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Apple Watch Ultra GPS + Cellularモデル

2023-02-01 17:14:57 | その他

Apple Watch Ultra GPS + Cellularモデル、49mmケース 屈強なチタニウムケースとオレンジアルパインループ Mを組み合わせたスマートウォッチ。フィットネストラッカー、高精度GPS、アクションボタン、これまで以上に長持ちするバッテリー、より明るいRetinaディスプレイ

「Apple Watch Ultra」の基本情報

はじめに「Apple Watch Ultra」の概要を簡単におさらいしておきましょう。

「最も屈強で万能なApple Watch」として、シリーズに新たに加わった「Apple Watch Ultra」。ケースサイズ49mmの大きさとタフさが大きな特徴です。ディスプレイの解像度は410×502で、画面サイズは「Apple Watch」史上最大。輝度は最大2000ニトと明るく、ほかの「Apple Watch」の2倍の明るさです。装着中はディスプレイが真っ黒にならない、常時表示にも対応しています。

49mmの大きなケースとタフさが特徴の「Apple Watch Ultra」

49mmの大きなケースとタフさが特徴の「Apple Watch Ultra」

特徴のひとつである“タフさ”も強烈です。IP6X等級の防塵性能と米軍調達基準のミルスペック準拠のテストをクリアしており、普通の人には無縁ですが、砂漠などちりやほこりの舞う過酷なフィールドでも安心して使えるそうです。耐水性能は水深100mで、水深40mまでのレクリエーションダイビングにも対応。今までの「Apple Watch」よりも深いところまで潜れるというわけです。水深や水温がどのくらいかがわかるアプリも用意されています。

また、高精度2周波GPSで高精度に自分の位置を把握できます。これは日常的にランニングするときにも、素早くしかも正確に自分の位置が把握できて便利そうです。この高精度なGPSを生かして、移動した足跡を記録できる「バックトレース」機能を搭載。目印の少ない山などを歩くときなどに役立つ機能です(「Apple Watch Ultra」の機能というより、「watchOS 9」の新機能)。




「Apple Watch Ultra」に同梱される冊子。同時に発売される3つのバンドが掲載されていました

「Apple Watch Ultra」に同梱される冊子。同時に発売される3つのバンドが掲載されていました

そのほか、「Apple Watch Series 8」と同様、皮膚温センサーで過去の排卵を推定できる周期記録や、衝突検出といった今年の「Apple Watch」の新機能もしっかりと盛り込まれています。バッテリー駆動時間は「Apple Watch」史上最長の最大36時間。今後追加される「低電力モード」を使えば最大60時間使えるそうです。過酷なフィールドに長時間挑む冒険者もバッテリーの心配はなさそうですね。

Apple Watch Ultra GPS + Cellularモデル、49mmケース 屈強なチタニウムケースとオレンジアルパインループ Mを組み合わせたスマートウォッチ。フィットネストラッカー、高精度GPS、アクションボタン、これまで以上に長持ちするバッテリー、より明るいRetinaディスプレイ
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2022-11-14 18:59:14 | その他

世界的ベストセラー「サピエンス全史」の著者、イスラエルの歴史家、ユバル・ノア・ハラリ氏(Yuval Noah Harari)が独週刊誌シュピーゲル(3月18日号)のインタビューに応じている。



人類は長い歴史を経ながらさまざまな進化を重ねてきた。ネアンデルタール人、ホモ・エレクトス 、ホモ・デ二ソワ人を経て、ホモ・サピエンスが生まれ、今日まで生き残ってきた。











Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari, author of the world-famous best-selling book "A Complete History of Sapiens," is interviewed by the German weekly Der Spiegel (March 18 issue).


▲ Yuval Noah Harari (from Wikipedia)

Human beings have evolved in many ways over the course of their long history. Through Neanderthals, Homo erectus, and Homo Denisovans, Homo sapiens was born and has survived to this day.
Mr. Harari is attracting attention by claiming that "human evolution continues. Through the development of science and technology, human beings will evolve into god-like beings." This idea reminds me of Nietzsche's "superman".

“The time has come for mankind to move toward a new goal, because so far mankind has overcome the three enemies of mankind: hunger, war, and disease.There are still conflicts and hunger, For the first time in human history, more people die from obesity than from hunger, a situation never before seen in human history.In 2010, 3 million people worldwide died of various diseases caused by obesity. "The number of people who have died has far outnumbered those who died from hunger, war, conflict and terrorism. For Westerners, Coca-Cola is more of a threat than Al-Qaeda."

“Until the 20th century, workers played a central role in society, but today the concept of workers has disappeared. New concepts emerge from Silicon Valley. For example, artificial intelligence (AI), big data, virtual Reality (VR), Algorithms, etc. We don't hear the word "worker" anymore.The only thing workers still have is the right to vote.And even that right to vote doesn't mean much.The world is too big. It's changing so fast that humans have lost direction.The biggest change in the last 20 years is the internet.Nobody said the internet should be bigger.All change is politics. It has been decided regardless.It is only the beginning of a great change.We will face changes that will change the way we live, work, relationships and even the human body.In the process, politics and democracy will play a major role. I won't do it."

Regarding the Homo Deus epoch, when mankind will evolve into god-like beings, he said, "It will come in decades, not centuries. Its evolution has already begun. Humans are also entering that realm. (1) bioengineering, (2) cyborks, and (3) inorganic life forms.If we can achieve results in these fields, we will become like gods.For example, humans 200,000 years ago could make stone axes. No. Humans today build spaceships and computers, and we understand our genes."

"While some humans will have super memories, intelligence, and resistance like gods, the majority of humans will remain unable to evolve to that stage. In the 19th century, industrialization brought workers A class has emerged, but in the 21st century, digitalization advances and a new class is born: the 'useless class'."

"Many workers will lose their jobs due to the automation of manufacturing processes. The same is true for the military. Warfare is cyber warfare, and drones will be mobilized. With the advent of 3D printing, textile workers will no longer be needed. Algorithms. Robots and robots will take jobs from humans not only in the industrial sector, but also in the service industry.The same goes for taxis and truck drivers, because safe and cheap self-pilot cars will come out."

What is interesting is his view of religion.
“In the past, humans prayed to the gods for healing of illness and harvests from agriculture, but in the 21st century, the development of science and technology has solved these problems. Religion has shifted its focus to things in the afterlife, the world where you can't.Religion has provided humanity with the value of life in the past, but it's akin to a computer game.If you follow the teachings of Jesus, you'll get points and sin. If you commit a crime, you will be deducted points, and at the end of your life you will pay it off, and if it is positive, you will be placed in a certain high level.”

"Mankind's future is still in our hands," Harari said at the end of the interview. There are many unknowns about his vision for the future. For example, the definition of "god" when we say "god-like being". Does it simply mean someone with super intelligence, or does it involve another concept as well? In any case, the young Israeli historian poses a big question for us.

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2022-11-14 18:59:14 | その他

世界的ベストセラー「サピエンス全史」の著者、イスラエルの歴史家、ユバル・ノア・ハラリ氏(Yuval Noah Harari)が独週刊誌シュピーゲル(3月18日号)のインタビューに応じている。



人類は長い歴史を経ながらさまざまな進化を重ねてきた。ネアンデルタール人、ホモ・エレクトス 、ホモ・デ二ソワ人を経て、ホモ・サピエンスが生まれ、今日まで生き残ってきた。











Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari, author of the world-famous best-selling book "A Complete History of Sapiens," is interviewed by the German weekly Der Spiegel (March 18 issue).


▲ Yuval Noah Harari (from Wikipedia)

Human beings have evolved in many ways over the course of their long history. Through Neanderthals, Homo erectus, and Homo Denisovans, Homo sapiens was born and has survived to this day.
Mr. Harari is attracting attention by claiming that "human evolution continues. Through the development of science and technology, human beings will evolve into god-like beings." This idea reminds me of Nietzsche's "superman".

“The time has come for mankind to move toward a new goal, because so far mankind has overcome the three enemies of mankind: hunger, war, and disease.There are still conflicts and hunger, For the first time in human history, more people die from obesity than from hunger, a situation never before seen in human history.In 2010, 3 million people worldwide died of various diseases caused by obesity. "The number of people who have died has far outnumbered those who died from hunger, war, conflict and terrorism. For Westerners, Coca-Cola is more of a threat than Al-Qaeda."

“Until the 20th century, workers played a central role in society, but today the concept of workers has disappeared. New concepts emerge from Silicon Valley. For example, artificial intelligence (AI), big data, virtual Reality (VR), Algorithms, etc. We don't hear the word "worker" anymore.The only thing workers still have is the right to vote.And even that right to vote doesn't mean much.The world is too big. It's changing so fast that humans have lost direction.The biggest change in the last 20 years is the internet.Nobody said the internet should be bigger.All change is politics. It has been decided regardless.It is only the beginning of a great change.We will face changes that will change the way we live, work, relationships and even the human body.In the process, politics and democracy will play a major role. I won't do it."

Regarding the Homo Deus epoch, when mankind will evolve into god-like beings, he said, "It will come in decades, not centuries. Its evolution has already begun. Humans are also entering that realm. (1) bioengineering, (2) cyborks, and (3) inorganic life forms.If we can achieve results in these fields, we will become like gods.For example, humans 200,000 years ago could make stone axes. No. Humans today build spaceships and computers, and we understand our genes."

"While some humans will have super memories, intelligence, and resistance like gods, the majority of humans will remain unable to evolve to that stage. In the 19th century, industrialization brought workers A class has emerged, but in the 21st century, digitalization advances and a new class is born: the 'useless class'."

"Many workers will lose their jobs due to the automation of manufacturing processes. The same is true for the military. Warfare is cyber warfare, and drones will be mobilized. With the advent of 3D printing, textile workers will no longer be needed. Algorithms. Robots and robots will take jobs from humans not only in the industrial sector, but also in the service industry.The same goes for taxis and truck drivers, because safe and cheap self-pilot cars will come out."

What is interesting is his view of religion.
“In the past, humans prayed to the gods for healing of illness and harvests from agriculture, but in the 21st century, the development of science and technology has solved these problems. Religion has shifted its focus to things in the afterlife, the world where you can't.Religion has provided humanity with the value of life in the past, but it's akin to a computer game.If you follow the teachings of Jesus, you'll get points and sin. If you commit a crime, you will be deducted points, and at the end of your life you will pay it off, and if it is positive, you will be placed in a certain high level.”

"Mankind's future is still in our hands," Harari said at the end of the interview. There are many unknowns about his vision for the future. For example, the definition of "god" when we say "god-like being". Does it simply mean someone with super intelligence, or does it involve another concept as well? In any case, the young Israeli historian poses a big question for us.

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 The future of technology  テクノロジーが語る未来 エネルギー、衣食住も無料化!? シンギュラリティの真相とは

2021-09-30 17:47:51 | その他


図 「収穫加速の法則」と「シンギュラリティ」




PEZY Computing 代表取締役社長の齊藤元章氏は「次世代の人工知能(AI)と次世代のスーパーコンピュータ(スパコン)が連携することで、エネルギー、衣食住、医療・福祉、安全保障等、全ての社会課題が解決できる」と話す。























“Singularity” when the intelligence of a machine exceeds the intelligence of human beings and reaches a state of self-evolution. In the process of getting there, it is said that it will be freed from energy problems, and the problems of clothing, food and housing and money will disappear. Cingularity is predicted to occur in 2030, at which time it is approaching.

Figure "Law of acceleration" and "singularity"

Source: Created from materials by Motoaki Saito

Cingularity was advocated by Ray Kurzweil, an American inventor and futurist. Sometimes referred to as “technical singularity”, it refers to the point in time when the intelligence of robots and machines exceeds human intelligence and reaches a state of self-evolution.

Mr. Motoaki Saito, President and Representative Director of PEZY Computing, said, “By connecting next-generation artificial intelligence (AI) and next-generation supercomputers (supercomputers), all societies such as energy, clothing, food and housing, medical / welfare, security, etc. The problem can be solved. "

Saito is a venture entrepreneur who develops the first supercomputer in Japan. The supercomputer “Shoubu” developed by the company and its group company ExaScaler in collaboration with the Information Technology Center of RIKEN is the world's first supercomputer ranking power consumption performance department “Green500” for the third consecutive year. Has the first place results.

“If there is a next-generation supercomputer that is 100 times the performance of the world-class supercomputer“ K computer ”, search, analysis, modeling, and simulation will make great progress, and the problem-solving ability will be dramatically or discontinuous At this time, it is important not only to be able to process at 100 times the speed, but also to be able to solve complex problems far beyond 100 times, resulting in singularity. It is considered to be.

The next-generation supercomputer will be developed by 2020 with further downsizing and lower power consumption. The next-generation supercomputer will be able to efficiently extract complex and enormous patterns that are not visible to humans.

When does singularity occur?

It is also called the “2045 problem”, but when does singularity occur?

First, look back on the history of humanity. Homo sapiens, a modern human being, has a history of about 250,000 years. Farming began around 15,000 years ago, and science began to contribute to human life 600 years ago.

The rapid change occurred in the “industrial revolution” 300 years ago. With the power of the steam engine, you can get a lot of power. Then, the computer was invented 70 years ago, the "information and communication revolution" occurred, and the "Internet revolution" occurred 30 years ago (Figure).

“In the future, revolutionary events will increase exponentially and will occur non-continuously every few years. It will be continuous and eventually simultaneous. At that time, singularity will I was told that it would happen around 2045, but some people, including myself, have predicted it will be around 2030. "

Liberation from energy problems

According to Saito, first of all, the next generation supercomputer will realize the pre-singularity “pre-singularity”. The first impact is “energy free”, free from energy problems. For example, it is said that commercialization of a “small thermonuclear fusion reactor”, which is an inexpensive and clean next-generation energy, can be realized in 5 to 10 years.

“With a supercomputer 100 times that of K computer, commercial simulations of small thermonuclear reactors will be completed in a few months. If supercomputer performance improves, energy problems will be solved at an early stage,” he says. In addition, “artificial photosynthesis”, which is being studied at Osaka City University, is an effective way to generate energy by absorbing carbon dioxide. Furthermore, as “heat storage technology” evolves, a large amount of heat energy can be easily and safely stored, and 99% of the stored energy can be extracted and used.

The next impact is “solution of food problems” and “solution of all problems related to clothing, food and housing”. Food will be produced at plant factories. Plant factories are still in widespread use, but since they are not profitable, they have not increased on a large scale. This is because the LED light source requires a large amount of electricity, and it also needs electricity to cool the LED light source, which tends to have heat. However, if the energy becomes free, there will be no electricity bill, so a plant factory will be advantageous. The current plant factory is limited to production of lettuce, but if it can be produced at low cost, it will produce abundant grains, fruits, and aseptic high-quality feed. And fish breeding.

With regard to clothing, it is predicted that the use of plant factories will produce cotton and silk free of charge, and energy will be free, so there will be excess crude oil and chemical fiber free.

The house will eventually become free. Currently, 17% of Japan's land is flat, of which 5% is residential land and 12% is farmland. Food production can be done in a high-rise building plant factory, eliminating the need for agricultural land. As a result, all 17% can be used for residential land, so land prices go down.

And it will change fundamentally in terms of military and security. For example, if a virus is developed that makes it a risk to possess a large amount of nuclear weapons with artificial intelligence, it is predicted that there will be no country or organization to own it.

"As we support all of energy, clothing, food and housing, military and national security, the era of supercomputers themselves can be said to be a national power. Furthermore, since clothing, food and housing becomes free, there is no need to work for eating Because it is not necessary, money will inevitably disappear. "

When money runs out, there is no necessity for global competition and globalization. There will be no wars, conflicts, or terrorism over resources and money. In such a society, completely new values, dignity and social infrastructure are required.

Realization of immortality

Furthermore, it will be possible to realize “non-age”. Saito introduced an example of a woman who was still one and a half years old when she was 20 years old.

“This woman had no genetic or congenital anomalies. With the next generation supercomputer, we will be able to analyze proteins and metabolism at high speed, and we will be able to elucidate the cause of this senility.”

The evolution of supercomputers and AI will lead to revolutionary changes in energy, food, shelter and medicine. It will be necessary to think and prepare how to face these changes.
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プレシンギュラリティ到来は5年後 5 years after the arrival of presingularity

2021-09-30 17:39:42 | その他


渡辺 健太郎(以下渡辺):時間軸がすごく短くなっていて、エクサスケールのコンピューターが2020年にはできているだろうと、そこから10年でプレシンギュラリティに向かっていくと書かれていましたが。



























Ray Kurzweil predicted that a network of the galaxy level and the cosmic level would be built beyond the earth level, and intelligence would be born there. It can be said that his prophecy really depends on scientific and technological progress.
And we who are living now are going to have a wonderful time. I'm trying to witness the moment of singularity.
In 2045, it is said that “singularity” will occur where artificial intelligence surpasses the knowledge of all mankind, but this may be greatly advanced.

5 years after the arrival of presingularity

Kentaro Watanabe (Watanabe): It was written that the time axis was very short and that an exascale computer would be ready in 2020, and that it would go to presingularity in 10 years from there. But.

Motoaki Saito (hereinafter Saito): I think it's a bit old. Because the time axis has been compressed.

Watanabe: I hope you can tell me about the update.

Saito: I think that an exascale supercomputer will be available in 2018.

Watanabe: Oh, is it 2018?

Saito: China is about to launch three different systems from 2019 to 2020.
From that point, I said that presingularity took 10 years, but I think it will probably not take 5 years.

Of course, when I wrote a book, I was conscious of AI to some extent, but I didn't expect AI to progress so far.

Watanabe: In your book, it was written mainly on hardware.

Saito: Of course, hardware is also important, and in order to accelerate AI further, we have recently established a new company, thinking that we have to create an engine dedicated to AI.

AI and supercomputers can actually form the strongest tag beyond human intelligence.
What AI is doing now is the extraction of feature points / features, that is, patterns.
There have been news that AI has won humans with shogi, even with samurai, and has diagnosed illnesses that humans did not understand, but it is still just the beginning.

What can be done next is that when the AI ​​engine is about 1000 times faster than today, many patterns will be extracted from these enormous events, including complex social events and natural scientific events. Then, when you look at all of them and take a bird's-eye view from a high point of view, you will surely find some new regularity and law.

This is essentially a new hypothesis.
One of the very big topics of the scientific community this year is the detection of gravity waves. The fact that it was detected once in September last year and once in December was announced in March and June of this year, and it became a big topic.
The hypothesis that gravitational waves exist has existed 100 years ago.
Although it was supposed to be an experiment, it was not detected directly in the end, so gravitational waves were not 100% in theory.

Such a hypothesis must be verified before it becomes a theory.
As for the verification method, the detection of gravitational waves was the same, but it can only be verified after an experimental facility is built. There are things that can be verified by calculation on the desk, and others that can be done on a computer, but in many cases you have to actually create an experimental system.

However, as the hypotheses become more sophisticated, the experimental facilities become huge and complex, and must be made with extremely high accuracy. It takes money, people and time.

When artificial intelligence comes up with a hypothesis, in addition to making a ridiculous number of hypotheses, it makes a very complex hypothesis.
Perhaps many of them will not be understood by humans.
Even if you are the same person, for example, how many people understand the special relativity theory and general relativity theory of Einstein, for example?

It is said that there must be a “unified field theory” in the universe that can integrate and express all four forces that exist in nature, but humans have not yet caught up there.

Most of the hypotheses are rejected, so only one in 100 and one in 10,000 might be verified.
It is physically impossible to make a large and complex experimental system each time. However, with an exaflop-class supercomputer, it becomes possible to create an experimental system in a virtual physical space inside the supercomputer with higher accuracy than in real space. And then you can verify it there.

The next-generation artificial intelligence engine will make a lot of hypotheses anyway, and it will be verified by turning the supercomputer. Many will be rejected or modified, but as this loop turns, hypotheses far beyond human wisdom are verified, and eventually unified field theory can be verified. It should be.

Watanabe: That may be horrible (laughs)

Saito: That was something you didn't expect when you wrote the book.
The artificial intelligence engine that is 1000 times faster than now is going to be completed in 2018, and in 2019, we can start turning this loop.

Watanabe: That means starting to run toward presingularity in 2019.

Saito: If the understanding of the world is progressing at this pace, I think that it will go to a very good place in two years, three years.
If the understanding from the bottom-up deepens and starts from the top level of the government in the top-down, and penetrates, the possibility of realizing presingularity is already in 2025.

Watanabe: Is it 2025?

Saito: So I think that in 2030, it reached singularity.

Watanabe: That will be 15 years ahead.

It was 15 years ahead of schedule, and in 2030 the possibility of realizing singularity has become apparent.
I'm really looking forward to seeing what hypothesis is made by artificial intelligence, which is a combination of exa-level supercomputers and tags.
If the mechanism of the universe is elucidated by artificial intelligence, reaching the “sixth stage” predicted by Mr. Kurzweil will become realistic.
But before realizing this future, we must remember that there are issues we must tackle now, such as poverty, war, and global warming.
In the final round, we explored the potential of artificial intelligence and supercomputers to challenge the challenges we face.
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プレシンギュラリティ到来は5年後 5 years after the arrival of presingularity

2021-09-30 17:39:42 | その他


渡辺 健太郎(以下渡辺):時間軸がすごく短くなっていて、エクサスケールのコンピューターが2020年にはできているだろうと、そこから10年でプレシンギュラリティに向かっていくと書かれていましたが。



























Ray Kurzweil predicted that a network of the galaxy level and the cosmic level would be built beyond the earth level, and intelligence would be born there. It can be said that his prophecy really depends on scientific and technological progress.
And we who are living now are going to have a wonderful time. I'm trying to witness the moment of singularity.
In 2045, it is said that “singularity” will occur where artificial intelligence surpasses the knowledge of all mankind, but this may be greatly advanced.

5 years after the arrival of presingularity

Kentaro Watanabe (Watanabe): It was written that the time axis was very short and that an exascale computer would be ready in 2020, and that it would go to presingularity in 10 years from there. But.

Motoaki Saito (hereinafter Saito): I think it's a bit old. Because the time axis has been compressed.

Watanabe: I hope you can tell me about the update.

Saito: I think that an exascale supercomputer will be available in 2018.

Watanabe: Oh, is it 2018?

Saito: China is about to launch three different systems from 2019 to 2020.
From that point, I said that presingularity took 10 years, but I think it will probably not take 5 years.

Of course, when I wrote a book, I was conscious of AI to some extent, but I didn't expect AI to progress so far.

Watanabe: In your book, it was written mainly on hardware.

Saito: Of course, hardware is also important, and in order to accelerate AI further, we have recently established a new company, thinking that we have to create an engine dedicated to AI.

AI and supercomputers can actually form the strongest tag beyond human intelligence.
What AI is doing now is the extraction of feature points / features, that is, patterns.
There have been news that AI has won humans with shogi, even with samurai, and has diagnosed illnesses that humans did not understand, but it is still just the beginning.

What can be done next is that when the AI ​​engine is about 1000 times faster than today, many patterns will be extracted from these enormous events, including complex social events and natural scientific events. Then, when you look at all of them and take a bird's-eye view from a high point of view, you will surely find some new regularity and law.

This is essentially a new hypothesis.
One of the very big topics of the scientific community this year is the detection of gravity waves. The fact that it was detected once in September last year and once in December was announced in March and June of this year, and it became a big topic.
The hypothesis that gravitational waves exist has existed 100 years ago.
Although it was supposed to be an experiment, it was not detected directly in the end, so gravitational waves were not 100% in theory.

Such a hypothesis must be verified before it becomes a theory.
As for the verification method, the detection of gravitational waves was the same, but it can only be verified after an experimental facility is built. There are things that can be verified by calculation on the desk, and others that can be done on a computer, but in many cases you have to actually create an experimental system.

However, as the hypotheses become more sophisticated, the experimental facilities become huge and complex, and must be made with extremely high accuracy. It takes money, people and time.

When artificial intelligence comes up with a hypothesis, in addition to making a ridiculous number of hypotheses, it makes a very complex hypothesis.
Perhaps many of them will not be understood by humans.
Even if you are the same person, for example, how many people understand the special relativity theory and general relativity theory of Einstein, for example?

It is said that there must be a “unified field theory” in the universe that can integrate and express all four forces that exist in nature, but humans have not yet caught up there.

Most of the hypotheses are rejected, so only one in 100 and one in 10,000 might be verified.
It is physically impossible to make a large and complex experimental system each time. However, with an exaflop-class supercomputer, it becomes possible to create an experimental system in a virtual physical space inside the supercomputer with higher accuracy than in real space. And then you can verify it there.

The next-generation artificial intelligence engine will make a lot of hypotheses anyway, and it will be verified by turning the supercomputer. Many will be rejected or modified, but as this loop turns, hypotheses far beyond human wisdom are verified, and eventually unified field theory can be verified. It should be.

Watanabe: That may be horrible (laughs)

Saito: That was something you didn't expect when you wrote the book.
The artificial intelligence engine that is 1000 times faster than now is going to be completed in 2018, and in 2019, we can start turning this loop.

Watanabe: That means starting to run toward presingularity in 2019.

Saito: If the understanding of the world is progressing at this pace, I think that it will go to a very good place in two years, three years.
If the understanding from the bottom-up deepens and starts from the top level of the government in the top-down, and penetrates, the possibility of realizing presingularity is already in 2025.

Watanabe: Is it 2025?

Saito: So I think that in 2030, it reached singularity.

Watanabe: That will be 15 years ahead.

It was 15 years ahead of schedule, and in 2030 the possibility of realizing singularity has become apparent.
I'm really looking forward to seeing what hypothesis is made by artificial intelligence, which is a combination of exa-level supercomputers and tags.
If the mechanism of the universe is elucidated by artificial intelligence, reaching the “sixth stage” predicted by Mr. Kurzweil will become realistic.
But before realizing this future, we must remember that there are issues we must tackle now, such as poverty, war, and global warming.
In the final round, we explored the potential of artificial intelligence and supercomputers to challenge the challenges we face.
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科学におけるヒトの改造 Human remodeling in science

2021-08-27 10:45:44 | その他
Human remodeling in science

In addition, General Electric Co., Ltd. has released a "pedipreter" (walker) for the US Army.
I'm making it. Like the long legs of stilts, it is an instrument that can be walked with a huge stride when attached. Unlike stilts, this metal leg has knees and manic joints that let you know if it's balanced and adjust it. With this instrument, we'll be able to straddle a small building and walk a kilometer in five or six steps.

In the future, you can combine these types of instruments and devices to not only walk on stride or lift heavy objects, but also every action-swim long distances at great speeds, a day or two. You will be able to easily swim around the bottom of the water and jump from branch to branch.

Obviously, this is not just a kikai, it is a'human amplifier assimilated into human work.

"And humans and machines have entered a new relationship. The two are virtually indistinguishable from each other.
A relationship that seems to be-cyborg is a term coined for such hybrids, "G.R. Tiller gives a new definition for cyborgs.

However, the ultimate in human cyborgization will be the amplification of the cerebrum, which is the center of human intelligence, rather than the hands, feet, and lungs. It has already begun. Scientists are working on technology that connects the human brain directly to computers. The year 2018 predicts that it will be possible by that time.

Then you will be asked how to embed a computer.

Research seems to be proceeding in this direction. But in reality, the opposite can happen. In other words, it is not unthinkable to put biological parts → 腦 in a computer. It is a complete synthesis of human and human. Combined marriage between humans and machines! It seems like that is happening.

Sci-fi writer Isaac Asimov predicts the creation of a new mixed race of humans and machines. So is that the culmination of human remodeling in science? Eventually, we'll be wondering if we're talking to mechanized humans or humanized machines.
Or, even myself, I don't know which one.

Thus Homo sapiens disappears.

Will humans be quietly absorbed into machines without the extinction consciousness that they will come out? Or, on the contrary, the last Homo sapiens is the achievement of the scientist who created such science. One day, while praising, suddenly the consciousness disappears in the machine? If so, this is exactly the history of 100 million years of human beings and the existence of human beings. It can be said that it is the great nonsense of the century when all the shields were put on in that moment.






しかし、ヒトのサイボーグ化の究極は、手や足や肺ではなく、結局、ヒトの知能の中枢である大脳の増幅ということになるであろう。すでにそれは始まっている。ヒトの脳とコンピューターを直結する技術に科学者たちはとり組んでいる。「西歴二〇一八年」は、 その頃までにそれは可能になるであろうと予測している。





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 資本主義をアップデートする「協同組合」の古くて新しい考え方 | コロナ禍でも従業員の雇用を維持

2021-05-09 18:03:25 | その他













スペインのバスク地方にあるエレッカ社の工場。協同組合には、労働者の保護という明確な目的がある Photo: Ana Maria Arevalo Gosen/The New York Times







プラスチック製の自動車部品を仕分けているエレッカ社の従業員。エレッカはパンデミックでもレイオフをしていない Photo: Ana Maria Arevalo Gosen/The New York Times




エレッカ・グループ社長アントン・トマセナは「私たちの哲学は従業員を解雇しないことだ」と語る Photo: Ana Maria Arevalo Gosen/The New York Times




(モンドラゴン協同組合の起源は、1940年代前半のスペイン内戦にまでさかのぼる。内戦で荒廃したモンドラゴン市に、とある司祭が、経済改良のアイデアを携えて現れた。 続編では、組合の誕生と、組合内の企業が倒産した際の驚くべき対応方法を見ていく)





農と食の経済と協同?地域づくりと主体形成 (現代経済政策シリーズ)

(2021/5/9 18:02時点)

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オードリー・タン デジタルとAIの未来を語る』 Audrey Tang, Audrey Tang Talking about the Future of Digital and AI

2021-02-15 18:22:13 | その他

こんな人材が日本にも欲しかった。オードリー・タン。2020年に全世界を襲った新型コロナウイルスの封じ込めに成功した台湾。その中心的な役割を担い、世界のメディアがいま、最も注目するデジタルテクノロジー界の異才が、コロナ対策成功の秘密、デジタルと民主主義、デジタルと教育、AIとイノベーション、そして日本へのメッセージを語る。本連載はオードリー・タン著『オードリー・タン デジタルとAIの未来を語る』(プレジデント社)の一部を抜粋し、再編集したものです。







オードリー・タン 台湾デジタル担当政務委員(閣僚)



















オードリー・タン 台湾デジタル担当政務委員(閣僚)


I wanted such a human resource in Japan as well. Audrey Tang. Taiwan succeeded in containing the new coronavirus that hit the world in 2020. The genius of the digital technology world, who plays a central role and is now the focus of the world's media, talks about the secrets of successful corona measures, digital and democracy, digital and education, AI and innovation, and a message to Japan. .. This series is an excerpt and re-edited version of Audrey Tang's "Audrey Tang Talking about the Future of Digital and AI" (President).




The office is where the Air Force Command was

Open government that begins with breaking boundaries

Let me tell you a little bit about my recent daily activities.

I wake up at 6:30 in the morning. I wear sneakers at work. Walk or jog to the Social Innovation Experiment Center, where the office is located, and head to work. Unless it rains heavily, my rule is to walk to work. Along the way, I sometimes meet and talk with friends to get more creative ideas about the latest policies.

When you arrive at the office, you measure your temperature yourself, tell the guards "Today is 36.7 degrees", and enter with your card key. After brewing coffee and adding ice, change from sneakers to business shoes. Then check if there are any replies on the net. If my colleagues are adding new tasks after I return the night before, I'll comment on them. Then check the schedule for the day.

Audrey Tang Taiwan Digital Minister Without Portfolio

The building where my office is located is where the Air Force Command once existed. I heard that during the Japanese colonial era, there were institutions such as the Industrial Research Institute. Originally, all sides of the building were completely surrounded by walls, and I couldn't see the inside from Ren'ai Road in front of me.

However, the walls have now been removed, making it a park-like place. It is even more open than Daan Forest Park, one of the largest parks in Taipei, and is a great place to take a break. The building can be seen from anywhere.


Several organizations will move into the basement of the building after the ongoing safety inspections by the fire department. Any organization that solves the problems related to the 17 items of "Sustainable Development Goals" set by the United Nations can be borrowed free of charge for one year.

In addition, if it is a one-off event such as an event, a press conference, or an exhibition, you can use it for free by applying in advance. However, there is a rule that the event must be in a style that anyone can participate in, and in a nutshell, this place is a place for innovation.

Reasons for increasing requests for visits with government officials

Next, as a fixed weekly schedule, there is an Executive Yuan meeting on Thursday morning. In the afternoon, we mainly go to the Ministry of Science and Technology (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan) for meetings. Since I became a Minister Without Portfolio, this twice-weekly regular meeting is the only fixed schedule.

Other days have different schedules and it's hard to explain what we're doing, but most of Wednesday we're in the office of the Social Innovation Experiment Center, and everyone comes here from morning till night to talk. I am trying to do it. Sometimes I talk remotely. However, recently, the number of people who want to visit has increased, and if I have time to spare, I will be listening here on Tuesdays and Saturdays as well.

There are probably two reasons why people want to talk to me:

First, it has become widely known that digital technology is no longer just a "top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top" vertical. I think it's gradually become understood that simply connecting different vertical systems across the board can produce completely different results.


It may be because many people were enlightened by seeing the example of Taiwan's mask sales system and the triple ticket for promotion issued for economic recovery. As a result, some people want to bring in similar ideas and discuss how they can apply digital to their work.

The second reason is that I was surrounded by walls on all sides and I didn't know what was going on inside, but there is also a reason that "it became easier to enter because the walls were removed." In the past, no one said, "I happened to come in and found out that it was such a place." First of all, I think that only people who wanted to find out what they were doing in this place and then "want to go to Audrey" came.

However, as the walls have been removed and events and exhibitions have become more frequent, more and more people passing by have come to visit, saying, "Oh, there's Audrey." .. In this physical sense, "removing boundaries" can be regarded as one of the open governments.

Only if there is a relationship of trust between the government and the people

Open government is only possible if there is a relationship of trust between the government and people. For some time, the Taiwanese government has stated that "people must be trusted." If you feel that the government doesn't understand people well, you can give the government a creative view from the people's side. Conversely, if the government does not understand people at all and feels that they do not need to participate in politics, they will eventually lose interest in politics.


Recently, it has been decided that the lay judge system will start in the field of justice in Taiwan as well. Again, this is not necessarily based on the idea that judges have the best understanding of things, but the idea that even if civilians participate as judges, they will be able to come up with their views from different angles. ..

In other words, he spends most of his time doing legal work and expects civilians to have a different view than judges, who may have little experience in life. This inclusive sense of not separating people by position or position is a very important factor in the realization of open government.

If the government does not have this feeling, no one will want to participate even if they create a lay judge system and ask people to "attend the court." I hear that the lay judge system has finally been recognized by people in Japan after spending a lot of time discussing "what the lay judge system is" and making it known to the people. It must also have been an essential process for people to understand the issues of the entire legal system in a simpler way.

It takes time like this to establish an open government, and above all, it is necessary to have an attitude of explaining and understanding people carefully.

Audrey Tang Taiwan Digital Minister Without Portfolio
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脳細胞活動の限界要因 Limiting factors of brain cell activity

2020-12-15 09:32:51 | その他





そういうと、脳生理学者はヒトの一生に約一〇〇〇兆ビ″トの情報を処理できるといった、と、いま述べたばかりではないかといわれるかも知れない。その通りである。だが、それは、一四〇億佃の脳細胞がフルに動いた場合のことである。ところが、ヒトは、平均、持っている脳細胞の二ないし三%しか活用七ていないのである。いや、活用できないのである。なぜできないのか? それ









Limiting factors of brain cell activity

I think that modern people have almost reached the limit of their intellectual ability now.
It is believed that there are about 144 billion nerve cells in the human brain. A nerve cell has more than 20 million RNA molecules (molecules that "transmit" the DNA of genetic factors), and one RNA molecule can process millions of bits of information. As a result, on average, the human brain has about 1,000 in a lifetime.
It is estimated that trillions of bits of information can be captured. Isaac Asimov, a prominent American scientific critic, biochemist and writer, states:
"That's why RNA is undoubtedly serving as a filing system that can fully process any enormous amount of human learning and memory, or even billions of times that work."

But that's not the case. That's as mentioned in the previous section. Before that, humans would be panicking with oppression and conflict.
It is based on the following data that humans are now considered to have reached the limit of their intellectual ability.

Now, on average, humans receive and process 300,000 to 500,000 bits of information per minute. Soon I Yes, no doubt humans will be one minute every minute in the next decade. It will have to process millions of bits of information. Assuming that the average life expectancy of humans is 60 years, it will be about 30 trillion bites in a lifetime. This is the limit of humans.

It may be said that brain physiologists can process about 1,000,000 trillion bits of information in a human life. That's right, but that's right. This is the case when 140 billion Tsukuda's brain cells are fully moved. However, on average, humans utilize only a few percent of the brain cells they have. No, they cannot. . Why can't it?

However, the mind can only handle a few percent of that. If you want to process more than that, you have to improve your mental ability. You will often experience it. Even though the highway is open, the entrance is restricted and the car is connected to the tollhouse.
The view. It is connected to the ordinary road at the exit of the highway, and it is crowded, so even though the highway is empty, no car can enter. It's the same as that.

By training to move brain cells while increasing the processing power of the mind (this is the Gumonji method), humans can become 33 times smarter. If you just train to be smart, or study and squeeze into Gamshala, you will panic, and you can see the highways on consecutive holidays. That's a digression, but from a long time ago, geniuses are said to be madmen and paper.

Here is one original prisoner. If the brain's ability is abnormally high, the mental processing capacity must also be abnormal, which is different from that of a normal person. That difference
It is natural that the processing power of a normal heart looks crazy to the average person. Yeah
Therefore, human beings have the limit of information processing of 20 to 30 trillion bits in their lifetime. Beyond that, they cause panic. The cause of panic is "and" conflict ". And then to that marginal situation

Humans are now declining. The proof is the psychiatric and physical syndrome disease called autonomic dysfunction, which is an abnormally increasing number of cardiovascular disorders. Let's take a look at it.

Increasing mental illness

Professor A. Mitcharich of the University of Frankfurt, a world authority on psychiatric and physical medicine, wrote about the illnesses caused by conflicts in his book "Conflict and Diseases".
"When humans act from a sense of duty to adapt to one thing, there is a conflict. That is, depending on the circumstances, humans may be consciously intended or unconsciously done. ,
We have to adapt to each other's conflicting tasks at the same time, where tension is never relieved, which unknowingly creates a persistent state of tension. ”This is oppression and“ oppression. The excitement appears in a different form, and the tension is partially relieved, but toward the outside, <nothing
In words, for example, in the form of <increased blood pressure>, it appears as a continuous warning signal for plant function. And the morbid reaction, how strong it is, depends on the amount of occurrence and defense there. "

Conflict arises from excitement and defense. Professor Mitcharich went on to say, "Now a new illness has emerged. Deaths from acute pericardial disease increase in the forties and fifties.
It has been done, but it is now being seen even in the thirties. In general, the aging phenomenon has been accelerated. …… Birke Meyer says: It is a universal phenomenon that fifty moths of all patients visit a doctor because of an autonomic nervous system disorder.

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ぼんじ 梵字 Siddha

2020-12-05 19:28:14 | その他
<form class="header" action="https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php" method="get"></form>

梵字(ぼんじ)とは、インドで使用されるブラーフミー系文字Brahmic script)(インド系文字Indian script))に対して、日本東アジアで歴史的・伝統的に用いられてきた総称的な漢訳名である。「梵語サンスクリット)を表記するための文字」の意だが、起源であるブラーフミー文字が「ブラフマー梵天)の創造した文字」を意味するので、それを意訳したものとも解される。

Siddham script (consonants) sample.svg
類型: アブギダ
言語: サンスクリット
時期: 7世紀頃-現在(仏教儀式に残る)
Unicode範囲: U+11580–U+115FF
ISO 15924 コード: Sidd
注意: このページはUnicodeで書かれた国際音声記号 (IPA) を含む場合があります。

一般的には仏教、特に密教と結びついて7-8世紀以降に東アジアに普及した悉曇文字(しったんもじ、siddhamātṛkāシッダマートリカーSiddhaṃ script)のことを指すことが多く[1]、本項でも主にそちらを説明していく。

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2020-09-14 18:20:22 | その他

5つの基本前提(5Basic Assumptions)







社会統合論(Social Embeddedness)








表1 摩多
番号 字母 音写 南天音 中天音 字義[要検証] 半体

01 Siddham a.svg a अ 本不生 -
02 Siddham aa.svg ā आ アー アー 寂静 Siddham aa halfmark 1.svg
03 Siddham i.svg i इ 根本 Siddham i halfmark 1.svg


(2020/9/14 18:19時点)

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「眠りと死」 シュタイナー "Sleep and Death" Steiner

2020-08-03 18:07:14 | その他

輪廻転生とカルマ   シュタイナーは晩年になってからようやく、西洋にもふさわしい形で輪廻転生とカルマの現実性を伝えるという彼の二番目に大きな使命に全霊をかけられるようになりました。


彼が神智学に取り組んでいた時よりずっと後になってからこの仕事に取り掛かったのは、偶然の事ではありません。シュタイナーの主張は、多くの東洋の教えにわずかな類似性しかみませんし、誤解を招くようなことも望んでいませんでした。しかし、これに関する素晴らしい(そして必要な)序論は、『神秘的科学』の「眠りと死」という章の中に見ることができます 。



これと同じように、私たちは死後、次に生まれ変わるまで精神世界に触れ  、生まれ変わる間際に、忘却の川と呼ばれるレテ川の水を飲んで精神世界でのことを全て忘れてしまうのです。





Reincarnation and Karma Steiner was finally able to devote himself to his second and greatest mission to convey the reality of reincarnation and karma in a manner suitable for the West only in his later years.

It is no coincidence that he set about this task long after he was working on the theosophy. Steiner's claim showed little similarity to many Eastern teachings, and did not want to be misleading. But a great (and necessary) introduction to this can be found in the chapter "Sleeping and Death" in Mystic Science.

It may be a trivial metaphor, but it is true that sleep is a "small death" and we leave the body and touch the spiritual world every night we sleep.

But when you wake up in the morning, you forget those experiences.

In the same way, we touch the spiritual world after death, until we are reborn, and just before we are reborn, we drink the water of the river Lete, called the Oblivion River, and forget everything about the spiritual world.

As William Wordsworth says, human death and reincarnation are merely "sleep and oblivion."

Getting a new birth at birth is no different from waking up from sleep in the morning.

Reincarnation makes sense for the evolution of consciousness, and vice versa.
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シュタイナー と 供養  Memorial with Steiner

2020-06-08 19:59:53 | その他

太陽的な感覚を持ち、幾何学的に考えるシュタイ ナー




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2020-04-27 13:38:56 | その他

























































なおランキングは、Amazon・楽天・Yahoo!ショッピングなど各ECサイトの売れ筋ランキング(2020年4月6日時点) をもとにして順位付けしています。


無水鍋 ビタクラフト アリゾナ 両手鍋 1枚目


ビタクラフトアリゾナ 両手鍋

ビタクラフト 両手鍋 アリゾナ 21cm レシピ付 8546

(2020/4/27 13:32時点)

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