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2010-03-14 08:02:06 | Weblog
* UPDATE March 13: Our boat will be diverting to Fanning Island to pick up some passengers for Christmas Island. We expect a delay of 2 or 3 days. This will probably reduce the time on some islands.
* Feb 22: Callsigns issued – T32MI Malden Island, T32VI Vostok Island, T32CI Caroline Island, T32SI Starbuck Island.
* Feb 16, 2010: 9M6DXX joins the T32 IOTA team.
* Feb 12, 2010: Website now available.

Major IOTA Dxpedition to the Southern Line Islands lead by Nils-Göran Persson, SM6CAS. The team comprises Nils – SM6CAS, Steve – G4EDG, Mike – K9AJ and Derek – G3KHZ plus 5 Kiribati Government officers. They will sail on the SV Kwai from Kiritimati approximately 17 March, 2010 returning Kiritimati approx one month later.

IOTA activity is planned from:

* OC-279 Malden Island
* OC-280 Starbuck Island
* OC-281 Caroline Island
* OC-282 Vostok Island

These 4 uninhabited IOTA groups have never been activated.

T31 cancelled

2010-03-14 07:14:37 | Weblog
from 425DX news

OPERATION CANCELLED (T31) ---> It is with great regret that David/K3LP
(Co-Leader) and Hrane/YT1AD (Leader) must inform the DX Community that
after 16 months of planning, their DXpedition to Canton Island
(www.yt1ad.info/t31/), slated for 11 days in October 2010, will be
cancelled. "We planned 6 stations fully equipped for HF plus two additional
stations for UHF/VHF/Satellite plus 13-14 operators", they say. "Our goal
was to make 100,000 plus QSOs much like our N8S, Swains Island DXpedition
in 2006. This decision is based on the announcement by the T31X team
planned for June 2010. Unfortunately, it is cheaper to send a smaller crew
with three radios and two amplifiers. In light of this recent announcement,
the total cost of the trip versus the uniqueness will evaporate prior to
our arrival. For this reason, we will pick another location for a future
date. Minus some team member partial cash contributions and planned
equipment sponsors, there were no cash donations made that need to be
refunded. We will forfeit our $40K cash deposit on the boat and seek other
places in 2011"

CE0Z & ZA cancelled

2010-03-14 07:12:59 | Weblog
from 425DX news

OPERATIONS CANCELLED (CE0Z & ZA) ---> Harald, LA9SN has had to cancel his
16-25 March activity from Juan Fernandez because of the recent tsunami
that hit the island. Also, Frank/F4DTO and Patrick/F4GFE have cancelled
their 15-24 April activity from Albania - their home was flooded when the
Xynthia storm devastated western France in late February.

3C0C delay.......

2010-03-14 07:08:15 | Weblog
Today we received a statement from Equatorial Guinea where we are told that the coming days, they will start some repairs on the runway on Annobón and therefore can not enter or leave on any flights from the island.

It seems that there is hope that the work will last two to three months. Although we are prepared to leave for Africa at any time, we are forced to delay our stay at Annobón until work on the runway is completed.

Access to the island of Annobón is by air, since the sea is of great difficulty, slow and without regularity.

All news, information will be posted on our site, we hope you all understand these problems are beyond our control.
We want Annobón 3C0C to be activated as soon as possible

Thank you on behalf of the entire team Annobón 2010

Team 3C0C Annobón island 2010