


2023年11月19日 | TOEIC240第4章

I'd like to ------ this sweater for a smaller one.

(A) display
(B) attend
(C) delay
(D) exchange

TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 は以下のような問題を考えながら解くことで、キーワードが自然に覚えられるように構成されています。

①display【displéi】(Ex: A variety ofさまざまな books are *displayed in this library.)(001) 
②exchange【ikstʃéindʒ】(Ex: I'd like to *exchange this sweater for a smaller one.)(002)
③delay【diléi】(Ex: The train's departure出発 will be *delayed. )(003)
④attend【əténd】(Ex: She did not *attend the meeting yesterday.)(004)
(A)to go to an event or activity
(B)to make someone or something late
(C)to give something to someone and receive something in return
(D)to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily


以下に、TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 第4章に収録された2文字ヒント英英定義挟み撃ち問題(001)~(120)を和訳抜きでご紹介します。

(001)A variety of books are di------ in this library.
【to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily】

(002)I'd like to ex------ this sweater for a smaller one.
【to give something to someone and receive something in return】

(003)The train's departure will be de------ .
【to make someone or something late】

(004)She did not at------ the meeting yesterday.
【to go to an event or activity】


(005)Nothing is ac------ without effort.
【to succeed in reaching a particular goal by working hard】

(006)I have to pr------ for the entrance examination.
【to make yourself ready for something】

(007)Free newspapers are di------ free of charge.
【to give or deliver something to a group of people】

(008)Can I bo------ your camera?
【to use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of giving it back later】


(009)I am ce------ of your success.
【having no doubt about something】

(010) I am afraid I am not av------ at the moment.
【not busy and therefore able to see or talk to people】

(011)Parents are re------ for their children's education.
【having a duty of dealing with or looking after someone or something】

(012)Please don't leave anything va------ in your room.
【worth a lot of money】


(013)He kept on drinking in spite of his doctor's ad------ .
【an opinion about what someone should do in a particular situation】

(014)I have a dentist ap------ at 3:30.
【an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time】

(015)I'd like you to translate this do------ into English.
【an official paper that contains information about something】

(016) Child la------ is a serious social problem.
【work, especially physical work】


(017) US officials have confirmed that all passengers and cr------ died when the plane crashed.
【a group of people with special skills who work together】

(018) Have you made all the ar------ for your trip?
【plans and preparations which you make so that something will happen】

(019) The flight's estimated time of ar------ is 9:30.
【the act of reaching a place】

(020) Doctors use medical eq------ .
【the things that are needed for a particular job or activity】


(021) The doctors are conducting medical re------ .
【the activity of discovering information about something】

(022) The co------ is based in Tokyo.
【a business organization that produces or sells goods or services for money】

(023) She put the book on the sh------ .
【a flat board which is attached to a wall, frame, etc., used for putting things on】

(024) I had no re------ to my letter.
【something that is done as a reaction to something else】


(025) I re------ a letter from her.
【to be given something】

(026) She st------ the importance of daily exercise.
【to give special attention to something such as an idea or fact】

(027) I'm calling to co------ my booking.
【to make an arrangement more certain or official】

(028) This drink doesn't co------ any alcohol.
【to have or include something】


(029) A passport is ne------ when you travel overseas.
【important or needed in order to do something】

(030) He is ca------ of teaching English.
【having the ability that is needed to do something】

(031) Rains are fr------ here in early summer.
【happening often】

(032) Since this restaurant is always bu------ , consider making reservations.
【full of people】


(033) I need to sw------ the kitchen.
【to clean a floor, the ground, etc. using a broom】

(034) She gr------ with a degree in mathematics.
【to complete your studies at a school or university】

(035) Would you mind re------ the question?
【to do something again】

(036) The committee ap------ the plan.
【to officially accept an idea, plan, proposal etc.】

(034) graduated

(037) It's possible to travel on a tight bu------ .
【the money that is available to a person or organization】

(038) She had unrealistic ex------ .
【hopes or beliefs that something will happen】

(039) What do you think of his pr------ ?
【a formal suggestion or plan that is presented to a person or group】

(040) We'll meet you at the en------ .
【the place that you go through to enter a room, building, or area】


(041) This in------ is one of the busiest in the city.
【a place where roads join or cross】

(042) The plane's de------ was on schedule.
【the act of leaving a place】

(043) Free sa------ were handed out at the store.
【a small amount of a product that people can try】

(044) I left a me------ on his answering machine.
【a piece of written or spoken information that one person gives to another】


(045) He ac------ his mission as planned.
【to succeed in doing something, especially after trying very hard for a period of time】

(046) He le------ against the wall.
【to rest on something at an angle for support】

(047) The professor ex------ her theory using pictures.
【to tell someone something in a way that is clear or easy to understand】

(048) We we------ any customer feedback that helps us improve our service.
【to accept something with pleasure】


(049) The meal tasted ex------ .
【extremely good】

(050) She was de------ to hear from you.
【very pleased and happy】

(051) We are all ea------ for world peace.
【very interested and excited by something that you want to do】

(052) Everyone is eq------ under the law.
【the same in size, amount, value etc. as something else】


(053) We decided to ca------ the dinner party.
【to say that something that was planned will not happen】

(054) I am happy to ac------ your invitation.
【to take something that is offered】

(055) A smile does not always in------ happiness.
【to show that a particular situation exists】

(056) The concert will be br------ live tomorrow.
【to send out programs to be received by radios or televisions】


(057) We are working to pr----- forest fires.
【to stop something from happening】

(058) The train is ap----- the station.
【to come near to someone or something in time or distance】

(059) How much does it cost to pu----- a book?
【to produce a book, magazine etc. for sale】

(060) The economy is beginning to re----- .
【to return to a normal state after a period of difficulty】


(061) I called the restaurant to make a re----- .
【an arrangement to have something such as a room, table, or seat kept for you to use later】

(062) The ex----- features 250 works of contemporary art.
【a public show of art or other interesting things that people can go to see】

(063) She was promoted to the po----- of school principal..
【the rank or role of someone in a company or society】

(064) The conference was held in a friendly at----- .
【the general impression that you have in a particular place】


(065) Please fa------ seat belt while you are seated.
【to put something in a position so that it will not move】

(066) How can we pr------ the earth and its resources?
【to keep something in good condition】

(067) Why are you ap------ for this position?
【to make a formal request for a job】

(068) The government an------ tax hikes.
【to make an official statement about a plan or a decision】


(069) I am not fa------ with this neighborhood.
【knowing something very well】

(070) She was su------ in business.
【achieving the results you intended】

(071) He had spent his en------ life in Africa as a doctor.
【including everything, with nothing missing】

(072) This hotel has no va------ rooms.
【not being used】


(073) The ar------ was written in English..
【a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine】

(074) The TV program has lost po------ in recent years.
【a situation in which someone or something is liked or enjoyed by many people】

(075) He missed the op------ for a promotion.
【a chance to do something】

(076) For a re------ , you must return the item unopened.
【an amount of money that is given back to you if you have returned a product, paid too much, etc.】


(077) They ar------ the books according to size.
【to put things in a particular order or position】

(078) Many studies show that ad------ is a risk factor for both smoking and drinking.
【to make the public aware of a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it】

(079) This is a car im------ from Germany.
【to buy products or materials from another country】

(080) The costs of op------ a private school vary widely.
【to have control of something】


(081) Can I cancel an or------ before shipping ?
【a request to make or deliver goods】

(082) I'd like to hire him as a co------ .
【someone whose job is to advise people on a particular subject】

(083) What's your annual in------ ?
【the money that you get from working】

(084) I bought the car at a 10% di------ .
【a reduction in the price of something】


(085) She had the car in------ by a mechanic before she bought it.
【to look at something carefully to see if there is anything wrong】

(086) Exercise im------ health.
【to make something better】

(087) I pe------ her to consult a doctor.
【to cause someone to do something by giving reasons】

(088) This bad weather will af------ the crops.
【to have an influence on someone or something】


(089) He puts his family before his ca------ .
【a job or profession that someone does for a long time】

(090) The problem is la------ of funds.
【a situation in which there is not enough of something, or none of it】

(091) She claimed to be an ex------ in finance.
【someone who has special knowledge, skill or training in something】

(092) Stress can have an enormous im------ on our health.
【the powerful effect that something has on someone or something】


(093) The earth is small co------ with the sun.
【to examine or judge how things or people are similar or different】

(094) We want to en------ students to read more.
【to suggest that someone does something】

(095) We are in------ by our environment.
【to affect or change someone or something】

(096) In 2021, Japan ex------ roughly 1.22 million used automobiles.
【to sell products or materials to another country】


(097) Do you know the be------ of eating fish?
【an advantage you get from something】

(098) There are always a lot of ve------ on this road.
【a machine that is used for transporting people or goods from one place to another, such as a car, bus, or truck】

(099) I think we should ignore Mary’s co------ .
【a statement that you are not satisfied with something】

(100) What is your po------ towards customers satisfaction?
【an officially accepted plan of action about what should be done】


(101) A sales re------ details all your business's sales activities.
【a spoken or written description of an event or situation】

(102) Mass pr------ reduced the price of many goods.
【the process of making or growing goods in large quantities】

(103) Common pr------ is not always evidence-based.
【something that people do often】

(104) India has a po------ of more than 1 billion.
【the number of people living in a particular area】


(105) This custom is un------ to China.
【existing only in one place or situation】

(106) These shoes are not su------ for walking.
【acceptable or right for a particular purpose】

(107) We find advertising on the television very ef------ .
【successful, and producing a result that is wanted】

(108) He wasn't able to give me a lo------ explanation for his behavior.
【connecting ideas in a reasonable way】


(109) I tried to co------ Mary to go home.
【to persuade someone to do something】

(110) He ac------ a large fortune when his uncle died.
【to get something by buying it or being given it】

(111) Should I bo------ a hotel online or call?
【to make arrangements to use or do something at a particular time in the future】

(112) She was tr------ to the headquarters in Tokyo.
【to move someone or something from one place to another】


(113) She po------ some wine into a glass.
【to make a liquid or other substance flow from a container】

(114) The police officer asked the witness to de------ the situation as accurately as possible.
【to say what something or someone is like】

(115) I asked Tom to help me or------ a farewell party for Mary.
【to make arrangements for an activity or event】

(116) The police se------ the woods for the missing child.
【to try to find someone or something by looking carefully】

(113) poured
(116) searched

(117) They po------ their departure because of the storm.
【to delay the date or time of a planned event】

(118) Almost all the workers ob------ to working on holidays.
【to express your opposition to something】

(119) Harvard University was es------ in 1636.
【to create something that is intended to exist for a long time】

(120) Ne------ price with customers is a crucial skill for sales representatives.
【to discuss something formally in order to reach an agreement】


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