


2012年06月29日 | VOAのやさしい記事で攻略するTOEICPart6
 著作権を放棄しているVOAというアメリカ国営放送のサイトの記事からTOEICPart6スタイルの練習問題を作成して公開しています。以下はUS New Home Sales Advanceという記事から作成しました。

The demand for newly built homes in the U.S. is growing, a signal that the moribund housing industry may be (1)(locating : emerging : gathering : seeking) from the depths of its downturn over the last several years.

The government said Monday that new home sales in May reached an annual pace of 369,000, more than a 7 percent jump over April and the highest (2)(priority : opportunity : behavior : figure) in two years. The pace, however, is still well below the five-decade average of 671,000 sales.

Home construction and sales of all housing in the U.S. have (3)(proved : attempted : followed : allowed) to be the most vulnerable sector of the U.S. economy, the world's largest, as it sluggishly advances from the country's worst economic downturn since the 1930s.

Banks (4)(made : gave : left : took) control of millions of homes in foreclosures when their owners, many of whom had lost their jobs, could no longer make their monthly loan (5)(components : accommodations : regulations : payments). With a glut of foreclosed homes on the market, sales of both new and existing homes have dropped sharply.

But housing prices have started to climb again, with the government saying (6)(what : that : how : when) the median price for new homes in May was $234,500.

※解答(1)emerging (2)figure (3)proved (4)took (5)payments (6)that
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