


2013年04月07日 | VOAから作成した英検&大学入試対策問題
 以下はEgyptian Court Drops Lawsuit to Ban Comedy Showという記事から作成しました。/で区切られている部分は整序し、下線部にはアルファベットを加えて文脈に合った単語を完成してください。

An Egyptian court has dropped a lawsuit demanding a television show hosted by a popular political satirist be banned for allegedly (1) in_______________ Islam and President Mohamed Morsi.

The judge said Saturday the plaintiff had no legal standing in the case.

A Muslim Brotherhood lawyer had filed a suit against satirist Bassem Youssef, (2)(his / mocks / saying / show ) Morsi and Islamist principles and contains "sexual innuendo." The lawyer also called for the (3) su_______________ of the TV station that airs the show, Capital Broadcasting Center.

Another Brotherhood (4) la_______________ told the Associated Press the plaintiff filed the suit on his own, without involving the Islamist group.

The Muslim Brotherhood is Morsi's political party.

Last month, Youssef was arrested and questioned by police before being (5) re_______________ on bail.

Opposition groups say Egypt's government is intensifying its crackdown on dissent and is thus risking the safety of freedom of (6) ex_______________.

In other news, Egyptian security sources say five people were killed (7)(between / in / Muslims / clashes) and Christians in the town of Khusus near Cairo. The sources say four Christians were among the dead.

The (8)(late / clashes / out / broke) Friday when Christian children drew on the wall of a Muslim religious institute. At least six people were wounded.

※解答(1)insulting (2)(saying his show mocks) (3)suspension (4)lawyer (5)released (6)expression(7)(in clashes between Muslims) (8)(clashes broke out late).

 上記記事に登場するarrestをオンラインで無料で使えるロングマン英英辞典で調べると、if the police arrest someone, the person is taken to a police station because the police think they have done something illegalと定義されています。「arrest=逮捕する」と英和式で覚えるよりも効率的なのは一目瞭然でしょう。
english x english
english x english

001(    )(得る)(      )(楽しみを)
(    )(something)(何かから)= (     )楽しむ

002 form(作る)(    )(      )(画像を)
(    )(something)(何かの)(    )your mind(人の頭の中に)= (       )想像する

003 get(得る)knowledge or (     )(知識や技能を)
(    )(    )(    )subject or activity
(新しい学科や活動の中で)= (      )習う

004 become a member(一員になる)
(   )(something)(何かの)(    )(    )a club,
company, or other organization(例えばクラブや会社や他の組織の= (     )加入する

005(    )(移動する)(    )(より近くへ)
(   )(someone) or something(誰か,あるいは何かの)= (       )近づく

006rest(休める)your mind and body(自分の心と体を)(    )(    )(    )(    )(自分の目が閉じられた状態で), usually while lying down(通常は横になっている間に)= (    )

007stay(とどまる)on the surface(表面に)
of (   )(    )(液体の)(     )(     )(沈まないで)= (     )浮く

008(    )(    )(    )(止めて保持する)
(something)(何かを)that is moving(それは動いている), especially in the hands(特に手で)
= (    )捕らえる

009 have(持っている)(something)(何かを)
(    )(    )(     )(自分の体に接触して)
= (      )身につけている

010go(行く)from (    )(     )(一つの所から)
(  )(     )(別の所へ)
= (     )移動[旅行]する

011 take(持って行く)(something)(何かを)
(    )(    )(       )place(依頼された場所へ)
= (       )配達する

012 bring(もっていく)(    )(    )(自分の手を)
(   )someone or something(誰か, あるいは何かにぶつけるように)quickly and hard(素早くそして強く)= (     )たたく

001 get(得る)pleasure(楽しみを)from something(何かから)=enjoy(楽しむ)
002 form(作る)a picture(画像を)of something(何かの)in your mind(人の頭の中に)
003 get(得る)knowledge or skill(知識や技能を)in a new subject or activity(新しい学科や活動の中で)=learn(習う)
004 become a member(一員になる)of something(何かの)such as a club,
company, or other organization(例えばクラブや会社や他の組織の)=join(加入する)
005 move(移動する)closer(より近くへ)to someone or something(誰か,あるいは何かの)
006 rest(休める)your mind and body(自分の心と体を)with your eyes closed(自
分の目が閉じられた状態で), usually while lying down(通常は横になっている間に)=sleep(眠る)
007 stay(とどまる)on the surface(表面に)of a liquid(液体の)without sinking(沈まないで)
008 stop and hold(止めて保持する)something(何かを)that is moving(それは動いている), especially in the hands(特に手で)=catch(捕らえる)
009 have(持っている)something(何かを)on your body(自分の体に接触して)=wear(身につけている)
010 go(行く)from one place(一つの所から)to another(別の所へ)=travel(移動[旅行]する)
011 take(持って行く)something(何かを)to the requested place(依頼された場所へ)
012 bring(もっていく)your hand(自分の手を)against someone or something(誰か, あるいは何かにぶつけるように)quickly and hard(素早くそして強く)=hit(たたく)
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