


2010年06月30日 | ドリトル先生航海記で学ぶ語彙・読解

※(23)の解答①(cold wind blowing from)②(come out to meet)③(three of us thinking)④(frowning)⑤(something queer about this)⑥(stern)⑦(guilty)⑧(look in your eye)⑨(no use our standing)⑩(pretending)⑪(expression)⑫(it told him something)⑬(signs we couldn't see)⑭(disappeared)⑮(home ahead of us)⑯(moment he comes in)⑰(make)⑱(swore)⑲(got to save him)⑳(it to see if)

"Lord preserve us!" cried the Doctor, sitting down heavily in a chair and mopping his forehead with a handkerchief. "When did he do it?"

"Fifteen years ago—in a Mexican gold-mine. That's why he has been a hermit ever since. He shaved off his beard and kept away from people out there on the marshes so he wouldn't be ①*(obtained : recognized : proposed : expressed). But last week, it seems these new-fangled policemen came to Town; and they heard there was a strange man who kept to himself all alone in a shack on the fen. And they got ②*(wicked : outstanding : intense : suspicious). For a long time people had been hunting all over the world for the man that ③(killing / did / in / that) the Mexican gold-mine fifteen years ago. So these policemen went out to the shack, and they recognized Luke by a mole on his arm. And they ④(him / took / prison / to)."

"Well, well!" murmured the Doctor. "Who would have thought it?—Luke, the philosopher!—Killed a man!—I can hardly believe it."

"It's true enough—unfortunately," said Jip. "Luke did it. But it wasn't his ⑤*(necessity : fault : method : belief). Bob says so. And he was there and saw it all. He was scarcely more than a puppy at the time. Bob says Luke couldn't help it. He HAD to do it."

"Where is Bob now?" asked the Doctor.

"Down at the prison. I wanted him to come with me here to see you; but he won't leave the prison ⑥(Luke / there / while / is). He just sits outside the door of the prison-cell and won't move. He doesn't even eat the food they give him. Won't you please come down there, Doctor, and see if there is anything you can do? The ⑦*(emotion : burden : trial : estate) is to be this afternoon at two o'clock. What time is it now?"

"It's ten minutes past one."

"Bob says he thinks they are going to kill Luke for a punishment if they can ⑧*(differ : separate : prove : devote) that he did it—or certainly keep him in prison for the ⑨(his / rest / life / of). Won't you please come? Perhaps if you spoke to the judge and told him ⑩(that : what : who : when) a good man Luke really is they'd let him off."

"Of course I'll come," said the Doctor getting up and moving to go. "But I'm very much afraid that I shan't be of any real help." He turned at the door and ⑪*(warned : hesitated : replaced : rescued) thoughtfully.

"And yet—I wonder—"

Then he opened the door and passed out with Jip and me close at his heels.

DAB-DAB was terribly ⑫*(excellent : upset : precise : casual) when she found we were going away again without luncheon; and she made us ⑬(give : leave : take : lose) some cold pork-pies in our pockets to eat on the way.

When we got to Puddleby Court-house (it was next door to the prison), we found a ⑭(around / gathered / crowd / great) the building.

This was the week of the Assizes—a business which happened every three months, when many pick-pockets and other bad characters were ⑭*(developed : contributed : tried : suggested) by a very grand judge who came all the way from London. And anybody in Puddleby who had ⑮(special / nothing / do / to) used to come to the Court-house to hear the trials.

But to-day it was different. The crowd was not made up of just a few idle people. It was enormous. The news had run through the countryside that Luke the Hermit was to be tried for killing a man and that the great ⑯(hung / mystery / had / which) over him so long was to be cleared up at last. The butcher and the baker had closed their shops and taken a holiday. All the farmers from round about, and all the townsfolk, were there with their Sunday clothes on, ⑰(to / trying / seats / get) in the Court-house or gossipping outside in low whispers. The High Street was so crowded you could hardly move along it. I had never seen the quiet old town in such a ⑱*(value : state : district : grain) of excitement before. For Puddleby had not had such an Assizes since 1799, when Ferdinand Phipps, the Rector's oldest son, had robbed the bank.

If I hadn't had the Doctor with me I am sure I would never have been able to make my way through the mob ⑲*(published : traced : packed : floated) around the Court-house door. But I just followed behind him, ⑳(to / hanging / his / on) coat-tails; and at last we got safely into the jail.
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