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A33A on the air

2010-03-15 07:24:22 | Weblog
from OPDX news

A3, TONGA (Update/Pacific Tout Continues). Hugh, K6HFA, is on his second
leg of his South Pacific tour (see OPDX.948/950) and is now active as
A33A until April 2nd. Remember he plans to activate IOTAs OC-049, OC-064
and OC-123. He is now on OC-049. Activity will be on CW, SSB and possibly
RTTY using 100 watts into a multi-band vertical antenna (for 80-15m).
Look for him on the IOTA frequencies or possibly other frequencies. Hugh
plans to call by areas (EU, NA, SA, ASIA... etc..) per propagation. QSL
via K6HFA. His next stops will be:
Wallis (FW)- April 6-­12th; IOTA OC-054
Tuvalu (T2)- April 13-­21st; IOTA OC-015
Fiji (3D2) - April 23­-26th; IOTA OC-016 or OC-156


2010-03-15 07:22:52 | Weblog
from OPDX news

3C0, ANNOBON ISLAND (Update/Delay)
The following was announced on March 12th, about a delay for the April 3C0C DXpedition (edited): "Today we received a statement from Equatorial Guinea where we are told that in the coming days they will start some repairs on the runway on Annobon, and therefore; np one can not enter or leave on any flights from the island. It seems that there is hope that the work will last two to three months. Although we are prepared to leave for Africa at any time, we are forced to delay our stay at Annobon until work on the runway is completed. Access to the island of Annobon is by air since the sea is of great difficulty, slow and without regularity. All news and information will be posted on our site; we hope you all understand these problems are beyond our control. We want Annobon 3C0C to be activated as soon as possible. Thank you on behalf of the entire 2010 3C0C Annobon Island Team." For more details and updates, visit the 3C0C Web page at: