


2022年03月04日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英日ディクテーション
大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube画像を公開しています。

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(129)~(144)

(129)something that you have to do (     )(     )(    ) a job=(      )任務
After he joined the travel agency, he worked hard to (           )向上させる his English
in order to (        )(     )実行する his *(         ) more (          )効果的に.

(130)(    )(      )(    )一連のsteps inside a building that (      )可能にするyou to go from one (       ) to another=(       )階段
The old lady was (      )(     )(         )息が切れたfrom climbing up the *(       ).

(131)the (     ) that you (      )稼ぐ(     ) working=(     )収入
Seniors-(     )(       ) (      ) their (      )源of *(      )
- often (        )苦労する to (      )(    )(      )収支を合わせる.

(132)the (    )行為of (       )破壊するsomething=(         )破壊
All countries that are (          )加担しているto the *(          ) of rainforests should begin their own (       )努力 to (        )保護するthem.

(133)the process of cutting into a (        )患者のbody to (        )除去する, (        )取りかえる, or (       )修復する a damaged part
=(       )手術
My mother is making a fast (         )回復 after the *(       ) on her knee last week.

(134)a (       ) that you experience (     ) one of your five (    )五感=(        )感覚
What insect bite (        )起こす a burning *(         )?

(135)the ideas and activities (        )(      )…に関係する getting and using (     )権力 in a country=(       )政治
Did the result of the (          )(         )総選挙of July 1993
(       )(       )もたらす important (         )影響on Japanese *(         )?

(136)(       )価値ある(         )物品 such as paintings or (        )古代の(        )文書=(         )宝物
Should cultural *(        ) be returned to their country of (       )起源?

(137) (         )振る舞うin a kind and (      ) way=(         )友好的な
Fred and I once had a *(         )(        )議論 (         ) which makes a better pet, a dog or a cat.

(138)very surprising and (     ) you (    )(         )喜びor (         )称賛=(      )驚くべき
Walking into an electronics store today, consumers are (       )直面させられる
with an *(        ) (        ) of audio technology.

(139) (        ) to (    ) more than the (       )量that is usual or (         )予想される=(       )気前のいい
Everyone was (         )失望させられたto hear that she had (     )(       )断るthe *(       ) offer.

(140) (      ) to see, (        )気づく, or understand=(       )明白な
It is *(         ) that a big mistake was made in (        )計算するthe costs of the project.

(141)to (     ) an (       )影響(    ) a situation=(      )影響する
The (       )議論over how technology *(       ) jobs is as old as the (        )工業の(    )時代 itself.

(142)to (         ) being (        ) with someone who has done something (         )
and stop (          )責める them=(      )許す
Many people think they are ready to *(          ), but want an (          ) 謝罪 first.

(143)to (        )定期的に(    ) money to use something that (        )属する to someone else=(      )賃借する
(   )(      )(    )…に関わらず rising home costs, buying still (      )まさる *(      ).

(144)to (       ) something that (      )属するto someone else without (          )許可
and without the (        )意図 to return it=(       )盗む
What should I do if my wallet is lost or *(       )?

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(145)~(160)

(145)to (         ) something=(        )必要とする
He was able to teach sports which often *(         ) a lot of (        )強さ and (         )忍耐.

(146)to (    ) something (       )大声で=(      )叫ぶ
I don't (      )気にするif you disagree with me, but I (      )反対するto being (      ) at.

(147)to (     ) on the (      )表面 (       ) a liquid without (      )沈む=(       )浮く
People can *(     ) in (     )普通のwater, but since salt water is even denser, it is even easier to float in the Dead Sea.

(148)to (    ) something to (     )楽しませるan (      )観衆=(         )演じる
Dance is *(          ) for a (         )(     )さまざまな purposes.

(149)a picture or (      ) 形used to (     ) 表すsomething=(       )象徴
Images of elephants are *(       ) of good (        )運in both India and Mexico.

(150)the (       )一般的な(    ) 気象conditions (   ) a place=(      )気候
The (       )大部分 of the regions with Mediterranean *(      )have (       )比較的にmild winters and very warm summers.

(151)the (    )行為 of (    )選ぶsomeone for a public office by (    )投票=(       )選挙
The *(       ) is one of the key (         ) 要素of a democratic (      )国家.

(152)a large (       ) 量(    )(    ) that (      )覆う an area that is usually dry=(      )洪水
Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very short (      ) that (     )(   )…の結果になる*(       ).

(153)something (     )(     ) a box or bowl that can (    ) something=(       )容器
The refund will (        )奨励するpeople to (         ) drink *(          ).

(154)all (       )人間(        )(    ) one group=(       )人類
The most important (      )機能of animals to *(      ) is probably as a (      )提供者of food.

(155)(       )個人的なopinions (     ) something=(       )見方
A college education will (        )可能にするyou to get a broader *(       ) of the world.

(156)strong (    )決意to do something that you have (   )決めたto do=(       )意志
Strong *(     ) is the most (       )不可欠な(      )資質 for anyone who wants to achieve success.

(157)most (      )適した for a particular (       )目的=(     )理想的な
A role model is an (      ) person whom we (     )称賛するand aspire to be like.

(158)(         )存在するor happening before something that you are (    )(    ) now=(         )以前の
No *(         ) experience is (         )必要なfor this job.

(159) (    ) the usual (        )特徴of a particular group or thing=(        )典型的な
A bowl of steamed rice is (       )含まれたin *(        )Japanese meals.

(160)(      )達成するwhat was (      )意図された=(        )成功した
The meeting was *(         ) (    )(      ) ~だけれどもno clear (         )結論 was reached.

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