは、むしろ「動かされやすい」と考えてい る。催眠状態に入っているひとは、暗示 (つまり他からのはたらきかけ)に非常に動 かされやすいのである。ときには、動かされることを期待している状態のことさえあ るのである。つまり、霊障のホトケからの衝動・精神感応に非常に動かされやすいの だ。催眠状態のひとは、このように、波動に非常に動かされやすいのである。 それ は、「マイナスの波動・邪悪の波動」でも「プラスの波動聖なる波動」でも、おな じことである。


守護仏宝塔の前で、できるだけ無我になって―というのは、表面意識のはたらき をなくして、無意識の意識層をひらく、ということである――そして、勤行をするの である。

無心無我になれさえすれば、べつに勤行しなくてもよいのだが、それは難事であ るから、勤行という無我になる様式をおこなうわけである。

この勤行により、金色の大光明” (霊波)を、わが無意識の意識層に浸透させるの である。 成仏法によって、元凶である霊障のホトケは消滅したが、無意識に残る抑あつ・葛藤は、後遺症としてふかい精神傷痕となっている。 守護仏の聖なる霊波でこれ を消滅させ、さらにこれを浄化し、高揚させるのである。


わたくしは、成仏法を修して、浅田家にかかわる四体の霊障のホトケを解脱成仏さ せた。非常につよい怨恨のホトケであった。三回の修法を必要としたのである。 英子君は鑑別所にいるので、宝塔の勤行は、お母さんが代わりにすることになっ た。 これを、代行、あるいは身代りの行ともいう。


How did it work? Spiritual telepathy

Clearly, I think that psychic hotokes have some kind of emotional connection with specific individuals. The individual is strongly influenced and moved by the psychopathy of the psychic hotoke. Since this "other existence", that is, the psychic disorder, is the root cause, it is natural that nothing can be done unless this is extinguished.

Then, how can we extinguish that "other being"?This can only be done by the method of attaining Buddhahood in which the guardian Buddha is the principal object of worship.

Next, he received a treasure pagoda enshrining a guardian Buddha, and the person himself performed the practice of liberation every day.

As a result, the special desires and conflicts of his ancestors hidden in the depths of his consciousness disappear. As a result, the "impulse" also disappears and ceases to arise.

Many people ask why this is so?

He has no choice but to answer that the Guardian Buddha has such a power, and that is why it is the Guardian Buddha, but there may be some people who cannot accept that alone. This is what I think.


Since the Guardian Buddha is a living Buddha, it radiates a special vibration. Since it is a spiritual wave, it can be called a spiritual wave. In Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, this is expressed as 'Golden Great Light'. (Nyoihojuho/Honzonkan)

This is the purest spiritual wave. It has the power to penetrate into people's deep consciousness and unconscious consciousness. Let's call this "brass wave/sacred wave" for easy understanding. On the other hand, a person with a spiritual disability has, in their unconscious layer of consciousness, the resentment of the spiritual disability (the special desires and conflicts of their ancestors, as Sonday calls it). "The Waves of". Earlier, I introduced Freud's theory.

The unconscious consciousness is driven by the will of others whom we do not know.


A psychic person is in a kind of hypnotic state. For it is driven by impulses from the unconscious consciousness. Freud said that the unconscious consciousness is moved by the will of others, but I think that it is rather ``easy to be moved''. A person in a hypnotic state is very susceptible to suggestion (that is to say, coercion from others). Sometimes he even mentions the state of expecting to be moved. In other words, he is very susceptible to impulses and psychopathy from the spiritually disturbed Hotoke. A hypnotized person is thus very susceptible to vibrations. It's the same thing with "minus wave/evil wave" and "plus wave sacred wave".


In front of the guardian stupa, he becomes as unselfish as possible--that is, to eliminate the function of superficial consciousness and open the layer of unconscious consciousness--and he is the one who does the devotional.

As long as one can become selfless, there is no need to practice devotion, but since this is a difficult task, the practice of selfless devotion is practiced.

Through this devotion, the great golden light (reiha) permeates into our unconscious consciousness. The aftereffects of this are deep mental scars, which are extinguished by the sacred wave of the guardian Buddha, and then purified and uplifted.

The power of the guardian Buddha to save people from the depths of despair

I practiced the method of attaining Buddhahood and liberated the four spiritual obstacles related to the Asada family. It was a hotoke of a very strong resentment. It required three repairs. Since Eiko is in the discrimination center, her mother will be in charge of the pagoda service. This is also referred to as deputy or scapegoat line.

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真言密教の真髄 The essence of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism

2023-03-08 19:10:15 | 梵字


真言密教において真言の説が最も大切なものであることは、いまさらことあたらしくいう必要 はないであろう。「密教」の上に、「真言」という言葉を冠しているのを見ただけでそれはわかる。 にもかかわらず、いままでその真言の読の方法について、工夫らしい工夫 研究らしい研究が なされていないのはいったいどうしたことであろうか。 わずかに、 「念珠をつまぐりながら、わが 耳にかすかに聞こゆる程度の声で」という程度のことである。これはまことにおどろくべきこと







声曲をいう。すなわち微妙の清音直除切音韻屈曲長短高下して三宝を詠歌頌す 声曲なり。元来は印度五明の一にして言語文字文典等を論究する学問なり。“青”に”まさ 清雅の音を以てしてすといい、"大"


わたくしが前の節において考え求めたところのものとは全く異る。 要するに、仏をほめたたえる 歌である。





密教は特に此の声曲歌を尊崇し、時処"には"の秘密瑜伽は歌 揚するが故に成仏も難からず、況んや諸願を求めて成就す。と説きて歌



とあり、これは、わたくしが思案したこととおなじところのものに思いあたっているかのごとくに 思われるが、のちにわたくしが体得した技法とはまったく異る。 どこまでもこれ である。外 に向って声を発して歌うのである。 わたくしの真言読はちがう。 口腔に発した真言の振動を共鳴 させながら、からだの内部、すなわち心と脳の深部に響かせてゆくのである。


さきの章にあげた「正念」 (五四頁)のところを見ていただきたい。 「次第念珠」の観想にこう

「わが誦するところの真言の字は本尊の臍輪(おへその穴)より入りて、本尊の心月輪に至り、右 にめぐりてつらなり住し、本尊の誦する真言の字はわが頂より入りて心月輪に至り、右にめぐりて つらなりす」


ただし、わたくしの場合は、たんなる真言の字ではなく、その振動である。ホトケのとなえる事 言の振動が、ホトケのへそからわがへそに入って咽喉にいたり、大振動を発して大脳の深部にいた り、大脳の部位を動かす。わが大脳のチャクラを動かした振動はしだいにホトケの大脳にいたり、 ホトケの大脳とわが大脳と共鳴する、 というように観想しつつ、実際に振動を発生させるのである。

わたくしは、昼夜の別なくトレーニングを進めているうち、しだいに、自分が、真言密教の真髄 に近づきつつあることを感じた。いまだかつて密教の指導者のだれもが気づかなかった秘密の技術 に迫りつつあることを知った。





ハタ・ヨーガの倒立(頭による逆立ち)が、先ずわたくしの首を強きわまるものにしていた。わ たくしは二十数年間毎朝三〇分の倒立をしてきた。これは倒立の限界である。 倒立したまま、しば しばわたくしは眠ったほどこの技に熟達している。 結核体質で幼少から首が細かったわたくしは、 倒立で、三十歳代に首の周囲が一・五インチも拡大した。 これがどれほどわたくしの発声器官を強 大にしたことか。


また、十数年にわたる寒中の滝行も、わたくしの腹筋と発声器官を強くしていた。 はじめて滝に 入ったとき、二日目に声をつぶした。滝に打たれながら、全身の力で読経し、真言を話する。 一か 月間、まったく声が出なかった。 こういう経験を十数回くりかえした。いまでは、どんな大きな滝 でも、わたくしの声を消すことはできない。何百メートル先きまでも、滝の音を圧して、 わたくしの声はる。


しかし、 クンダリニー・ヨーガの修行をしていなかったら、おそらく、それ以上のこころみは全 メドが立たなかったろう。 クンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラ開発は、特殊な呼吸法に秘訣がある。 それと、チャクラ周辺の筋肉のバイブレーションだが。 先ずその呼吸法が役に立った。 ざっと説明してみよう。

音声というものは、呼吸と発声と共鳴の三つから成り立つ。そのいずれも同じ程度に重要である。 発声は そのものであり、共鳴はその振動を倍加させ、振動の力を増強するものであり、呼 吸はその両者の原動力である。

ところで、クンダリニー・ヨーガの呼吸法は、「火の呼吸」とよばれるように、フイゴの如く強 く激しい。 これが、発声と共鳴の原動力として、どれだけ強力に作用するか、想像以上のものであ


火の呼吸、発声、共鳴の三つの要素を完全にはたらかせるためには、からだ全体を強化しなけれ ばならないが、とりわけ、強い肋間筋と腹筋、 それに頑丈な横隔膜が必要である。

わたくしは、さきに、ムラダーラと、マニピューラの二つのチャクラを完成しかけていたと述べ たが、肋間筋 腹筋 横隔膜は、実に、ムラダーラとマニピューラの両チャクラが支配しているの である。この二つのチャクラを目ざめさせたら、この三つの器官はどのようにでもはたらかせるこ とができるのである。 それまでにこの二つのチャクラを完成しかけていたことは、まことにと いうべきだった。


音声の共鳴は、喉腔をとりまく骨組みの付加運動のはたらきによる。つまり、頭部の中の、腔と 骨の振動によって共鳴をつくりあげるわけである。 それは、練習によってだれにでもできるように なる。 上手下手の別はもちろんあるが。 だが、わたくしの場合はさらに特殊な工夫が必要であ った。というのは、その共鳴を、自然の法則に反して内部にとり入れなければならなかったからで ある。

生物の発声器官は、すべて、外部に向って音声を発するように出来ている。わたくしはそれを内 部に向ってしようというのである。思いもよらぬことであるが、ついにわたくしはそれをなし得る ようになった。それを可能にしたのは、やはりチャクラの力であった。


発声させ腔内で共鳴させた真言の振動を、脳の深部に送りこむ作業は、マニピューラ、 スヴァジスターナ アナハタ、の各チャクラの力を借りなければぜったいに出来ないのである。思 いきって、わたくしの完成したこの秘密技術の一部を洩らすことにしよう。 喉腔内でつくりあげた 共鳴の振動をそのまま脳の深部に送りこむことはできないのである。それはぜったいに出来ない。 わたくしは、何百回、何千回とくりかえしたあげく、ついに不可能とさとった。それは生体の法則 であるのだろう。ではどうすればよいのか?

最後にやってみたわたくしのこころみが成功した。 その振動を、いったん下部のマニピューラ・ チャクラに伝えこれと共鳴させるのである。 そうして、チャクラのバイブレーションとしてスヴァ ジスターナ アナハタとつづくチャクラの伝達系を通じて脳のチャクラに送りこむのである。



The essence of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism

There is no need to say again that the Shingon doctrine is the most important thing in Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. You can tell just by looking at the word ``Shingon'' on top of ``Esoteric Buddhism''. In spite of this, how is it that he has not been able to carry out research that qualifies as ingenuity and ingenuity regarding the method of reading the mantra? It's just something like, ``In a voice that is barely audible to my ears, while picking a rosary.'' this is truly amazing

It must be said. Or should I say negligence?

let's see

However, Esoteric Buddhism has a peculiar thing called 'Shomyo'.

According to the esoteric dictionary,



Say a voice song. In other words, it is a voice song that sings and praises the three treasures by flexing the phonological melody of the subtle clear sound. Originally one of the Five Mings of India, it is an academic discipline that examines language, letters, and literature. It is said to be "blue" with the sound of "masa" and "big"

This is what I can preach.”

It is quite different from what I sought in the previous section. In short, it is a song that praises the Buddha.





Of course, the dictionary of Esoteric Buddhism follows the previous sentence,

Esoteric Buddhism especially reveres this voice, song, and song, and sometimes the secret yogi of "" is sung, so it is not difficult to attain Buddhahood, and many wishes are fulfilled. preach and sing

Bete Tathagata

to immediately become the edge of Buddhahood.

It seems to me that this is the same thing that I thought about, but it is completely different from the technique that I learned later. It is this all the way. Singing with a voice to the outside. My mantra reading is wrong. While resonating the vibration of the mantra emitted from the oral cavity, it resonates deep inside the body, that is, the heart and brain.


I would like you to take a look at the “right thoughts” (page 54) mentioned in the previous chapter. Contemplation of "Shidai Nenju"

"The characters of the mantra that I recite enter from the umbilical ring of the principal image, reach the heart moon ring of the principal image, circle to the right, and reside in a continuous line. Enter and reach the ring of the moon, and go around to the right to see his tsuranari."

Rather, it may be said that this contemplation is closer to what I am aiming for.

However, in my case, it is not just the letters of the mantra, but its vibrations. The vibrations of the whispering words of the hotoke enter the navel of the hotoke, enter the navel, reach the throat, emit large vibrations, reach the deep part of the cerebrum, and move the parts of the cerebrum. The vibrations that move the chakras of my brain gradually reach the cerebrum of the brain, and resonate with the cerebrum of the brain and my brain.

As I continued training day and night, I felt that I was gradually approaching the essence of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. I knew I was approaching a secret technique that none of the esoteric leaders had ever been aware of.

Breathing of the seven fires and the transmission system of the chakras

I was able to complete it.

It had several.

First of all, he had practiced yoga.

Hatha yoga's handstand (handstand with head) first made my neck extremely strong. For twenty-odd years, he has been standing upside down for half an hour every morning. This is the limit of inversion. Standing upside down, he is so adept at this trick that I often fell asleep. I was born with tuberculosis and had a thin neck from childhood. How this has strengthened my vocal organs.


In addition, the ten-odd years of running under waterfalls in the winter have also strengthened my abdominal muscles and vocal organs. When I entered the waterfall for the first time, I lost my voice on the second day. While being hit by the waterfall, recite the sutras with all your might and speak the mantra. For a month, I had no voice at all. I've had this experience dozens of times. Now no big waterfall can drown out my voice. Hundreds of meters away, my voice echoes over the sound of the waterfall.


However, without the Kundalini Yoga practice, I probably would not have been able to pursue any further endeavors. Kundalini yoga chakra development has its secrets in special breathing techniques. Also, the vibration of the muscles around the chakra. First of all, the breathing method helped. Let me briefly explain.

Sound consists of three things: breathing, vocalization, and resonance. Both are equally important. Vocalization is what she is, Resonance doubles and strengthens her vibration, Breath is the driving force of both.

By the way, the breathing method of kundalini yoga is strong and intense like Fuigo, as it is called "breath of fire". It is more than you can imagine how powerful this will act as a driving force for vocalization and resonance.


In order for the three elements of fire breathing, vocalization and resonance to work perfectly, he must strengthen his whole body, above all strong intercostal and abdominal muscles, and a strong diaphragm.

I mentioned earlier that he was in the process of completing the two chakras, Muladhara and Manipura, but the intercostal muscle-abdominal-diaphragm is indeed ruled by both the Muladhara and Manipura chakras. Once these two chakras are awakened, these three organs can work in any way. He really should have said that by then he had nearly completed these two chakras.

Once you have mastered the breathing and vocalizations, you must create your own resonance chamber.

Speech resonance is due to the additional movement of the framework surrounding the throat cavity. In other words, resonance is created by the vibration of the cavities and bones in the head. Anyone can do it with practice. Of course there are differences between good and bad. However, in my case, a special device was required. For he had to bring that resonance inside, contrary to the laws of nature.

All the vocal organs of living things are designed to emit sounds toward the outside. I would like to turn it inward. Unexpectedly, at last I became like him who could do it. What made it possible was the power of chakra.


The manipura and svadhistana anahata chakras are the only chakras that can send the vibration of the mantra, which is uttered and resonated in the cavity, into the deep part of the brain. I dare you to divulge a part of this secret technology that I have perfected. The resonance vibration created in the throat cavity cannot be sent directly to the deep part of the brain. It can never be done. After repeating it hundreds and thousands of times, I finally realized that it was impossible. It must be the law of life. What should I do?

My last attempt was successful. Once the vibration is transmitted to the lower manipura chakra and resonated with it. Then, it is sent to the brain chakra through the chakra transmission chain that continues with sva jisthana anahata as the chakra vibration.

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Bonji 梵字   種子のもっ深遠な哲理 Profound Tetsuri of seeds

2023-02-04 09:20:33 | 梵字










種子を用いた代表的な観法が[阿息観] です。これは、氷轍(満月)の中にヽ森羅万象の始源とされ大日如来の種子でもある阿(アご字を描いた画像を仏の象徴として用います。またヽ出息、大息するときに、ひたすら阿字を観ずるのを[阿息観]、出息に阿字、大息に吽字を観ずるのを耶牢俳響といいます。

Profound Tetsuri of seeds

Seeds with innumerable meaning and virtue
A symbolic bonko that represents each honor with a single letter is called a seed.
Usually, the seed is Ichiu, which is taken from the name of each honor or the mantra.
It is said that it was named as a seed because it is possible to obtain Buddha's precious shapes, Buddha's wisdom, and Satori from the Buddha's symbol and mantra, which is the symbol of Buddha, just as many fruits can be obtained from the seeds of plants. ..

In this way, the seeds that represent the wild boar have an infinite amount of meaning and virtue, so it is said that if you chant the vue, keep in mind, and copy it, you will get a bodhi promptly.


Buddhist meditation

By the way, in ancient India, meditation was one of the practices of Brahmin even before the rise of Buddhism.

Shason is said to have gained the best satori through his meditation. Buddhist meditation is true
It may be said that it is the basic and most advanced practice of Buddhist training because it is a practice of awakening to reason and acquiring true wisdom.


Types of seed viewing

In Mikkyo, this meditation method is called observing and is practiced as a compulsory practice. The feature is to repair with the symbol of the Buddha in front of you, and one of the things used as the symbol of the Buddha is the Sanskrit seed.
A typical way of viewing using seeds is [Asukan]. This uses the image of A (the image depicting the Ago character), which is the origin of all things in the ice rut (full moon) and the seed of Dainichi Nyorai, as a symbol of the Buddha. When you do, watching Aji earnestly is called [Abukikan], and watching Aji in breath and Vairocana in Vairocana is called Yajuku Haikyo.




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Bonji 梵字   准胝観音  七倶胝仏母  Cundī

2023-01-19 19:13:38 | 梵字



なう まく さ た なん さん みゃく さん ぼ だ く ち なん
た にや た おん しゃ れい しゅ れい じゅん でい そわ か





真言は短呪の「オン・シャレイ・シュレイ・ジュンテイ・ソワカ」(Oṃ cale cule cunde svāhā










Associate bladder Kannon Mantra
Nau Makusata Nansan Myakusan Bodakuchi Nan
Taniya Onsha Rei Shu Rei Jun Dei Sowaka

Associate clothes are Kannon that walks the path of Satori, meaning "clean and innocent" in the sound copy of the Lu-go on the Sanskrit dynasty.
Also known as the Associate Clothes Buddha Mother and the Seven Club Clothes Buddha Mothers. Since seven clothes mean "infinite amount", many things
Become the mother of Buddha. Therefore, there is a theory that it is not a Kannon Bodhisattva. It is also explained as Kannon in the sutra
In Inudai Esoteric Buddhism, it is regarded as the Buddha's honor as quasi-Ana Nyorai, but in Mantra Esoteric Buddhism, it is added to Rokukannon as one of the Kannon.
It is also enshrined as the principal image of childbirth and childbirth. Originally a god of water, its appearance is said to be a female body.
In addition, the seeds of Kannon of the Fukuzo Mandala Nakadai Hachiyoin are marked with the B character of this quasi-clothing Kannon.

It is assumed that Cundī is a transcription of Cundī]

In Japan, there are various names such as "Cundi Buddha", "Cundi Kannon Bodhisattva", "Cundi Kannon Bodhisattva", and "Tenjin Tsuyoshi Kannon".


The mantra is the short curse "Oṃ cale cule cunde svāhā"

] Etc. are well known. The long story is "Namosattanan, Sanmyakusanmodakuchinan, Taniyata, On Sharei, Shrey, Juntei, Sowaka."


Sanmai Yagata is "Treasure bottle" (upaya), "Kongo 杵" (wisdom), "Armor" (mercy).


The seeds are बु (bo, bu).


Since it was introduced into Buddhism, it has been regarded as a god that brings benevolent cleanliness, and is also known as the Shichigu Tebutsubo. This means the mother of the Buddha who gave birth to more Buddhas than in the past. Therefore, in the Shingon sect, it is counted as six Kannon (Sacred Kannon, Senju Kannon, Eleven-faced Kannon, Nyoirin Kannon, Hayagriva Kannon, Cundi Kannon), but in the Tendai sect, it is called Cundi Buddhist mother. It is classified into. It is also called the Seven Kannon together with the Fukū-in Temple Kannon.



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Bonji 梵字  文殊菩薩(もんじゅぼさつ、梵: मञ्जुश्री、mañjuśrī〈マンジュシュリー〉

2023-01-09 10:56:51 | 梵字


梵名のマンジュシュリー(Masjusri) を音写して 文殊師利、さらに略して文殊といいます。獅子に 乗じて、普賢菩薩とともに釈迦如来の脇侍をつと

「文殊は智慧第一の菩薩として、「維摩経」をは じめ、大乗仏典の中でたびたび重要な役柄として 登場します。

文殊菩薩は、その真言の数によって、五字文殊、 一字文殊、六字文殊、八字文殊などがあり、また、 それらの頭上の雪によって、五誓文殊、一孝文殊 などとも呼ばれています。「ア・ラ・ハ・シャ・ ノウ」という五字の真言が大日如来の五つの智慧 をあらわしているところから、五字文殊を文殊菩 薩の本体とします。 卯年生まれの人の守り本尊とされています。
















His Sanskrit name, Masjusri, is transliterated and called Monjushiri, or for short, Monju. Riding a lion, along with Fugen Bodhisattva, served as Shaka Nyorai's side attendants.

“Monju is the bodhisattva of wisdom first, and the Sutra of Vimalaya appears frequently in the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures, including him.

Depending on the number of mantras, Manjushri Bodhisattva is called Five-character Monju, One-character Monju, Six-character Monju, Eight-character Monju, and so on. Since the five-letter mantra “a-la-ha-sha-nou” represents the five wisdoms of Dainichi Nyorai, five-letter Monju is the main body of Monju Bodhisattva. He is considered the guardian deity of people born in the year of the rabbit.




Monju Bodhisattva

A bodhisattva famous as the god of learning who controls wisdom

What is Monju Bosatsu?

The official name is Monju Shiri Bosatsu. As the proverb says, "Three people bring the wisdom of Monju," it is a bodhisattva famous for praying for academic improvement and passing exams as the god of wisdom. There is a person who became a model for him, and it is said that he was a member of the Brahmin class of Shaekoku, the capital of Kosala in ancient India. It is said that he was involved in the process of compiling Buddhist scriptures into books. However, originally it is Kokuzo Bosatsu that controls wisdom such as learning, and Monju Bosatsu controls 'wisdom', which means the ability to correctly assess the way things are and the ability to make judgments.


As the left side samurai of Shaka Nyorai, he is often lined up with Fugen Bodhisattva as a triad, but sometimes he is enshrined alone.


It is said that there is a benefit of clear wisdom and academic achievement. It is also the guardian deity of the year of the rabbit. He is said to help people born in the year of the rabbit bring good luck, ward off evil, and fulfill their prayers.

Statue of Monju Bosatsu

He holds a sword in his left hand and a sutra scroll in his right hand, and is typically seated on a lotus pedestal resting on a lion. He sometimes carries a bonsai, a lotus stand with a vajra pestle, and so on.

The mantra of Monju Bosatsu

On Arahsha Know

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2022-12-02 17:43:25 | 梵字

【初七日忌】: 不動明王


  1. 【二七日忌】:釈迦如来

  1. 【三七日忌】:文殊菩薩


  1. 【四七日忌】:普賢菩薩

  1. 【五七日忌】:地蔵菩薩

  1. 【六七日忌】:弥勒菩薩

  1. 【七七日忌(四十九日、尽七日、満中陰とも)】:薬師如来

  1. 【百箇日忌】:観音菩薩(観世音菩薩、観自在菩薩)

  1. 【一周忌】:勢至菩薩

  1. 【三回忌】:阿弥陀如来

  1. 【七回忌】:阿閦(あしゅく)如来 (※しゅく=門がまえの中に、「へ」と書いて、その下に「人人」と並べて書く)

  1. 【十三回忌】:大日如来

  1. 【三十三回忌】:虚空蔵菩薩







十三仏 裁判官 読み 審理 縁日[1]
不動明王 秦広王 しんこうおう 初七日(7日目・6日後) 28日
釈迦如来 初江王 しょこうおう 二七日(14日目・13日後) 8日
文殊菩薩 宋帝王 そうていおう 三七日(21日目・20日後) 25日
普賢菩薩 五官王 ごかんおう 四七日(28日目・27日後) 14日
地蔵菩薩 閻魔王 えんまおう 五七日(35日目・34日後) 24日[2]
弥勒菩薩 変成王 へんじょうおう 六七日(42日目・41日後) 5日
薬師如来 泰山王 たいざんおう 七七日(49日目・48日後) 8日
観音菩薩 平等王 びょうどうおう 百か日(100日目・99日後) 18日
勢至菩薩 都市王 としおう 一周忌(2年目・1年後) 23日
阿弥陀如来 五道転輪王 ごどうてんりんおう 三回忌(3年目・2年後) 15日
阿閦如来 蓮華王 れんげおう 七回忌(7年目・6年後) 4日
大日如来 祇園王 ぎおんおう 十三回忌(13年目・12年後) 28日
虚空蔵菩薩 法界王 ほうかいおう 三十三回忌(33年目・32年後) 13日




  •  - 観世音菩薩
  •  - 虚空蔵菩薩
  •  - 虚空蔵菩薩
  •  - 文殊菩薩
  •  - 普賢菩薩
  •  - 普賢菩薩
  •  - 勢至菩薩
  •  - 大日如来
  •  - 大日如来
  •  - 不動明王
  •  - 阿弥陀如来
  •  - 阿弥陀如来


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地蔵菩薩(じぞうぼさつ)  Kṣitigarbha

2022-11-20 15:57:21 | 梵字


サンスクリット語では「クシティガルバ」(क्षितिघर्भ [Kṣitigarbha])という

















Jizo Bodhisattva

क्षितिघर्भ [Kṣitigarbha] in Sanskrit


It is said that the name comes from the fact that it embraces and saves people in distress with its infinite compassion, just as the earth holds the power to nurture all life.


Maitreya Bodhisattva

A successor of Buddha who is promised to save people in the distant future.

What is Maitreya Bodhisattva?

Maitreya is called Maitreya in ancient India and means one born of compassion. Because it is promised to become a Buddha, it is sometimes called Mirokubutsu or Miroku Nyorai. It is said that 5.67 billion years after Shakyamuni passed away, he will become a Buddha and appear in this world to save those who were not saved by the teachings of Shakyamuni. By the way, 5.67 billion years later is almost the same as the life expectancy when the solar system including the earth disappears.


Currently, I am training in the heavenly world called Tosotsuten, which is located above Mt.

Statue of Maitreya Bodhisattva

His right leg is bent and resting on his left knee, with the fingers of his right hand resting against his cheek. This is said to be a figure worried about how to save people in the future.

famous temples and statues

・Kyoto Prefecture: Koryu-ji Temple
・Nara Prefecture: Chugu-ji Temple

Mantra of Maitreya Bodhisattva

On Maitaleya Sowaka

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大黒天 だいこくてん シバ神 Daikokuten Daikokuten Shiva

2022-10-14 11:05:45 | 梵字




Originally one of the main gods of Hinduism, another name for Shiva (Daizaiten) as a god of destruction with a blue-black body, and entered Buddhism. Translated from Sanskrit Mahākāla, transliterated as Makakara. Mahakala means Great Black God, Great Time (= Destroyer). In esoteric Buddhism, he is a follower of Daijizaiten, loves the three treasures, is a god who enriches food and drink, shows a black angry face, and is the outer vajra of the Taizokai Mandala. placed in the department. One of the Seven Lucky Gods. In southern China, it was seen sitting on a floor and holding a money bag, and was enshrined in the kitchens of temples. Daikokuten in Japan belongs to this lineage, and it is said that it began when it was brought to Japan by Saicho and enshrined mainly in temples of the Tendai sect. After that, he changed from being the guardian deity of the kitchen to becoming one of the seven gods of good fortune, wearing a hood, carrying a large bag on his left shoulder, and carrying a small mallet in his right hand, standing on a rice bag. become a figure Not only merchants who wish for prosperous business, but also farmers are gathering faith as a rice field god. Although the Tendai sect and other sects tried to spread it among the general public, it was largely accepted as the Okuninushi no Mikoto because of its similarity in phoneme and
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Bonji 梵字   准胝観音  七倶胝仏母  Cundī

2022-10-10 13:13:21 | 梵字

准脈とは、梵名チュンディー(Cundi)の音写で 「清浄無垢」という意味があり、さとりの道を歩 ませる観音です。

別名、准胚仏母、七俱肢仏母とも呼ばれます。 七俱脈とは「無量」を意味しますから、多くの諸 仏の母となります。そのため観音菩薩ではないと の説もあります。経軌にも観音として説かれてい ないことから、天台密教では准賦如来として仏部 の尊としますが、真言密教では観音の一つとして 六観音の中に加えます。

求児・安産の本尊としてもまつられます。もと は水の神で、その姿は女身といわれています。


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Bonji 梵字  阿閦如来 アクショーブヤ(अक्षोभ्य [Akṣobhya]

2022-09-28 10:24:01 | 梵字

阿閦如来[注 1](あしゅくにょらい)、梵名アクショーブヤअक्षोभ्य [Akṣobhya])は、仏教(特に密教)における信仰対象である如来の一尊[3]。東方の現在仏[4]阿閦仏ともいう[3]。漢訳仏典では阿閦婆などとも音写し、無動(無動如来)[5]、無瞋恚[3]、無怒、不動[6]などと訳す[4]



「阿閣」とは梵名のアクショービヤ (Aksobhya) を音写したものです。なにごとにも揺り動かされ ない、真の自己確立の徳を象徴する如来です。

昔、大日如来の説法を聞きさとりを求めようと 一念発起し 丘が、その後、瞑志(いかり)に 心を動かされることがなかったことから、阿久菩 薩と呼ばれました。この菩薩はさらに修行を重ね、 さとりを成就して阿閲如来となり、現在も説法を 続けているといわれています。

尊像では、触地印 魔印)を結んでいます。 釈尊が菩提樹の下で瞑想中に、いろんな悪魔が邪 魔をしました。そこで釈尊が右手を伸ばして大地 に接すると、稲妻がひかり雷鳴が轟いて悪魔は退 散したと伝えられています。このことから触地印 は釈迦成道の印であり、阿悶如来は釈尊の降魔成 道の姿とされています。


三昧耶形は五鈷金剛杵種字はウーン(हूं [hūṃ])[7]真言はオン・アキシュビヤ・ウン[7]。密号は不動金剛










Ashuku Nyorai [Note 1], Sanskrit name Akṣobhya (अक्षोभ्य [Akṣobhya]), is one of the Buddhas worshiped in Buddhism (especially esoteric Buddhism) [3]. Present Buddha of the East[4]. It is also called Aminbutsu[3]. In Buddhist scriptures translated into Chinese, it is also transcribed as Ajinba, etc., and translated as Mudo (Mudo Nyorai) [5], Mudo [3], Mudo, Fudo [6], etc. [4].


"Akaku" is a transliteration of the Sanskrit name Aksobhya. It is a Tathagata who symbolizes the virtue of true self-establishment that is not shaken by anything.

A long time ago, Oka was called Aku Bosatsu because he was never moved by meditation after listening to Dainichi Nyorai's preaching and seeking enlightenment. It is said that this bodhisattva continued his training, attained enlightenment, and became Asaku Nyorai, and is still preaching his sermons today.

In the statue, the tactile seal (majirushi) is tied. While Buddha was meditating under the Bodhi tree, various demons disturbed him. It is said that when the Buddha stretched out his right hand and touched the earth, lightning flashed and thunder roared, causing the demons to disperse. For this reason, the tactile seal is the seal of Shaka's path to success, and Amon Nyorai is considered to be the figure of Shakyamuni's path to subjugation.

Akin Nyorai (The Five Wisdoms of the Tahoto Pagoda of Rengein Temple)

Sanmaya-gata is a five-pronged vajra pestle. The seed letter is Woon (हूं [hūṃ]) [7]. The mantra is On Akhishbiya Un[7]. The secret number is Fudo Kongo


What is Ashuku Nyorai?

The etymology means "unwavering", and it is said to give you a strong mind that overcomes hesitation without being shaken by things. Ajin Nyorai is a Buddha who embodies the wisdom called "Daienkyochi". “Daien Kagamichi” means a pure heart without knowledge or experience, a pure heart that reflects the truth as it is like a mirror.


In esoteric Buddhism, it is one of the Five Wisdom Nyorai representing the five wisdoms of Dainichi Nyorai, and was considered equivalent to Yakushi Nyorai. Therefore, it is said that there is a merit of curing illness, good health, and extermination of sin.

Statue of Ashuku Nyorai

His left hand holds the edge of his garment, and his right hand is tied in a goma-in that stretches his fingers down. It represents a strong heart that can overcome fear and temptation. There are almost no single statues of Ajin Nyorai.

Mantra of Ashuku Nyorai

On Akishbya Un

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Bonji 梵字  勢至菩薩(せいしぼさつ)、梵名マハースターマプラープタ

2022-09-26 12:26:40 | 梵字



阿弥陀三尊の右脇侍。 『観無量寿経』の中には「知恵を持って遍く一切を照らし、三途を離れしめて、無上の力を得せしむ故、大勢至と名づく」とあり、火途・血途・刀途の三途、迷いと戦いの世界の苦しみから知恵を持って救い、その亡者を仏道に引き入れ、正しい行いをさせる菩薩とされる

梵名マハースターマプラープタ (Mahasthā' mapräpta) を大勢至、あるいは得大勢と訳し、そ れを略して「勢至」といいます。

その名のとおり、大勢力をもって修行者を守り、 阿弥陀仏の極楽浄土に往生することを妨げる悪神 の力を砕くとされています。

また、その智慧の光は一切を照らし、三途(地 獄・餓鬼・畜生の三悪道)を離れさせる無上の力 を有するといわれ、衆生に菩提心の種子を与える とされています。

観音菩薩とともに阿弥陀如来の脇侍をつとめま すが、独立した本尊としてはあまり信仰されてい. ません。
















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Bonji 梵字 普賢菩薩(ふげんぼさつ、 梵: samantabhadra [サマンタバド 

2022-09-24 09:01:24 | 梵字




梵名サマンタバドラ(Samanta bhadra)の「サマ ンタ」は「普く」、「バドラ」は「賢」と漢訳しま す。「賢」とは具体的には「さとりを求める心か ら起こる、成仏しようとする願いと行ない」のこ とです。それが、ときとところを選ばず遍在して いるということを象徴したのがこの菩薩です。で すから、菩薩行を実践する者をつねに守護するほ とけでもあります。

牙の白象に乗り、文殊菩薩とともに釈迦如来 の脇侍をつとめます。文殊菩薩の智慧に対して、 慈悲(の行)をつかさどります。

なお、密教では、堅固不壊の菩提心を象徴する 金剛薩埵と同体とします。 「辰年と巳年生まれの人の守り本尊とされていま す。
















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Bonji 梵字   虚空蔵菩薩(こくうぞうぼさつ)梵名アーカーシャガルバ  Ākāśagarbha]

2022-09-21 14:29:39 | 梵字



梵名は、アーカーシャガルバ (Akasa garbha)。 アーカーシャは「虚空」、ガルバは「胎蔵」とい う意味です。

菩薩の福徳と仏智が大空(虚空)のように広大 無辺であるところから、この名がつけられました。 その限りない福と智の徳を、必要とする人に必要 なだけ与える、といわれています。「慈悲」の地 蔵菩薩に対して「智慧」の仏として信仰されてい ます。

この虚空蔵菩薩を本尊として修する「虚空蔵菩 薩求聞持法」は、頭脳を明晰にし、記憶力を高め る修法としてよく知られています。

同じく「虚空蔵菩薩念誦法」は、業障を除き、 福徳円満にして物心両面の財宝を得ることができ るとされています。



三昧耶形は宝剣、如意宝珠種字はタラーク (त्राः、Trāḥ)。真言は「オン バザラ アラタンノウ オンタラク ソワカ」[2](Oṃ vajraratna, Oṃ trāḥ svāhā)や、「ノウボウ アキャシャキャラバヤ オンアリキャ マリボリソワカ」[3](Namo Ākāśagarbhāya, Oṃ ali kalmali mauli svāhā) などが知られる。

「虚空蔵」はアーカーシャガルバ(「虚空の母胎」の意)の漢訳で、虚空蔵菩薩とは「広大な宇宙のような無限の智恵と慈悲を持った菩薩」という意味である。そのため智恵や知識、記憶といった面での利益をもたらす菩薩として信仰される。その修法「虚空蔵求聞持法」は、一定の作法に則って真言を百日間かけて百万回唱えるというもので、これを修した行者は、あらゆる経典を記憶し、理解して忘れる事がなくなるという。 胎蔵曼荼羅の虚空蔵院の主尊であり、密教でも重視される。















Sanskrit name is Akasa garbha. Akasha means 'void' and garba means 'womb'.

It was given this name because the Bodhisattva's good fortune and Buddha's wisdom are as vast and boundless as the sky (void). It is said that the infinite blessings and virtues of wisdom are bestowed on those who need them. He is worshiped as a Buddha of "wisdom" in contrast to Jizo Bodhisattva of "compassion".

The ``Kokuzo Bosatsu Gumonjiho'', in which this Kokuzo Bosatsu is used as the principal image of worship, is well known as a training method that clears the mind and improves memory.

Similarly, the ``Kokuzo Bosatsu Nemyoho'' is said to remove karma obstacles, achieve good fortune, and obtain both material and spiritual treasures.




Sanmaya-gata is a treasured sword, a wish-fulfilling jewel. The seed letter is talak (त्राः, Trāḥ). Known mantras include ``On bazara aratannou ontaraku sowaka''[2] (Oṃ vajraratna, Oṃ trāḥ svāhā) and ``Noubo akyashakyalabaya onarikya maliborisowaka''[3] (Namo Ākāśagarbhāya, Oṃ ali kalmali mauli svāhā).

'Kokuzo' is the Chinese translation of Akashagarba (meaning 'empty mother's womb'), and 'Kokuzo Bosatsu' means 'a bodhisattva with infinite wisdom and compassion like the vastness of the universe.' He is therefore worshiped as a Bodhisattva who brings benefits in terms of wisdom, knowledge and memory. The training method ``Kokuzo Gumonjiho'' is to recite the mantra a million times in 100 days according to a certain manner, and the practitioner who practices this will memorize, understand and forget all the scriptures. is said to disappear. It is the main deity of Kokuzoin in the Taizo Mandala, and is also valued in esoteric Buddhism.




What is Kokuzo Bosatsu?

Kokuzo means a storehouse (reservoir) that contains infinite wisdom and a compassionate heart like the universe, and it is said that it will be taken out of the storehouse and given wisdom, memory, and knowledge to fulfill people's wishes. increase.


Kobo Daishi, the founder of the Shingon sect, is said to have performed the Kokuzo Gumonjiho, in which he recited the mantra of Kokuzo Bodhisattva one million times. It is said that you have infinite memory power and can experience the wisdom of Buddha. In addition to the principal image of Gumonjiho, there is also the Godai Kokuzo Bosatsu, which is the principal image of the ritual that is performed to pray for increased profits and warding off evil. The wisdom of Kokuzo Bodhisattva is arranged in five directions, and it is a transformed form of the Five Buddhas of the Vajra Realm.


There are benefits for improving grades, improving memory, sharpening the mind, prospering business, and improving arts and crafts. It is also the guardian deity of the Year of the Ox and Tiger. It is said to help people born in the year of the ox and tiger bring good luck, ward off evil, and fulfill their prayers.

Statue of Kokuzo Bosatsu

A Bodhisattva statue with one face and two arms. It is common for him to hold a sword in his right hand and a Nyoihoju in his left hand. It is represented as a seated statue with a crown of five Buddhas.

Mantra of Kokuzo Bosatsu

On Basara Aratannou On Tarak Sowaka

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