


2015年08月10日 | 英英三語ヒントはさみ撃ち問題
 以下はStrength of Handshake Reflects Disease Risk, Study Contends というVOA記事から作成した練習問題です。青字の英英式ヒントを参考に、文脈に合った単語を完成してください。

Strength of Handshake Reflects Disease Risk, Study Contends
by VOA News

The strength of your grip could be a doctor's first clue about your long-term health.

In a new study from Canada's McMaster University, researchers found that a handshake is a better (1)ind…【a sign that shows what a situation is like】of your health than your blood pressure. Writing in the journal The Lancet, they reported that reduced grip strength was consistently linked with early death, disability and illness.

Researchers measured muscle strength in nearly 140,000 adults over four years in 17 countries. Using a handgrip dynamometer, they found that for every 5-kilogram (2)dec…【a reduction in the amount, importance, quality, or strength】in grip strength, there was a 17 percent increased risk of death from any cause.

That level of risk was not affected by any identifiable differences among the participants, including age, gender, education, physical activity or their countries' (3)wea…【a large amount of money or property that a person or country owns】.

The researchers did take into account the probability that a healthy grip for a young man is likely to be stronger than the healthy grip of an old woman. They also noted that ethnicity appeared to make a difference. Further study is needed to set a benchmark for different countries, they said.

Principal investigator Dr. Darryl Leong suggested, "Grip strength could be an easy and inexpensive test to (4)ass…【to make a judgment about something after thinking carefully about it】an individual's risk of death and cardiovascular disease."

What's not clear is whether working to strengthen your grip also (5)imp…【to make something better】 your health, Leong said more research was needed to answer that question.

解答(1)indicator(指標) (2)decline (低下) (3)wealth(富)  (4)assess(査定する)  (5)improves(改善する)

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