


2023年11月24日 | TOEICキーワード240から作成したTOEICPart5問題
 8種類の練習問題を用意して学習者がレベルに合った問題を退屈せずに解き進められるようにしているのがTOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 です。

①display【displéi】(Ex: A variety ofさまざまな books are *displayed in this library.)(001) 
②exchange【ikstʃéindʒ】(Ex: I'd like to *exchange this sweater for a smaller one.)(002)
③delay【diléi】(Ex: The train's departure出発 will be *delayed. )(003)
④attend【əténd】(Ex: She did not *attend the meeting yesterday.)(004)
(A)to go to an event or activity
(B)to make someone or something late
(C)to give something to someone and receive something in return
(D)to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily


(001)A variety of books are dis------ in this library.
【to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily】

(002)I'd like to exc------ this sweater for a smaller one.
【to give something to someone and receive something in return】

(003)The train's departure will be del------ .
【to make someone or something late】

(004)She did not att------ the meeting yesterday.
【to go to an event or activity】



(1)~(8)の準備学習と答合わせには 異次元の高速スコアアップを可能にするTOEIC240第3章(1)をご覧ください。


(001)A variety of books are ------ in this library.

(002)I'd like to ------ this sweater for a smaller one.

(003)The train's departure will be ------ .

(004)She did not ------ the meeting yesterday.


(2) ※動詞は必要に応じて適当な形に変えてください。
(005)Nothing is ------ without effort.

(006)I have to ------ for the entrance examination.

(007)Free newspapers are ------ free of charge.

(008)Can I ------ your camera?


(009)I am ------ of your success.

(010) I am afraid I am not ------ at the moment.

(011)Parents are ------ for their children's education.

(012)Please don't leave anything ------ in your room.


(013)He kept on drinking in spite of his doctor's ------ .

(014)I have a dentist ------ at 3:30.

(015)I'd like you to translate this ------ into English.

(016) Child ------ is a serious social problem.


(017) US officials have confirmed that all passengers and ------ died when the plane crashed.

(018) Have you made all the ------ for your trip?

(019)The flight's estimated time of ------ is 9:30.

(020)Doctors use medical ------ .


(021) The doctors are conducting medical ------ .

(022) The ------ is based in Tokyo.

(023) She put the book on the ------ .

(024) I had no ------ to my letter.


(025) I ------ a letter from her.

(026) She ------ the importance of daily exercise.

(027) I'm calling to ------ my booking.

(028) This drink doesn't ------ any alcohol.


(029) A passport is ------ when you travel overseas.

(030) He is ------ of teaching English.

(031) Rains are ------ here in early summer.

(032) Since this restaurant is always ------ , consider making reservations.


(9)~(16)の準備学習と答合わせには 異次元の高速スコアアップを可能にするTOEIC240第3章(2)をご覧ください。

(033) I need to ------ the kitchen.

(034) She ------ with a degree in mathematics.

(035) Would you mind ------ the question?

(036) The committee ------ the plan.


(037) It's possible to travel on a tight ------ .

(038) She had unrealistic ------ .

(039) What do you think of his ------ ?

(040) We'll meet you at the ------ .


(041) This ------ is one of the busiest in the city.

(042) The plane's ------ was on schedule.

(043) Free ------ were handed out at the store.

(044) I left a ------ on his answering machine.


(045) He ------ his mission as planned.

(046) He ------ against the wall.

(047) The professor ------ her theory using pictures.

(048) We ------ any customer feedback that helps us improve our service.


(049) The meal tasted ------ .

(050) She was ------ to hear from you.

(051) We are all ------ for world peace.

(052) Everyone is ------ under the law.


(053) We decided to ------ the dinner party.

(054) I am happy to ------ your invitation.

(055) A smile does not always ------ happiness.

(056) The concert will be ------ live tomorrow.

(B broadcast

(057) We are working to ------ forest fires.

(058) The train is ------ the station.

(059) How much does it cost to ------ a book?

(060) The economy is beginning to ------ .


(061) I called the restaurant to make a ------ .

(062) The ------ features 250 works of contemporary art.

(063) She was promoted to the ------ of school principal..

(064) The conference was held in a friendly ------ .


(17)~(24)の準備学習と答合わせには 異次元の高速スコアアップを可能にするTOEIC240第3章(3)をご覧ください。

(065) Please ------ seat belt while you are seated.

(066) How can we ------ the earth and its resources?

(067) Why are you ------ for this position?

(068) The government ------ tax hikes.


(069) I am not ------ with this neighborhood.

(070) She was ------ in business.

(071) He had spent his ------ life in Africa as a doctor.

(072) This hotel has no ------ rooms.


(073) The ------ was written in English..

(074) The TV program has lost ------ in recent years.

(075) He missed the ------ for a promotion.

(076) For a ------ , you must return the item unopened.


(077) They ------ the books according to size.

(078) Many studies show that ------ is a risk factor for both smoking and drinking.

(079) This is a car ------ from Germany.

(080) The costs of ------ a private school vary widely.


(081) Can I cancel an ------ before shipping ?

(082) I'd like to hire him as a ------.

(083) What's your annual ------ ?

(084) I bought the car at a 10% ------ .


(085)She had the car ------ by a mechanic before she bought it.

(086) Exercise ------ health.

(087) I ------ her to consult a doctor.

(088) This bad weather will ------ the crops.


(089) He puts his family before his ------ .

(090) The problem is ------ of funds.

(091) She claimed to be an ------ in finance.

(092) Stress can have an enormous ------ on our health.


(093) The earth is small ------ with the sun.

(094) We want to ------ students to read more.

(095) We are ------ by our environment.

(096) In 2021, Japan ------ roughly 1.22 million used automobiles.


(25)~(32)の準備学習と答合わせには 異次元の高速スコアアップを可能にするTOEIC240第3章(4)をご覧ください。

(097) Do you know the ------ of eating fish?

(098) There are always a lot of ------ on this road.

(099) I think we should ignore Mary’s ------.

(100) What is your------ towards customers satisfaction?


(101) A sales ------ details all your business's sales activities.

(102) Mass ------ reduced the price of many goods.

(103) Common ------ is not always evidence-based.

(104) India has a ------ of more than 1 billion.


(105) This custom is ------ to China.

(106) These shoes are not ------ for walking.

(107) We find advertising on the television very ------ .

(108) He wasn't able to give me a ------ explanation for his behavior.


(109) I tried to ------ Mary to go home.

(110) He ------ a large fortune when his uncle died.

(111) Should I ------ a hotel online or call?

(112) She was ------ to the headquarters in Tokyo.


(113) She ------ some wine into a glass.

(114) The police officer asked the witness to ------ the situation as accurately as possible.

(115) I asked Tom to help me ------ a farewell party for Mary.

(116) The police ------ the woods for the missing child.


(117) They ------ their departure because of the storm.

(118) Almost all the workers ------ to working on holidays.

(119) Harvard University was ------ in 1636.

(120) ------ price with customers is a crucial skill for sales representatives.


(121) I appreciate your ------ .

(122) The owner of a company can choose to appoint a ------ .

(123) What ------ contribute to climate change?

(124) Do you know her ------ ?


(125) Our lives are ------ by our environment.

(126) She has ------ many hardships so far.

(127) I wanted to ------ in the discussion.

(128) The advertisement ------ to be effective.


(33)~(40)の準備学習と答合わせには 異次元の高速スコアアップを可能にするTOEIC240第3章(5)をご覧ください。

(129) Let's conserve our limited water ------ .

(130) Which type of people prefer to use an ------ seat on a plane?

(131) Germany shares a ------ with France.

(132) A minimum ------ is the lowest ------ per hour that a worker may be paid.


(133) How long will it take to ------ my order?

(134) I really ------ your help.

(135) Please refrain from ------ your inquiries directly to the event venue.

(136) Thomas Edison ------ the light bulb.


(137) The trend of wealthy couples opting for ------ bedrooms is nothing new .

(138) It's ------ that Mary is just pretending to be asleep.

(139) I want to quit my ------ job.

(140) Not all the books are ------ reading.


(141) The company is ------ a salesperson.

(142) Applicants are requested to ------ their resumes.

(143) Would you ------ me to your boss?

(144) ------ climate change will require radical changes in lifestyles.


(145) She has to carry out her ------ .

(146) Please fill in the application ------ , all of the items.

(147) He came up with a ------ to the problem.

(148) The company is trying to cut down on ------ .


(149) Please ------ seated until the plane comes to a complete stop.

(150) We regret to ------ you that the position has now been filled.

(151) Police are responsible for ------ criminal investigations.

(152) How does hydrogen and oxygen ------ to form water?


(153) All ------ to London are delayed because of bad weather.

(154) I am glad to accept your ------ to the banquet.

(155) Stock investments do not always yield ------ .

(156) They adopted a new ------ of teaching English.


(157) The restaurant ------ excellent Indian cuisine.

(158) All children under the age of 13 must be ------ by an adult.

(159) We need to ------ renewable energy sources.

(160) She is old enough to ------ between fact and fantasy.


(41)~(48)の準備学習と答合わせには 異次元の高速スコアアップを可能にするTOEIC240第3章(6)をご覧ください。

(161) She ------ the truck with sand.

(162) He wasn't ------ as a great writer until after his death.

(163) Japan is a country that is completely ------ by oceans.

(164) Trees help to ------ carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.


(165) Does Harvard offer a ------ in architecture?

(166) Her ------ is similar to mine.

(167) The doctor prescribed ------ for the patient.

(168) Rainfall is abundant in this ------ .


(169) What is the easiest way to ------ electricity?

(170) The doctor ------ the patient's eyes.

(171) In ------ data effectively, you should focus on conveying key ideas or insights.

(172) ------ a car gives you the flexibility to drive to a nearby city or attraction outside of Tokyo.


(173) A new bridge is under ------ .

(174) We arrived at our ------ ahead of schedule.

(175) We give 10 % discount for cash ------ .

(176) People vary greatly in their ------ of life.


(177) It is important to ------ the same high level of productivity.

(178) How can we ------ money for a person or family in need?

(179) She ------ the company five years ago.

(180) How do I ------ my profit and minimize loss?


(181) Complimentary ------ shuttle bus service is available.

(182) ------ technology has made our lives more comfortable.

(183) Her novel is not historically ------.

(184) There is a very ------ rule forbidding smoking on the street.


(185) Why is it so hard to ------ earthquakes?

(186) It isn't worth ------ this car.

(187) To be able to drive in Japan, you must ------ a Japanese driver's license.

(188) I am seriously ------ changing careers.


(189) We shouldn't ------ others by their appearances.

(190) He was ------ to the president of the company in 2020.

(191) She saw herself ------ in the water.

(192) How do I automatically ------ email to another address?


(41)~(60)の準備学習と答合わせには 異次元の高速スコアアップを可能にするTOEIC240第3章(7)をご覧ください。

(193) This factory ------ 800 automobiles a day.

(194) He ------ the plan with several colleagues.

(195) Please ------ that prices and specifications may change in the future.

(196) Everyone ------ her as a great singer.


(197) He is studying to be a mechanical ------ .

(198) The ------ is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. tomorrow.

(199) There are numerous ------ to prevent traffic accidents.

(200) There is no ------ of life beyond Earth.


(201) He didn't ------ the reason for being late.

(202) I ------ to buy food produced in their local area.

(203) Could you ------ a good hotel in London?

(204) Prices have been ------ by 10 to 20 percent.


(205)Do you know why she is ------ from school?

(206)The climate here is very ------ to that of Japan.

(207)I bought this secondhand car for a ------ price.

(208)The new government is in ------ difficulties.


(209)Do you need a car to live in the Chicago ------ ?

(210)Manufacturing ------ is the maximum production that a factory is capable of.

(211)Do I need ------ to park here?

(212)Consumers have a positive attitude towards products made from recycled ------ .

(D) capacity

(213)Health is more important than ------ .

(214)If it had not been for your ------, I would have failed.

(215)Does the ------ of a business impact its productivity?

(216)For me, money is only the ------ to an end.


(217)Swimming is not ------ in this river.

(218)My boss ------ me for my diligence.

(219)You can ------ the screen color and brightness manually or automatically.

(220)We ------ to deliver the products on time.


(221)The train was very ------.

(222)Freedom of expression is a ------ human right.

(223)This hotel is ------ to the station.

(224)We searched everywhere for the ------ child.


(225)The ------ recognized her at once.

(226)She is carrying out ------ in her laboratory.

(227)There's a ------ of housing in the region.

(228)The ------ of the heart is to pump blood.


(229) The country ------ its independence in 1776.

(230) What time is her plane ------ to leave?

(231) Can solar energy ------ fossil fuels?

(232) She assured us of her ability to ------ the problem.


(233) He had the ------ of a good education.

(234) According to the weather ------ , it will snow tomorrow.

(235) We celebrate our wedding ------ annually.

(236) The real estate ------ situation is difficult to predict.



(237) I can’t put up with the way he ------ .

(238) Tom ------ an alarm system in his office.

(239) Smoking is ------ in the building.

(240) Japanese driver's licenses are ------ by the prefectural government's public safety commissions.

(A) install
(B) issue
(C) ban
(D) behave

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