


2022年03月07日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英日ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube画像を公開しています。

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(193)~(208)

(193)a (        )道徳的なrule or (        )信念 which (        )影響する your behavior=(        )主義
It is (      ) my *(        ) to borrow money.

(194)the (    )行為 of (         )調べる something (   )(      )詳細に=(       )
A *(      ) shows that Japanese women (     )お辞儀する more often than men.

(195)a story (    )(        )古代の times that may or may not be (    )=(        )伝説
According to local *(      ), “If the person bathes naked, they will (       )必ず be eaten by crocodiles, for sure.”

(196)the particular (      )味 of a food or drink=(     )味
Fresh, local vegetables are so delicious that (      )(    ) is needed to bring out their *(        ).

(197) (      ) your (       )能力 to think and understand things=(         )知的な
Because of (         )人工の intelligence (AI), (       )熟練したwhite-collar workers,
or *(          ) workers, are also at “high risk.”

(198) (   ) to be (     )=(        )目に見える
You can get a (          )まともなMilky Way photo even when it's (        )かろうじて *(           ) to the naked eye.

(199)(        )心配な and (      )不安な about something that might happen=(           )不安な
I am (         )慣れた to public speaking, so I don't get *(         ) in front of large groups.

(200)showing a (      )欠如of (      )敬意for other people=(     )無礼な
I had no (       )選択 but to (     )(    )(     )我慢する the guest's *(        ) behavior.

(201)to try to (        ) someone or something (     )(         ) carefully=(        )探す
(     )費やす less time outside the home *(       ) for food (       )減らす the (     )危険性 of being killed by other animals.

(202)to (      )(       )心配なthat something (    ) may happen=(      )恐れる
Many scientists *(     ) that there may be far fewer polar bears,
(      )(    )…のせいで the (       )影響 of climate change.

(203)to (     )(      ) you are feeling or thinking (      ) words or (       )行動=(         )表現する
*(          )(       )感謝 can make all the (        )違いin your (         )人間関係.

(204)to (      )(      ) information about something=(        )問い合わせる
The product you *(        ) about is (    ) of stock now.

(205)to (   ) all your (          )注意 to (     ) you are doing=(      )集中する
It has been hard to *(       )(   )my studies lately because a road is being built in front of my house.

(206)to (     ) something in order to (     )(      )適切に=(        )頼る
The pilots that have landed at the (       )間違った airports in the past have all been *(       ) on (        )視覚的なinformation.

(207)to (   ) to someone (      ) information or (     )助言=(       )相談する
How much does it (        ) to *(       ) a lawyer for (       )法律的なadvice?

(208)to become (      )健康なand (       )正常なagain=(       )治癒する
When a (       )傷 *(       ), it may eventually (       )(      )…に変わるa scar.

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(209)~(224)

(209)someone who is (        )応募する for a job or (         )競争する
in an (        )選挙=(          )候補者
I want to (      )投票する for a *(        ) who will try to (          ) 減らすunemployment.

(210)the (      )事実 of being (        )存在する=(          )存在
Both children and adults (       )同様に(           ) about the *(            ) of ghosts.

(211)a (      ) of sadness=(       )悲しみ
Joy and *(         ) are the light and (        )影 of life.

(212)the act of (        ) someone=(            )援助
In a crisis, (           )緊急(          )財政*(          ) can help you pay for living (          )支出.

(213)someone who has (     ) a (      ) of writing=(         )作家
Treasure Island is an (         ) novel by Scottish *(         ) Robert Louis Stevenson.

(214)a piece of (         )家具(   ) for (          )保管するclothes=(          )クローゼット
Keeping your *(        )(          )整理された will help you keep your room neat and tidy.

(215)the (         ) of people (        ) in a particular area=(           )人口
Japan's (           )(           )密度 has helped (         )助長する extremely high land prices.

(216)an interesting or important (      ) of something=(           )特徴
The (     )巨大なnetwork of canals is a (            )魅力的な*(          ) of the old city.

(217)easily (         )心配なand (       )動揺した by something=(          )感じやすい
She is so *(        ) that she cried for days when her pet died.

(218)(       )できる of dealing with dangerous or difficult situations (         ) showing (       )恐怖=(        )
Someone pulling an (      ) person out of a crashed car after an accident is considered *(        ).

(219)(        ) to be (     )=(        )行方不明の
The police called off the (         ) 捜索for the *(      ) child until (       )夜明け tomorrow.

(220)made or done (            ) or (           )=(        )正式な
Throughout his life, Thomas Edison (            )語った that *(        ) education had not made him.

(221)to (         )(      ) one thing to another=(         )変える
The bicycle lanes may (           )説得するmotorists in the city to *(        ) from cars to bicycles.

(222)to (         )守る someone or something (     )(         )攻撃=(      )擁護する
We must *(        ) our (       )権利 to privacy.

(223)to (       ) someone a particular job or (            )責任=(        )割り当てる
In high school I was *(          ) longer texts which had a larger vocabulary.

(224)to (      ) it (        )可能な(     ) someone to do something=(        )可能にする
It was the (        )制御 of fire and the (     ) of clothing that *(       ) humans to (         )定住する in the cold northern areas.

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